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Showing Up Frat Boys on the Basketball Court

ell, I had an interesting experience today on the basketball court at my college. I joined in on a pickup game with a bunch of buff, nasty-looking white Frat boys, who obviously were expecting me to suck. They had probably judged me on my outward appearance: I'm only 5'9" and I'm of medium build. To cut a long story short, I DESTROYED the man I was guarding, who was this burly skinhead type who had little skill but played on strength alone. I basically caught him with his pants around his ankles, because he wasn't expeting me to school him inside-out. I am A LOT stronger than I look, and about 10 times faster than the average guy. It also doesn't hurt that I have springs for legs (I can easily grab the basketball hoop with two hands). Let's just say I wasn't messing around. To get the message across, I roughed this guy up a little with my physical play. As I was playing stifling defense on him , I threw a little handcheck and a little elbow in there for good measure. Upto that point, I had never seen a steroid ape like him go quite so cold on a basketball court. He barely touched the ball, let alone score on me. He was very pissed when my team won, and refused to shake my hand. But I didn't care, I kicked his ass where it really matters -- on the court. No blood, no foul. That's the law on the playground.
West Coast Balla

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