

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:32:47 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian female, which of the following most attracts you to Caucasian males?
Their facial features | 56%
Their physique | 11%
Their attitude and personality | 29%
Their education & cultural values | 4%

Assuming you are an Asian female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Caucasian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 13%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 13%
Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most attracts you to Asian females?
Their facial features | 66%
Their physique | 14%
Their attitude and personality | 17%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are a Caucasian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 76%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

Fetish means love of inanimate objects, get it straight. Maybe, you have used this term in the past when talking about dildo's with your geeky friends.

Anyone who thinks white men have a fetish believes that asian women are inanimate. Show me their mechanized parts.

Wake up Canadian better than tao. (And try to understand the world around you.)
Albiyes    Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 15:27:17 (PDT)
I can relate to some of the comments. I am a Chinese Canadian and my boyfriend is a white Canadian. I have dated both asian men and white men. Growing up in western Canada, there are not alot of asian people in the general population. Since I was born here, most of my peers have been white and as well, my interactions. As would be expected, I didn't have a problem dating white guys. At the same time, I didn't have a problem dating asian men either. My parents didn't forbid me to date white men because they never took much of an interest in my life or my siblings'. Whereas, I have asian friends whose parents have forbidden them to date anyone except asian and would be disowned if they did. I believe this is very racist and makes me wonder why their parents came to Canada in the first place. Seems they just want to live in a chinese bubble. Anyways, I met my current boyfriend and it's been great. I didn't have a preference for either race and he doesn't have a fetish for asian women (I'm the only asian woman he's dated). What a relief! However, I have met white men that do have a fetish for asian women and only want to date them. I stay clear of them. I remember an occasion in university where the teacher assistant (on the geeky side) seemed only to help me but not the other girls. I worked on a math problem with some other white girls and asked him if it was correct but he wouldn't say anything unless I approached him alone. That was really creepy. Plus he even told a friend of mine that he loves asian women. Now that's creepy. Anyways he married a chinese girl so he eventually got what he wanted. Yuck. When I see a white man and an asian woman together, you can almost see whether or not they are together for the right reason. Generally if the white guy is on the unattractive side and the asian girl is better looking and they appear to have little in common and very little communication, they seem to be together for the wrong reasons (his fetish and her need for a white man). I think it's aweful that a chinese woman would marry a white man so her children will have western eyes. Children should be born out of love, not facial features.

Being a mixed couple isn't always easy. We do notice that the odd chinese person gives us dirty looks/stares but it's a small price to pay for happiness. On the other hand, people tell us that we are an attractive (and tall) couple and seem very happy. We love talking to each other and have common interests. My friends say that we are perfect for each other. If you honestly love the person for the qualities they have inside, then color doesn't matter. If you are looking for some one who meets your visual expections/fetish then you need to see shrink.

I have a problem with people calling other people "sell-outs" because they don't do everything chinese. What do you expect if you don't live in China? and actually go outside and experience life. The fact that I live in North America doesn't mean I should only associate with chinese peeople, eat chinse food, watch chinese tv & videos, drive a Honda, and marry a chinese man. How narrow-minded is that? If anything, I suppose you should call people who immigrate out of China to North America "sell-outs" because they aren't hard-core asians. It's okay for them to move to western society but you're not supposed to interact with the locals. That sounds pretty hypocritical. A sell-out is someone who makes choices based on superficial beliefs and not on values & morales. If your choice is made out of denial (and succumb to brainwashing), then you need to decide if you are living an authentic life.
jessica    Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 12:04:11 (PDT)
Well, I have heard quite a bit about this oriental / asian choice of words.
For me as a white male, the word occidental doesn't sound that great either. I do not come from the occident, as far as I know. I prefer the word caucasian which celebrates the mixed ancestry of Russians. And this term is inclusive of many dark skinned people. But, I think those are only the ones who realize they have white bones...

But when you get down to it we are all white on the inside, white bones, teeth, parts of eye.

And I can even make my nose turn white too...

It is just that some people refuse to accept this fact. They want to be the isolationists. They also want to reject me. Send me back to Europe, even though I am not from there...

There were no forced catagories on the recent census. You could have all been white if you wanted to.

I put down ar(i)yanic American because that is the most accessible term people know that describes the way I look.

Albiyes    Friday, May 24, 2002 at 14:05:47 (PDT)

i think you can have endless debate on this topic but here are a few of my own points

- oriental was a term used by the british to mean roughly anything east of palestine

- oriental refers to things like rugs and vases

- calling someone oriental isn't very precise and it also sounds stupid

- it seems more a state of mind that existed a hundred years ago (in the minds of colonialists) than any particular place today

- the british call everything east of the former palestine asian

- a narrow as opposed to broad definition of what is asia and what is asian is more accurate
maxdacat    Friday, May 24, 2002 at 10:55:15 (PDT)
By the way about the asian and oriental thing. I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada too like YY and now living in the states with my asian husband. The term oriental is used more than asian in Toronto. In fact i never even used the term asian until i moved here and everyone says asian not oriental. I think the word oriental sounds more exotic and also the word asian can mean indian, philipino, saudi arabian, etc. But the word oriental surrounds the group that is japanese, chinese, korean and vietnamese. I prefer to use the word oriental even though i've gotten so use to saying asian instead.
There is a large group of asians in Toronto, in fact it is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Trust me, oriental is not a bad word nor should it be offending.
DimSumGirl    Friday, May 24, 2002 at 03:08:53 (PDT)

[Your other post doesn't belong here and has been moved to the Best & Worst of Asian Men page. --Ed]