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The Night a Ghost Called Me Into the Sea

hen I was a small little girl, my family took me to a seaside resort. The first night I was there, I slept alone in a tiny room adjacent to my parents. Dont' know why, but I woke up and saw a shadow outside my window. Now, being stupid and not knowing any better, I snuck outside to see who it was, and next thing I knew, there were screams and shouts and somebody was shaking me. It turned out, I was neck-deep in the water, and would have drowned had a night security man not seen me walk into the water. He said he waded in and dragged me out, but he said that the current was dragging me back in and it was very strong and he could barely hold on to me. And I was sleeping through all this, mind you. The water was freezing and he was yelling for help, and I slept through all this. I then told my parents that there was an older boy...he must have been around twelve or fourteen (I was only about six then). He had waited for me outside, and when he saw me, he smiled at me and told me that he had been waiting for me. He took me by the hand and took me towards the ocean and he said something like "I want to show you something, Kelly. I've been keeping it, especially for you and I want you to see it. Come with me."
I'm not exactly sure of the wording, but that's what I remember. Anyway, I told my parents that, and as it turned out, there was a boy who drowned there only a few years before. People had often seen him at dusk, standing at the edge of the water, waiting for something or somebody. Turned out, he was waiting for me! I never found out what the boy was going to show me. The night watchman pulled me out before I could see what all the fuss was about. The resort has since been demolished and a casino is in its place, but the memory of that night remains with me, and I'm still alive today only because I got lucky that there was a night watchman on duty who ran after a little girl in a white nightgown, walking slowly into the waves.
   Friday, May 17, 2002 at 23:02:27 (PDT)

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why are you concern with analyzing a vision? I believe everyone has strange childhood incidences. It may come from a child's active imagination. I am no different and my visions are no different from anyone else. I think as long as it does not recur, i should not over analyze visions.
Also, let's say i know this girl, would it make a difference it make? It was a long time ago and life changes, time passes and what is no is longer. I don't remember the details anymore, but i thought the girl in my vision looks like a girl i once knew in junior high or hs. Shouldn't my major concern be the present/future and not the past?

Monday, July 15, 2002 at 13:20:21 (PDT)
MLK: have you ever read or heard about a book called "Conversations with God"? It's quite a good book by my opinion at least; maybe you should give it a chance. It's not a sect or a cult book, I promise (I highly dislike if not hate sects, I think that a lot of times they cause a lot of harm). Anyways, it's written by Neale Donald Walsch and there are three parts to the book, Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3. What 97% convinced writes resembles the style and content of that book a lot. Myself I have never had a highly unusual experience like that (I have to say Thank God even though I guess I should knock on the wood now to be safe), except one time... it was about five years ago, I was staying with my mom & step dad back in my country in my grandfather's house... One night, I was going to sleep (I had a room all on my own), and I know I must have already dozed off to sleep a little because I woke up when I heard a sound like someone knocking on a wood twice. There was a lot of furniture in my room, in fact there was a small closet and a bookshelf on top of it across the room from where my bed was, and it sounded like it came from there. I know(?) I didn't dream it, because the knock actually woke me up, I was dozing to sleep already, that state where you think you are still awake but if something jolts you you realise that you were sleeping? My room was dark, there was no nightlight in it, but for some reason I wasn't that scared, I looked around but didn't see anything. So I just pulled the bedcover over my head and went to sleep again (I do this a lot when I'm scared that I will see something). Anyways, I just wanted to say that there is a magazine in my country which has a new edition every week and there is a section in which people who have had unusual (ghostly, etc.) experiences can write and the stories get published, every week there was about three stories that were kind of like yours... I liked to read them but man was I sometimes afraid of going to bed in the night after reading particularly scary ones... it's not good for one's psychology I think. Even when I started reading your story, I had to go and turn the light on, despite the fact that the computer screen gives off a little bit of a glare... :) Sorry. (Plus sorry for describing everything in such detail but that's just my style, I always write a lot in discussion forums. Can't express myself in a few words.)
eastern-european girl (from Canada)
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 23:57:44 (PDT)

THats an interesting story you have there. It seems that you have run into the spirit of a boy who died in an accident. I have read that in chinese myth and lore it was said that spirits of people who die in accidents are forced to haunt the sites of thier accidental deaths. Sometimes they try to trick the living into taking their place in the world of the dead by making them reenact the accident.

I think this is why alot of chinese people avoid places where people have died in serious accidents. JUst saying what I have heard.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:58:51 (PDT)

Can you describe her? what does she look like? Could it be your mother's face that you saw, perhaps a flash-back of when you were a baby and she was much younger? I'm not doubting your story, just trying to find different explanations for your experience. It could also be a past life experience where you had a significant experience with this girl.

A hypnotist could re-live the detail for you so you can remember more clearly. The good hypnotists can even regress you to many past lives you never thought existed. Too many of these regressions have happened for me not to believe in the reality of past lives.
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 17:56:30 (PDT)
Once I was about 9 or 10 lying in bed ready to go to sleep. A vivid image of girl’s head pop into my eyes. Everything was bright as day—maybe even brighter. It was like the sun was shining on her. I could see all her features. That knock the sense out of me. And in that instance of fear, I pop open my eyes, the image disappear. A sense lost fell upon me and wonder who she was. She never came back.

Monday, July 08, 2002 at 15:00:38 (PDT)
to 1/2LostSoul

Please tell us what you saw. I would be very interested in hearing about it.

Monday, July 01, 2002 at 21:57:42 (PDT)
Dear MLK,
I don't think you got that much ridicule. Sure, you got a lot of skepticism along with a lot of support but that is to be expected. It is a fantastic story. Nothing like that every happen to me. Sure, i may have seen a ghost, seen the future but control (lure) by a ghost--that's new. I for one, would like to hear more about your stories.
Maybe you are the girl i seen in my dream (only happen once a long time ago--true and kind of frightening). I will never know that until i see your pic..LOL

Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 14:18:47 (PDT)
to yeah right!

Weed? I was six or seven!!! I didn't even know what weed was back then. My only other explanation was that I was sleep-walking. Would that satisfy your disbelief? Would that make you feel less uncomfortable about an occurence that didn't happen to you? Just consider it a sleep-walking occurrence that was no way out of the ordinary.

But I experienced a very extra-ordinary event, and so, for you to think that my experiences are just ordinary is for you to close your mind off completely from all that could possibly be, and you would completely miss out on the otherworldly magic of life.
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:27:06 (PDT)
My explanation for this phenomenom;
2 much weed.
yeah right!
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 22:18:44 (PDT)
to Sog

Made it? Made what? I got dragged out by a night watchman! Otherwise, I'd be toast. I'm so surprised that I'm the only one who's got a wierd experience like this. Doesn't anybody else have any strange stuff that happened to them? Actually, this is only the first of a couple of strange things that happened to me. I think, from seeing all this disbelief, I'll just keep the other story to myself. I don't want to sound any stranger than I already do.
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 21:52:27 (PDT)