What is your career ambition? Are you on track to reach it?
My career ambition is to someday work for a news magazine. I would like to branch out of business reporting as well. I feel confident that I will reach my goals. But remember it is not a race -- its a marathon.
When you say you want to work for a news magazine, do you mean print?
No, a newsmagazine like Dateline or 60 minutes where I could do in-depth stories on people and subjects. I did quite a few long format pieces when I worked in Washington DC at Conus/First Business and Reuters Television here in New York. Some of the subjects I covered included a profile on Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman, The Millenium, Kids and Investing, the Dot-com crash
When you branch out of business journalism, what subject areas seem particularly appealing to you?
I would love to do more profiles. I love talking to people and finding out what makes them tick. I would also love to cover national news stories like the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster.
As a correspondent we would imagine your routine is quite different
from that of most of us. What is your daily routine, starting with
the moment you open your eyes?
I wake up around 6:30 a.m. - 7 a.m. My toddler son is my alarm clock. You can't turn him off. I go get coffee at Starbucks. A grande latte with extra foam. One for me and one for my husband. We sit and drink and read the newspapers. He reads the NY Times. I read the Wall Street Journal.
I look at the web for 1/2 an hour. My favorite sites are CBS Marketwatch, BBC (For "real" news, NY Times.) I try to scan all three before I go into work. Yahoo! Finance is also on my list.
After that I play with my son for 1/2 an hour until his nanny comes. Once she comes in I get ready for work. I do all my makeup and hair on the set. We have a makeup artist down there so it helps.
Once I get to work I prepare my scripts. I write everything. I don't have a producer. I make calls downstairs to trading desks to get a feeling for what's going on.
I am ready to go on air by 11:45am. My first live shot is at 11:50am.
My last live shot is at 7:15pm.
How do you spend the odd chunks of time between live news feeds?
I don't have much time between feeds, 15 -20 minutes, so I am constantly on the internet researching companies, monitoring the wires and calling sources.
You always feel like you are on the treadmill.
What made you decide to become a TV journalist at $25 a day after
getting your masters in journalism?
Well, that only lasted for two months. You have to get your start somewhere and entry level reporting jobs pay notoriously low wages.
How old were you when you got your first job in Hagerstown, Maryland?
I was 24
How is the money these days? How does it compare with other careers
you might have pursued?
Money is much better now. But my advice to aspiring on-air reporters is "do what you love -- the money will come." I am sure I could have made more money if I got into Investment Banking. I do what I love. I don't do it for the money. Only a select few like, Katie Couric get paid 45 million dollars. The rest of us are workhorses.
Where were you born? Tell us a bit about your childhood.
I was born in Washington, DC and grew up there. I had a good childhood. It was a bit lonely because I was an only child and I was separted from my cousins who lived in the Philippines.
What effect did being half Filipino play in your early life?
I felt like an outsider from a very early age. I went to private school, so most of my classmates, if not all, were white. I was the only child of color besides one black girl. I think it was very difficult on me. Living in Washington DC was not very racially mixed either. We don't have a very big Asian community there. My father also doesn't speak taglog and my Mother never taught me.
Once I got older, I liked being different especially in college.
How has your ethnicity influenced your professional life?
I think it has been positive. It gives me a good sense of self.
What have been your best professional moments?
Covering the aftermath of 9/11 for CNN, Covering Dow 10,000 was quite exciting!!
Interviewing the Chairman of the Stock Exchange, Dick Grasso for Reuters TV. Interviewing Deepak Chopra when I was 28 years old at First Business.