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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

he most pressing Asian foreign policy issue currently faced by the U.S. is the Taiwan question. The email we receive in reaction to our articles relating to this issue suggests that it's an emotional one for many of our readers. Perhaps one reason for the emotion is the fact that the issue isn't amenable to an easy or simple solution.
     The first historical mention of Taiwan appears to have been when Portugese traders found it to be a resting place on their journey to Japan and named it Isla Formosa. Beijing's claim to Taiwan dates back to the 16th century when a Chinese general fought off the Portugese to claim the island for the emperor. In 1895 the expansion-minded Japanese annexed it after defeating China in a war on the Corean peninsula. China briefly reestablished sovereignty over Taiwan following Japan's defeat in August of 1945.
     At the time the official government of China, as recognized by most nations of the world, was under the control of the Kuomingtang headed by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. He was engaged in a desperate war against Mao Tse-tung's peasant army. Despite billions of dollars of aid by the U.S. based mainly on intensely partisan reporting by Henry Luce's Time/Life empire, the spectacularly corrupt Chiang lost that war and fled to Taiwan with 2.5 million followers.
     He established the present government of Taiwan on December 7, 1949 and proclaimed it the sole legitimate government of all China. Mao made the same claim. The claims competed until 1971 when it became clear to most of the world that Mao's was more persuasive. Taiwan was kicked out of the UN. The Beijing government took its place as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a seat given in recognition of China's role in fighting Japan in World War II.
     Mired in its own misguided war in Vietnam, and intensely fearful of anything red, the U.S. was one of the last nations to recognize the legitimacy of Mao's government. In 1972 Richard Nixon made his historic journey to Beijing. In 1976 the U.S. took the next step by recognizing the People's Republic as China's sole legitimate government. It began pursuing the "One China, One Taiwan" policy under which official diplomatic contacts were exclusively with Beijing but continued to sell billions of dollars a year of fighter jets, helicopters, tanks and missiles to Taiwan to help defend against a possible Chinese effort to refunify by force.
     In 1997 President Clinton declared a "strategic partnership" with Beijing over intense Republican objections. It was an astute recognition of the fact that China's 1.2 billion people must be accorded a central place in U.S. foreign policy. But the historic, moral and economic ties that bind the U.S. to Taiwan's 23 million people stand squarely in the way of cutting off arms sales and renouncing the pact under which the U.S. obliged itself to come to Taiwan's defense in the event of attack by China. That U.S. pledge and continuing arms sales continue to inflame Beijing to periodic bursts of violent anti-U.S. rhetoric.
     Taiwan has been a domocracy since 1989 when it legalized opposition parties. It held its first democratic presidential elections in 1990. Lee Teng-hui handily won to keep the presidency which he had originally gained in 1988. Lee won again in 1996. Since 1997 he began efforts to warm up relations with Beijing by agreeing to enter into negotiations under a "One-China" framework with an eye toward eventual reunification. Beijing's leaders continued their highly successful campaign of pressuring diplomatic partners into severing ties with Taiwan. China even raised hell when Lee made a semi-surreptitious trip to New York in 1997. Since then China has scared neighborning nations like the Philippines into not allowing Lee to enter. As of 1999 Taiwan's diplomatic allies number about 18 out of about 220 nations on earth. All are tiny, impoverished Central American, African and Pacific Island nations that appreciate Taiwan's generous aid packages. Pago Pago is considered a major ally.
     Feisty Lee Teng-hui launched his own guerilla offensive in July, 1999 by declaring over German radio that Taiwan was in fact a separate state and would negotiate with Beijing on an equal footing. That sent Beijing into a tizzy. It fired off bombastic threats to take Taiwan by force and to annhilate the U.S. Navy if it intervenes. On October 18 during his British visit Chinese President Jiang Zemin assumed a softer, more relaxed tone in telling a London newspaper that China would be peacefully reunited with Taiwan under a one-nation two-systems formula by the middle of the next century. One might have expected Lee to have been relieved by that statement. Instead, he brushed it aside as "a hoax". China should try instead to set a timetable for its democratization as that was the only way to ensure reunification, sneered Lee's Mainland Affairs Council chairman Su Chi. Most polls show that a clear majority of Taiwanese prefer to maintain the status quo indefinitely rather than moving toward unification.
     Beijing's reunification mandate appears based on the idea that in winning the mainland, the Chinese people had rejected the "criminal" Kuomingtang and its right to rule any part of China. It also sees Taiwan as a galling symbol of the division wrought and preserved by western imperialists -- namely, the U.S. -- seeking to enjoy global hegemony at the expense of Chinese dignity.
     Meanwhile the U.S. remains on the hook to defend Taiwan and sell it arms though doing so keeps its relations with a quarter of humanity rocky and on edge. Under its current policy the U.S. is the asbestos firewall that keeps friction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait from igniting into war.
     Should the U.S. continue alienating Beijing to help Taiwan protect its independence or improve relations with China by pressuring Taiwan to reunite?

