Asian Air 



o generalization does justice to the infinite variety of character types among Asian Americans. There is simply no way to distinguish us from any other American ethnic group. Really? Please move on to another page.
     Let's start by acknowledging at least that in fact generalizations do exist about traits thought to be prevalent among Asian Americans.
     Some are the goofy kind based entirely on media stereotypes -- passive, nerdy, diligent, sneaky, etc. Others are conclusions formed by us Asian Americans based on years of experience and observation. Who better to evaluate our traits against those of our fellow Americans? Most of us live and work side by side on a daily basis with the broadest possible spectrum of humanity. Unlike Asians across the ocean, our opinions of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics aren't based on those annoying Hollywood stereotypes. And unlike Hollywood scriptwriters, we don't see our fellow Asian Americans through the distortion of vulgar commercial motives.
     So what do we know about ourselves?
     We are more sensitive. We are boorish. We have more integrity. We betray one another. We are more intelligent. We are superficial. We are aggressive. We avoid confrontation. We don't yak as much. We gossip too much. We have more respect for traditional values. We only pay lip service to traditional values. We value education and cultural attainments. We only care about making money.
     Who among us doesn't indulge in generalizations? Some are frivolous, some are based on insights gained from long years of experience and observation. Most remain locked up in the privacy of our own minds.
     How do we Asian Americans stack up in the character and personality departments compared with our fellow Americans? Share those nuggets of wisdom and perceptive powers. What better way to improve ourselves than to start by understanding ourselves?

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(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:38:55 AM)

wants to know :

I think that he was probably just reserved.

I talk to strangers at formal evants all the time!

I mean...if what he said was true...then no Asians would have Asian friends because everybody was a stranger at one point.

I don't know...
That is a problem with Asian males...they care too much about a sense that they do not take chances in meeting new people because they are afraid of how others would react. But maybe it is not the case of your friend because he seems to be comfortable with meeting new Caucasian friends.

Larriiiii Kong
   Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 21:16:32 (PDT)
wants to know

Your friend is just making an excuse to avoid saying he's shy OR he hates the bride's family OR he's afraid to run into a former fling OR he hates hanging out with those kind of asians OR blah blah BS BS. Not some Asian mysticism he's trying to pawn off his own issues onto. To give him the benifit of the doubt many people regardless of race are afraid to mingle in places where they don't know anybody and the people there have already bunched up in cliques. Breaking into a group to strike up a conversation does get you strange looks regardless of race because everyone's wondering who you are. But that's no excuse for him to blame his fear on Asians and create new stereotypes. If everyone spoke the same language, same culture you'll realize everyone's a human being with the main differtiating factor being their personality. If your friend was white he'll make up some other excuse.

Stop making excuses
Stop making excuses    Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 14:52:43 (PDT)
I'm a WF who has a close Asian friend. Recently, he went to a wedding, and left the reception after only a few minutes. I asked him why he did that, because he had flown quite a great distance to attend. He said it was because he hardly knew anyone. I asked why he didn't just introduce himself and talking to people, and he said, "Well, there were only 2 Americans (this is how he refers to "whites") there to talk to." I asked why he didn't talk to other Asian people, and he said that "Asian people aren't like that. They would've thought I was strange if I just started talking to them." Is this true? Kind of?
wants to know
   Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 11:42:21 (PDT)
gzus in NYC,

Your not scoring too high with comments like that on this board.

You must be a recent asian immigrant based on your definition.

But with a handle like that I'm going to have to hazard a guess that your a ghetto NYrican.

AC dropout
   Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 13:38:29 (PDT)
gzus in NYC,

You may be right, considering blacks and latinos have the best "social skills."

Also, new Asian immigrants do not socialize with the white locals at all. But their "social skills" are excellent when they hang around their own kind who are also recent immigrants.

   Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 01:27:35 (PDT)
gzus in NY:
"I'd say, if socialbility and social skills were measured like IQ, 75% of Asian-Americans would be considered retarded, and only maybe 15% average, very few geniuses."
You're cracking us up! You've proved to be a retard...mentally, socially, and emotionally.

"Even the best of Asian immigrants arrive with poor communication skills compared to "Americans". Lack of humor, shyness, rigidness of thought, racial bias/arrogance, narrow worldview, tendency to play head games, in general, really really poor social skills."
Again, you're describing yourself. BTW, "Americans" do not live the ideal lifestyle and do not possess the ideal traits.
   Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 11:08:49 (PDT)
Oh, this category is an easy one!

Even the best of Asian immigrants arrive with poor communication skills compared to "Americans". Lack of humor, shyness, rigidness of thought, racial bias/arrogance, narrow worldview, tendency to play head games, in general, really really poor social skills.

I'd say, if socialbility and social skills were measured like IQ, 75% of Asian-Americans would be considered retarded, and only maybe 15% average, very few geniuses.

gzus in NYC
   Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:19:37 (PDT)
I'm an AA. There are Asians (Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong), Vietnamese, Thais, Japanese, Malays, etc.) who have somewhat underground churches, if you know what I mean. Of course, you won't see much of them in Catholic, Christian, and other churches in any city in the US. You will only see some. They have their own church to go to, and they speak their own language. (i.e.-Chinese church, language is Chinese, Vietnamese church, language is Vietnamese). Don't get it all twisted that Asians are not that religious. It happens in every culture.
Asians, in general, are either buddhists, muslims, shintos, or taoists.
Almost the majority are athiests or agonstics (someone who doesn't believe that god exists). I am not offended that some Asians are not religious. It is there choice to have a religion or not, or, for example, asking a Chinese or a Vietnamese to convert from Buddhist to a Christian.
I would say for some Asians WHO do not wish to know God by attending church service, they could read the Bible. That is TRULY a way to get know about God. As an Asian-American, I should, at times, read the Bible once in a while. You improve yourself as an Asian person and as a Christian.

   Friday, May 17, 2002 at 07:42:25 (PDT)