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My Undercover Boyfriend

have been going out with my boyfriend for two years, and we have a great relationship. We are deeply in love, and I plan to marry him someday (after college, of course). We both live in Cincinnati, Ohio. My boyfriend is everything you can want in a man-he's so gorgeous, beautiful hazel eyes, v-shape body, he's a triathlete, respectful, kind, well-educated (..and well-endowed), and he is very communicative. He is just so cool to be around because he has friends in every race and social circle.
So, what's wrong with my boyfriend? Well, my parents only want the best for me, and their idea of the best man for me is Japanese or White. My man is Black. He's a brown skinned kind of Black, but he's still Black. You see, since I am Japanese and he is Black, my parents are seriously aligned against this relationship. So, since my parents don't want to see us together, we just do everything "undercover."
I have told more lies in the past two years than my whole life combined. I mean, on weekends, I tell my parents that I am going out with some other white guy just so I could sneak out and go over to Ty's house (my boyfriend's place). Also, my dad goes out on business trips once every other month, and my mom works the night shift at the hospital. So, my boyfriend and I go for a little business trip (you know what I mean) when my dad's away on business. I have even managed to take him to two homecoming dances! I know it's not cool to lie to your parents, but I just have to in order for me to be happy.
I really don't understand why some people are so ignorant. I went to Tokyo for two months and there were lots of Black guys walking and holding hands with Japanese ladies. W

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