
One Vo1ce:
Girls Who R&B



One Voice: Girls Who R&B

Marie Ceralvo, the "Crazy One"
GS: What distinguishes you from other pop/R&B groups out there?
OV: We've known each other our whole lives, making us virtually sisters, and our name, "One Vo1ce," really suits us well, which is what prompted us to move forward in the first place. We were just a group of girls that loved to get together, sing, and harmonize, and next thing you know everyone around us saw potential and talent in us, and influenced us to go on and share our love for music.

GS: What wouldn't you be willing to sacrifice for mainstream pop success?
OV: We wouldn't be willing to sacrifice our individualities or our loyalties to our roots and backgrounds.

GS: Marie, in your dedication for One Vo1ce's newest album, you say that Mae will always be the oldest sister, how has working together changed your relationship?
Marie: We get along more than we did when we were younger; we can relate on a "sibling rivalry" basis and also on a professional level as well. Mae watches out for all of us in the group, she is very motherly like.


GS: Marie, in one of your interviews you guys said that you were raised well enough to have a back up plan and not rely on your musical success, how did your parents react to your decisions to pursue music?
Marie: My parents are more than supportive. When I started college and showed them how indecisive I was about what to major in, the first thing my mom said was, "Just do music!" I have always had a love for music and they were more than supportive to help me pursue it.

Melissa Ruiz, the "Spunky One"

GS: Monica, you enjoy writing lyrics and One Vo1ce's songs are always about falling in love, devotion and getting fed up and leaving. People always say to write about what you know. What are some of the real life experiences that inspire these lyrics?
Monica: Experiences that a lot of my friends and just all couples go through, like break-ups,working things out even though it may seem too difficult, etc. I mean everybody goes through heartbreaks in their life, and my friends and family are no different, I just write what I see, hear, and maybe have experienced in my life.

GS: Melissa, what's the one beauty item you can't live without?
Melissa: My studio fix. I think it's one of the best investments anyone can put into make-up and the only thing I can't live without.

GS: What's the nicest thing that happened to you because of your success?
OV: We can't think of just one thing in particular. Nice things have been happening to us ever since we started singing! For example, having a strong fan base and getting recognition from everywhere and everyone, we've met so many wonderful people, and we've been given a lot of opportunities to perform and make music.

GS: Any words of advice to anyone interested in pursuing music?
OV: Nothing matters as long as you love what you are doing, and as long as you have more determination that anyone else out there. You may run into numerous obstacles, but they are all surmountable as long as you maintain a good head on your shoulders with a positive attitude.

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“I just write what I see, hear, and maybe have experienced in my life.”


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