Lan Kwai Fong:
Hong Kong's
International Nightlife District
The exotic and exuberant blend of international cultures, cuisines and people make The Fong a favorite of Asian American travelers looking for after-dark action.
by Jack Song
Lan Kwai Fong:
Hong Kong's
International Nightlife District
ong Kong isn't known for its wild nightlife, but what life there is can be found in “The Fong”. Lan Kwai Fong occupies only a crowded two-block stretch between the heart of Central and the mid-levels, but makes up for its lack of spread by exuding the kind of energy that's attractive to visiting Asian American professionals looking for a good time. There's something liberating about being the city's international entertainment district.
Unlike Tsimshatsui, which caters to moneyed locals or expense-accoaunt business entertainment, or Wanchai with its Suzie Wong overtones, the cosmopolitan mix of restaurants, clubs and bars of Lan Kwai Fong and adjoining SoHo (South of Hollywood Road) make up a sort of no-man's land. It attracts a combination of expats, youthful locals and tourists from North America and Europe. You're as likely to find youself chatting up a Lufthansa flight attendant as a Chinese American lawyer from L.A. With a few exceptions, no one group feels so at home as to take obnoxious liberties, yet everyone feels removed enough from familiar haunts to sport a carefree attitude. That makes for some exciting dining, barhopping or outright revelry.
An Italian cafe called La Dolce Vita is a great place to people-watch and warm up for an evening in Lan Kwai Fong.