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hey ac dropout I support all the things you say about china and taiwan, all the posters who are against you are TOO whitewashed or from countries who dosent want china to be powerful in the region, heck in another 20-30 yrs Ill probably retire to china and live very comfortably indeed....
britishbornchinese    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 20:53:40 (PST)    []
Anaheim Native,

Did you just shave your head recently and loose too much blood? Because you are not making much sense. First you developed your own English grammer when addressing me.

Then you insult my tech know how by thinking I would ever use AOL...

But lastly your ebonics make no sense.

I think you've been on this board more than myself if you read all my post. So what other IDs of yours have I smacked around that you have to use this new one?

"-The PRC's economy is equivalent to the U.S."

Never stated this

"-Communism has done more for Chinese than capitalism has done for Americans."

This should make obvious sense only to a moron like yourself. I would never make an obvious logical error by comparing Government philosophy with Economic philosophy. Go through my posting again.

"-Taiwan is the one bullying China."

Of course when a Taiwanese general threating to kill million of mainlanders, he's doing it only for fun and not serious.

"-The starvation of millions of Chinese is no big deal. China has so many people, who cares if a few of them died?"

I never ever made this comment or referred to the death of fellow Chinese as no big deal. Find that quote in any of my post. I demand an apologize if you cannot locate any evidence by your next post.

"-He bashes the US and praises China so much yet he lives in the good ole democratic states (or so he says) instead of the wonderful PRC."

I point out similar incidents in the USA whenever people one sidely point out injustices in China. As if we in the USA don't commit the same injustices. That has been my stance all along.

Aside from that I have been diligently trying to get people to focus on Taiwan on this board.

However, ignorant people like yourself find it necessary to talk about China and USA on this board. What USA highschool textbooks doesn't have a chapter on Taiwan....
AC Dropout    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 13:58:47 (PST)    []

Even though China is not the sole provider...Companies have been investing a lot to put their factories in China. Those type of investments will not go away at a whim. They will be there for at least 10 years.

There are cheap labor the world over. But only China has the right "chemistry" to make it work.

South/central America has poor work ethics and civil instabilties.

India has an overall lack of coastal development.

Africa is very unstable.

Eastern Europe is extremely corrupt.

China overall in terms of work ethics, corruption, economy, quality is the leader on the planet. Even before all the leading economist in the West agree with me, my family already saw the potential.

Look I'm not here to put down USA or ROC. I'm just pointing to the undeniable fact: If you want to make a lot of money in the next 5 years, you have to be connected to China somehow.

This holds true to Taiwan as well. They can be rich and calculate their political end game with China. Or they can be poor and calculate their political end game with China.

If you been following my post, I always prefer to be rich. Not relatively rich based on the national GDP....but real rich.
AC Dropout    Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 13:41:49 (PST)    []
I think the problem most of us Chinese people have with Taiwanese independence is that they deny their Chinese heritage while embracing Japan, forgetting how many of our common ancestors were slaughtered by the Japanese during the war. I'm one for forgiveness but Taiwanese should at least acknowledge this fact.

Another big reason about why the population of the island can't agree unanimously for independence is the "Taiwanese" peoples own fault. A fair percentage of the population is like my own family who immigrated there from the mainland during the communist takeover. But the people there have always labeled us as "mainlanders", racistly making it harder for us to get jobs etc. ignoring the fact that Taiwan would be part of the PRC today if us "mainlanders", like Chang Kai Shek had never fled there with our money and weapons. There is no difference between Taiwanese and Mainlanders but perhaps the Taiwanese peoples ancestors immigrated there a few hundred years earlier. If the Taiwanese want independence they will first have to unify the population and stop the racism.

They're nuts if they think anyone would defend them in a war with China. Why would the US defend Taiwan if all China had to do to destroy the US was to launch a few nukes, and i think they would too if the US were to be fighting China and winning. I think the government here is smart enough to know that if China decides to invade Taiwan, Taiwan would be part of the PRC before US battleships would even be halfway there and all US weapons sold to Taiwan would be in China's possesion. Maybe this is why the US only sells used outdated weapons to Taiwan.

