Asian Air 


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How I Got Game with Girls

s an asian american teen, I had low self esteem. I was always very shy around females. I dreamed about playing varsity football and be around all the beautiful looking cheerleaders at my school. For a majority of asian guys, that's never the case. Going into college I had a trophy view of white girls. There was mystery about them. I never asian-hate ever in my life and respect all asian girls. Unfortunately, they all reminded me of my mom, whom I looked at as asexual. Sofomore year in college was the turning point of my non existing social life. At this point in time, I wanted to break out of my shell. By this time, I beefed up from my 140 lb self to a lean 180 lbs at 5 ft 11 inches. I lost the glasses too and my face cleared up. The only thing I was missing was confidence. Greg, an old caucasian friend of mine always had it made.
Girls would come to him left and right. He'd date rich, skanky, classy, and refined girls all over town.
On top of that, he was the number one of five hundred telemarketers in a large company. I knew there was something to be learned. I didn't want to think that being asian would be a disadvantage in Texas to date caucasian girls. So he taught me and taught me the art of selling myself. I applied the same methodical steps that he uses to sell products at his company.
We opened the student directory and started cold calling girls starting with the letter "A" and get them to drive out and meet us for dates.
I took more rejections than imaginably known to man. I've heard all the disses even before they see me. My friend on the other hand, could close a deal with a girls within 15 min. of talking to her on the phone and as fast in person. Of course I wasn't at that level yet.
Being the best telemarketer, it was expected of him. I studied his every move and learned everything he says that was different than my peers. I eventually got girls on the phone very curious about me that they would meet me.
After a period of time, I applied the same principles I learned onto the nightlife.
It was 10 times harder real time with a beautiful girl in front of you.
Before I knew it, my shyness went away, my creativity in my word choice improved, and my confidence went through the roof.
Now, I am 24 years old and been with more caucasian girls than I can count.
My story seem much different that others. I went through what you called telemarketing training ( the hardest type of sell to master).
As a result, finished selling my oats, and now happy with the girl of my dreams. Too all the asian fellows with white fetishes, life is too short to just see your white counterparts get game.

Thanks Greg for everything.
DT007 Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 11:37:39 (PDT)

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I don't have any complicated advice like many have posted here, but I do have one thing to say to my fellow Asian guys: be more aggresive. I don't mean desperately aggresive, but more like taking actions to talk to the girls or something. Practice makes perfect. If DT007 used telephone as a training ground, I used a dance club as mine. In the beginning I got so many rejections, but as the time progresses, I improve my skills. I kinda know which girls would be likely to talk to me and which girls I don't need to bother with. As a result, I've been with numerious girls (mostly whites who never been with an Asian man before). And I can take these skills outside clubs too, like in more regular social settings like a friend's party. I have a lot of confidence in approaching girls because I could tell from their body language before approaching them that I would succeed. I don't think these skills are something you can learn from me or others. Your own experience is the best teacher because everyone has a different style. Do I still get rejections? Of course. But I don't take that as seriously anymore because I know my success ratio is still high and there's always the next girl.

just a regular guy
Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 22:24:12 (PDT)
Well, for an asian guy who is well above average,
the bars and clubs are always fun.
I enjoy going up to groups of girls.
Although this seems intimidating to some, I have faired well.
As I approach them, I scan their eyes and observe their
reaction of me. How they respond to my jokes, their
body positioning, etc.. etc..
Of 5 girls say in a group, there is usually at least one that is interested.
I know that there are white girls with asian fetishes. Of course, there is no challenge there. I like to go after girls that have yet been with asian guys.
Either aren't interested, or indifferent. All my girl friends fit in that category.
In a group of guy friends(asian or caucasian) I'm with, I am always the one leading the pack.
Girls sense this and will be interested in you.

IF you're very average or below, I suggest forming an organization, meeting people off the web, or meeting friends of friends. The aggressive neanderthal approach absolutely will not work for you. You can get away with more the cuter you are.

Also, hanging out in places that is not asian stereotypical really helps.
I quit my career in programming to become a personal trainer at a gym. I'm also now heavily into sales and have shocked my parents narrow view of a conservative route to success. I make triple the amount I was making as a degreed programmer.
There is money in any field. If you are successful in anything, girls will notice all because you're setting yourself apart. It doesn't even matter if you're selling socks.
As a side note.
The best place for asian guys that I've been to is Vancouver.
I'm going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil later this year.
Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 13:23:34 (PDT)
gzus in NYC:
"Frankly, I doubt u could resist me offline..."
You know what they say about people who brag? They suffer from insecurites. I can see have alot to work on. I highly doubt if I would EVER fall for you. You're lagging in the most importart trait -- intelligence.

"Not only am I smooth offline, I'm so smooth I also take care people don't notice my implementation of my smoothness, so they only see the good stuff, and the bloated ego stays far below the water line."
Are you acknowledging that you are uncharismatic online? If you cant even be charismatic in writing (which should be easier b/c you can edit your mistakes), than I highly doubt you are as smooth as you think in person. Also, shouldnt the ladies be the judge of that, not yourself?

Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 10:55:13 (PDT)
The truth:

So what are these tips you have for good-looking Asian guys? Please give some examples from your own life too.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 22:00:30 (PDT)
Hey DT007,

Thanks for your story and tips...and I get more? lol thanks!
A dude
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 20:13:59 (PDT)
It really helps to be good looking.
I only have tips for asian guys who are well above average.
The truth
Yea, guys with different advantages(or lack of) gotta customize their approaches, that's for sure. Many approaches that work perfectly for a pretty boy will likely fall flat for the average looking dude.

you are just a CCAB(Completely Clueless Asian B_____). Notice I answered his question as completely as I could given space limitations, and I told him what works, not what doesn't work, and what I told him is just the very smallest (molecular sized) tip of the iceberg.

Don't like my attitude online? Frankly, I doubt u could resist me offline, be, not that weird girls like you interest me. Not only am I smooth offline, I'm so smooth I also take care people don't notice my implementation of my smoothness, so they only see the good stuff, and the bloated ego stays far below the water line.
gzus in NYC
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 12:14:51 (PDT)
gzus in NYC:

You seem so knowledgable about females (especially your description of AF). Sounds like someone has been burned too many times. Isnt it funny how certain traits are apparent by words alone?

The best advice I have for you...change your attitude, and maybe then females will give you a chance.
Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 08:34:38 (PDT)
It really helps to be good looking.
I didn't realize it till my 2nd year in college.
I only have tips for asian guys who are well above average.
The truth
Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 19:49:14 (PDT)