Asian Air 


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How I Got Game with Girls

s an asian american teen, I had low self esteem. I was always very shy around females. I dreamed about playing varsity football and be around all the beautiful looking cheerleaders at my school. For a majority of asian guys, that's never the case. Going into college I had a trophy view of white girls. There was mystery about them. I never asian-hate ever in my life and respect all asian girls. Unfortunately, they all reminded me of my mom, whom I looked at as asexual. Sofomore year in college was the turning point of my non existing social life. At this point in time, I wanted to break out of my shell. By this time, I beefed up from my 140 lb self to a lean 180 lbs at 5 ft 11 inches. I lost the glasses too and my face cleared up. The only thing I was missing was confidence. Greg, an old caucasian friend of mine always had it made.
Girls would come to him left and right. He'd date rich, skanky, classy, and refined girls all over town.
On top of that, he was the number one of five hundred telemarketers in a large company. I knew there was something to be learned. I didn't want to think that being asian would be a disadvantage in Texas to date caucasian girls. So he taught me and taught me the art of selling myself. I applied the same methodical steps that he uses to sell products at his company.
We opened the student directory and started cold calling girls starting with the letter "A" and get them to drive out and meet us for dates.
I took more rejections than imaginably known to man. I've heard all the disses even before they see me. My friend on the other hand, could close a deal with a girls within 15 min. of talking to her on the phone and as fast in person. Of course I wasn't at that level yet.
Being the best telemarketer, it was expected of him. I studied his every move and learned everything he says that was different than my peers. I eventually got girls on the phone very curious about me that they would meet me.
After a period of time, I applied the same principles I learned onto the nightlife.
It was 10 times harder real time with a beautiful girl in front of you.
Before I knew it, my shyness went away, my creativity in my word choice improved, and my confidence went through the roof.
Now, I am 24 years old and been with more caucasian girls than I can count.
My story seem much different that others. I went through what you called telemarketing training ( the hardest type of sell to master).
As a result, finished selling my oats, and now happy with the girl of my dreams. Too all the asian fellows with white fetishes, life is too short to just see your white counterparts get game.

Thanks Greg for everything.
DT007 Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 11:37:39 (PDT)

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There's a lot on this, I suggest body language books if ur really into it. One book won't do, because one book on any subject almost always is stronger in one sub-area than another and sometimes overlooks entire subcategories.

Eye contact- generally, two looks/glances from a girl ur in, time to make conversation, but this is if you have time and wanna play slightly hard to get.
Or if you only have one chance (say, u see a girl at a supermarket) or are playing it aggressively, one making quality eye contact once will do

Now the above is very general, there are many exceptions. Again I recommend body language books.

Girls you wanna avoid- the type of girl who toy with a guy for kicks are flirty in general, can smile and look casually straight into guys eyes at. These girls are only good for friends. A look of interest is not casual; their faces are frozen in whatever expression they had beforehand and eyes naturally and easily lock with yours.

Girls of different races flirt differently. You gotta take that into account as well when u try to read them.
This is just what I see, I'm gonna sterotype A LOT, so please nobody flame me by pointing out this or that exception. Also, I'm only talking about the initial phase that BACKONTHEMARKET is interested in.

Hispanic girls- many simply flash a natural warm smile, are more talkative, and in general will make it easy for you to pick them up if they're interested.
Black girls- often blunt and more forward than others, no confusing any signals here

The above two are easy to read. White girls are an easy read if you're skilled. Asian girls are on average the toughest, as they often: 1) are clueless and confused people 2) are shy 3) have poor social skills 4) are either too passive or aggressive 5) come from many different backgrounds, too many permutations

White- white girls don't hesitate to signal their interest subtlely but clearly. Often clear eye contact, but generally they expect you to initiate verbal contact (as opposed to Hispanic & black girls)
Asian girls- some make eye contact, the shy ones stop talking and look down, the loud ones get louder, the confused ones start playing games with you. In general, the only pattern is that they start acting differently, i.e. "acting funny"

In general, you must take 90% of the early initiative with FOBs and conservative Asian girls.
Americanized ones, well, their behavior is all across the map, u just gotta ad hoc it.

I agree, a pure numbers game is stupid; intelligent focus is the right way.

As for good looking girls in general, my rule of thumb is to get to at least know them casually whether they show romantic interest or not; there are too many advantages to this to list.

One final caveat: relying on body language is not for many guys for two reasons:
1. Unless you're very attractive, say like Russel Wong, you might not get many looks. The average guy is not gonna get many looks, these guys can't afford a wait and see who's interested approach. These guys gotta take a more active and social approach.
2. Idiots should not try to read body language. I mean this. Idiots will only confuse themselves and imagine things. Idiots are better off not bothering.

gzus in NYC
Monday, May 20, 2002 at 16:28:48 (PDT)
Ego? I don't have any.
Confidence? Tremendous. I still get
the butterflies slightly every so often.

I need to know more about you socially to give any kind of advice or guidance.
Are you shy? How is your current social life. Are you into the nightlife? etc..

email me.

Monday, May 20, 2002 at 12:14:13 (PDT)
TO a FEW TIPS; I was just wondering about when playing the 'eye contact' game. Before I do anything I look for signs like body langage and eye contact. Sometimes it's not easy to read signals(if indeed there are any).Is there any insight you can comment on such as if she is interested and the signals I should be looking for? I'm kinda getting back in the groove and I'd like to know if I should even bother with some while others are quite obviously not interested,I think.My problem stems from previously having a good amount of kills under my belt but after a couple of reversals I'm wondering if what I thought were 'sure things' was all in my head? I'd like to jump back into the mix while keeping reversals to a minimum.Getting to the point,is there a way for me to tell which hotties I should try and which to avoid?I like to work with signals whether it be conscious or not from the female.I understand that the only true way is to cold call these babes up front but I need a sign. And BTW playing the numbers game turns me off as I'm sure it does everyone.I'd like to approach this matter more intelligently while suffering the least amount of damage to my ego.Please advise.
Monday, May 20, 2002 at 09:10:21 (PDT)

1) If you're hitting on white girls, don't go with a group of your asian guy friends. They can only hold you back.
If you go with a white guy friend, it is better if he is shy. They are better and won't steal your show.

2) Smile and make good solid eye contact.

3) Lose the glasses!
4) Know every rebuttal in the book.
I will go into details later.

5) Being one step ahead of a girl when you and her are conversing. You can lead her emotions to whatever direction you want.

I can go on and on about this psychology of this if anyone is interested. If I get enough replies I will post daily.
A few tips
Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:10:17 (PDT)
Actually my present girl friend is asian. I found out with all my experiences is that girls physically are really all the same.
Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:00:59 (PDT)

So what's the trick? Share some of those techniques so us ladies know what to avoid...hahaha.
Saturday, May 18, 2002 at 11:17:25 (PDT)
Thanks for telling us absolutely nothing. You left out all the good stuff from which techniques you use(telemarketer approach aint the only), to all the juicy gossip.

Basically, you said, in fewer words, I learned how to play, then I had a hall of fame career, and now I'm retired, thanks goes out to some white dude named Greg without telling us one interesting detail.

gzus in NYC
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 14:54:20 (PDT)
Wow, good for you. I'm glad you got what you wanted in life. Is your wife white?
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 11:11:45 (PDT)