Sure, China's got its fair share of problems, but Taiwan has just as many.
ROC "dreaming"    Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 11:57:47 (PST)    []
Those aren't my comments.

Are chinese farm products better, or just much, much cheaper? China's economy is built on dumping (Do you know what that means?).
The way Japan's system works, the farmers actually have a disproportionate level of power to influence gov't polcies. So since they can, of course they're going to cover their own butts. It's called survival.

China doesn't hold a monopoly on anything, so I don't know why everyone thinks China is the sole provider of this and that and the world would be in dire straits w/o China. Pathetic.
huu76    Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 06:59:37 (PST)    []
China isn't the only country with cheap labour. Ever heard of India?
Who's keeping Russia, China, the Middle East and Asia from picking fights with weaker or equal neighbours? I think it's that overwhelmingly powerful democracy called the United States of America (you know, the one that entertains the UN and plays by the rules while the UN protects those that don't). Do you really think the Arabs and Israelis will find a peaceful solution once the Jews lose their protecter? You'll have France and the Soviet Union jumping in after trying to carve out their own interests too.

You know, only the West really celebrates Christmas for what it is.
huu76    Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 06:48:54 (PST)    []
PRC Dreaming,

To AC,

-The PRC's economy is equivalent to the U.S.

-Communism has done more for Chinese than capitalism has done for Americans.

-Taiwan is the one bullying China.

-The starvation of millions of Chinese is no big deal. China has so many people, who cares if a few of them died?

-He bashes the US and praises China so much yet he lives in the good ole democratic states (or so he says) instead of the wonderful PRC.

If this is not enough to make him a joke, I don't what is. He's obviously trying to fool some gullible people. He's probably some commie official sent here by the PRC to spread propaganda. They have those all over AOL you know. Think about it, he's on these boards more than anyone, he tries so hard to get people to believe all of his little lies but always fails and gets clowned on for it. Just read some of the other things he's said on these boards.
Anaheim Native    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 20:25:30 (PST)    []
El Truth,

You keep harping on cargo containers and jumping ships. Let's go through this. How many have done this? What are numbers?

Are you even sure this is even true. Ever met a person who came to the USA via this method. Besides a few news report 5 years ago about this, there is almost no news about this anymore. Could be a myth. Just like the Jewish Holocaust could be a myth. Your KKK study sheet should have this covered somewhere.

Just like your fabrication of even having an education.

But honestly based on your posting you never lived in a large city like NYC or LA. Or you would know there are a lot of illegal immigrants from Japan and Germany as well.

And as I mentioned before perhaps it is because those countries are not our idealogical competitor anymore that negative news is not as interesting. Poli need to take a polygraph test....hahaha.
AC Dropout    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 11:11:00 (PST)    []
El Truth,

Touched a fragile nerve, that you id needed to take another identity, if you believe in Frued.

Look it is obvious you are heading for a life long career in Mcky D. There are mainlander not associated with the CCP who have more money than you will make in your life time.

I know trailer trash like yourself need to look down on someone to compensate for low self esteem. So having never left the trailer park, you choose China. A place you have never even been or lived.

Good luck with your studies....comp sci? You can barely cut and paste correctly.
AC Dropout    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 10:49:06 (PST)    []
The Truth,

Learn HTML or put my stuff in quotes. It's a pain in the butt reading your post as it is.

"Why do you think Taiwanese people have tried so hard to disassociate itself from the mainland to the point where they have even denied their own culture and heritage?"

Because they are power hungry on Taiwan. People in Power will always make up some nonsense to remain in power. If you really understand the history of ROC and PRC. Communism and Benevolent Dictorship were not at the heart of the issue. The USA supported the Benevolent Dictor, remember....

Probably not since your probably a few years younger than me if your worry about exams.

No need to insult you. You do a pretty good job of insulting yourself on the web. With all your backtracking and hypocracy.

Good luck maintaining that 2.0 average white boy. hahahaha.
AC Dropout    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 10:41:54 (PST)    []
PRC "Dreaming",

Your citizenship, your call. I would recommend a lot of research on your part if you plan to immigrate to PRC properly.

Most people accustomed to the USA would probably not make it in the PRC. It so competitive over there. Only the strongest and smartest make it.

Look at half the people who post against me. They would be eaten up alive in the PRC business environment.

AC Dropout    Friday, December 06, 2002 at 10:35:02 (PST)    []