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The Night My Father Became My Role Model

was in the 9th grade and on weekends I would go help out my dad at his restaurant. It was'nt the best thing to do; in fact I hated it. It was so boring. The restaurant opens from 11am-10pm so I would just count the hours as time went by. It would get so boring sometimes I would count how many people walk by the store.

This Saturday was different from any Saturday though. That day was the first time I have experienced a robbery.

It was around closing time when the cooks were cleaning up in the kitchen while me and my Dad were at the counter waiting for a last minute customer while counting todays intake. Then these 3 black guys walk into the store. My dad says "here comes the customers, todays intake was low". Then everything seemed to happen in slow mo once they shouted the words "give me all your money". I was shocked and dazed. I could see a shotgun underneath a bag.

My dad is the kind of guy who doesnt take shit from anyone. You mess with him he will not just sit around. He is a pretty big guy at 5'10 260 lbs. Its mostly fat instead of muscles but dont let that fool you. He used to be in good shape before he came to America, I guess all the food got to him.

Anyway as I was shocked and dazed just standing there they were feeling up my Dad for his wallet. My dad then saw the shotgun was an Umbrella so he smacked it to the floor as they were feeling him up. He then pushes me aside and punches one of them on the top of the head while booting the other, he literally flys across the restaurant. It wasnt funny at the moment but when I look back at it it was so funny watching these black fools scramble across the floor running away like a Olympic sprinter. My Dad now a good distance away from them picks up the fan and throws it across the restaurant, it might have hit one of them but I forgot. Then he picks up a chair and runs after them with it, he gave up after 2 blocks.

My dad once said to me "dont be scared of no one, they are human and you are human". To this day I live and and will die by this quote. He protected me that day and showed me he is not just all talk about that quote he once told me.

That saturday was the day my dad became my role model. Don't mess with my Chinese Dad.

Phil The Thrill Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 06:18:18 (PST)