Kathy Lee:
Kathy Lee:
KL: The judges for the pageant were actually in industry — one was an agent, another an acting coach, and another a casting director. So, after having won, they all came up to me and said, "You should be doing commercials right away!" I signed with my first agent then, started taking acting classes, and that was how it all began. The pageant experience has improved my odds, I guess you could say, in that it got me introduced to the ins and outs of getting representation, headshots, going on auditions, etc. when I was relatively young, unlike most Asian-American actors whom I've met who say that they started after graduating from college. I feel that I'm very lucky to have had time to amass a decent resume as a result. GS: Who are your favorite actors? KL: I love to watch Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep and Audrey Hepburn. Male actors, I can watch Ben Stiller, Brad Pitt, Daniel Day-Lewis and Tobey Maguire any time! CONTINUED BELOW
![]() KL: I loved the role of Sam that Natalie Portman played in Garden State. She was eccentric yet lovable, aggressive yet honest, and punchy yet raw. I've always appreciated how Natalie can show off her great rance with such subtly, and she definitelyÊmade me laugh, gasp, snort, and cry in the movie. I would have really enjoyed the opportunity to have worked with Zach Braff as a director and actor, to haveÊexperimented with such a memorable and influential character like Sam, and to have been such an integral part of the rise of independent film. GS: What's your Plan B in case your acting career doesn't meet your expectations? KL: I consider my Plan B as more of a career path for AFTER I've decided to retire from acting as opposed to "in case my acting career doesn't meet my expectations". The expectations I have for myself are to be involved, to be the best I can be, and to be proud of my work. With those expectations, I find it hard for them to not be met because it's nowÊall completely within my own control and dictated by me. The way I see it, it allÊdepends on how you define "success," which differs from person to person. If I've dared, committed, and motivatedÊmyself, then I will have met my own expectations. GS: Give us the 411 on your personal background, including some Kodak moments. KL: I'm a Leo and a rooster. That explains a lot about me, right? My birthday is August 21st. I was born in Suffern, NY. I'm about 5'5", of healthy weight and with very healthy measurements! What inquiring minds probably want to know most is that I'm not married and don't plan to be for at least another five years. Staying focused on establishing myself first — then I'll take on the hubbie and kids.      Kodak moments? My first kiss was playing the game Truth or Dare. I had a huge crush on this guy who was a family friend (and lived a convenient three streets away from me). At one of those Chinese family get-togethers (where the dads play Mah-Jong, the moms are upstairs gossiping away, and the kids are banished off to the basement where they can watch TV or play video games), well... we wanted to spice things up and play Truth or Dare. To make a long story short, that was how I had my first kiss, with my first crush, which turned into my first boyfriend. I'll always love that game. GS: What's your best physical feature? KL: That would have to be my mole right above my right breast, like the one Penelope Cruz's character had in Vanilla Sky. It's definitely a sexy, distinguishingÊfeature that not many people get to see.Ê GS: What's your worst physical feature? KL: That would have to be my mole right above my right breast, like the one Penelope Cruz's character had in Vanilla Sky. Yeah, it's a sexy and distinguishingÊfeature that not many people get to see, but come on — it's still a mole!Ê GS: What surprises people most when they get to know you? KL: Most people are shocked when they hear what comes out of my mouth! haha... I have this thing, see, where I like to express what's on my mind. I say it how it is. I think that most of the time, people are thinking the same thing; they're just all afraid to say anything! So, I'm essentially just making it easier for all those people who haveÊreservations (for whatever reasons) to deal withÊwhat they're REALLY thinking. It oftens throws people for a loop, and they don't know how to react initially. I just say it how it is — and I guess that really surprises people to hear it all so earnestly and matter-of-factly. GS: What do you secretly wish people never find out about you? KL: How am I supposed to answer that? If I secretly wish they never found it out, then why would I let it out in the open on the internet so everyone could read about it? That makes sense, right?      Hmm... I guess I could HINT at something I wish people never knew about me... Here's the hint (you ready?): I involves soup andÊa car. GS: What do you wear when you want to put on your trademark killer look? KL: I don't think I have a "trademark" killer look yet, but I do have a favorite killer handbag that I love toÊbring toÊspecial events. It's this furry pink handbag with two chic square-chain handles. It never fails atÊgrabbing attention... and a few tickles. Seriously, every time I bring it out, people look at it, people make some comment about it, andÊthen inevitably ask if they can pet it. They just can'tÊkeep their hands off ofÊit! Ha ha!ÊOoh, I just got an idea for my new trademark killer outfit!Ê GS: What is your best makeup secret? KL: Since makeup can only do so much, I think it's most important to take care of your skin. Most women would say "sleep," which I definitely say is very important for looking healthy and refreshed. Besides that, I would say to moisturize. Ever since I heard that that's Sharon Stone's secret to maintaining her skin and youth — and she looks pretty good to me! Oh, and keeping eyeliner, lipliner, chapstick, and blush in you bag is really helpful too. GS: What kind of look do you like to see on men? KL: It really depends on my mood, the environment, and the guy. I like either the clean but coolÊhip-hop look if I'm going out for a fun night of dancing, but I also can appreciate when a guy just looks really put together and professional, like the preppier Banana Republic-Zara look if it's a nice dinner with wine and great food. The Diesel look is pretty hot too — depending on the guy. I think it's ultimately how the man carries himself that determines if I dig a look or not. So men: whatever you wear, wear it confidently! |