


"Because I was lonely and didn't feel like I'd gotten enough attention then, I've pushed myself along in a healthy direction now."
     When the family finally returned, it was without her father. Carrere's parents had divorced, and her father had married his secretary in Samoa.
     That painful experience may have contributed to Carrere's range as an actress. "I find that Tia still allows herself to be vulnerable," says Spiege.. "As an actress she really puts herself on the line."
     "I would never wish the same situation on anyone else," says Carrere, "but because I was lonely and didn't feel like I'd gotten enough attention then, I've pushed myself along in a healthy direction now." She believes on "concentrating only on the positive, on all the wonderful things I'm doing now."
     Carrere lives a self-described "glamour girl" life in a Southwestern, two-bedroom apartment in West Hollywood. When she young actress is not on the set, she hopes to be singing. "I kind of fell into acting but I have sung and trained since I was in the eighth grade. So one of the main things I like to do right now is work on my singing career. In fact, I'm talking to a big producer now. But I can't say anything about it now. I'm afraid I might jinx it."
     She gulps down her last swallow of cappuccino, sensing that tonight's performance is winding to a close. She's had a demanding role this evening--that of playing herself. But as Carrere gathers her things and bids a warm good night, her audience can tell that this time she has poured a lot of herself into the character. And it's not a bad one. (1989)

     A lot has happened to Tia Carrere since this article was written. Her acting career took off in 1992 when Wayne's World became a surprise hit. Within a year she married a Hollywood restaurant owner and released her first album. In 1993 she landed a major role opposite Arnold Schwarzeneggar in True Lies.

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