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Pixie I agee. There should be more recognition given. Sadly enough, the media doesn't always pay much attention to it.
curious girl (the original one)   
Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 03:15:03 (PDT)
Well I think asian males have a duty to inform their parents of their choice in partners. My parents actually preferred me to date asian. But I clearly told them that it was not going to happen. I cleanly told them and added, your opinion in this matter will in no way shape or form change my opinion. Therefore my parents changed instantly and supported my decision 100%. They dont want to get on my bad side. This applies to WF who want to date AM, show some backbone. If you really are serious about interracial dating then have the guts and dignity to defend your loved one's.
Actually about 20% of american asian males marry WF. Thats a pretty substantial number. I belive most asian who have grown up in america love WF's.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 22:24:10 (PDT)
Yeah, it would be nice to see these AM/WF relationships get more attention in the media. But who cares if they do or don't? AMs are still not considered the "cool" kind of exotic like a Latin type by most WFs, things will take some time to change. You should go by the strength of your current situation to determine if you want to stay together or not. Outside input other than parents, family, and (real) friends may have to be largely discarded or you will go crazy. Mainstream media and society are pretty worthless in my opinion. The kinds of IR relationships highlighted in the media are those of guys like Bryant Gumbel (cheated on 1st wife of African descent with a blonde) and Tiger Woods, both of which are examples of minorities chasing WFs for status. I hope no one else is following their examples. Also, if you follow the dating patterns of the rest of society you are met in the future with a high divorce rate and lots of unhappiness for many of those couples that beat the odds and do stay together. My solution: buck all trends, develop your own wisdom about life and relationships, and don't expect your friends to provide useful advice. I've found this the best way to go about relationships, with WFs or any women for that matter.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 20:18:13 (PDT)
Does anyone know if "Southern White Girl" is/will be active on this site? This forum is boring without her.
Just asking   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 20:16:52 (PDT)
Hey Pixie,
Do you still have an Asian bf and do you forsee yourself being happy with one forever!!
Peter Pang   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 20:15:48 (PDT)
Chris (Poet/Warrior),
I completely agree with you that southern accents are sexy, but only when they're done right, in that soft, lilting way.
I live in Atlanta, and quite frankly, the native southern women are a hundred times more pleasant to be with than the many Yankee transplants who live here. It's another reason I listen for accents.
BTW, I was in Greensboro, NC this past weekend, and I had a Asian waitress who had a southern accent. They do exist.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 18:10:58 (PDT)
"I think caucasian and Asian Male relationships have such a hard time. It is rarely seen in the media. I think there should be more recognition given to these relationships. What do you guys think?"
pixie Monday, July 01, 2002 @ 20:.4:55 (PDT)
This is not my writing.
Whomever you are, why are you hiding behind other people's ID's?
If you have something to say, have the courage to use your own name.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 16:10:25 (PDT)
To: Yo
You are right, the "t" in Taoism should be pronounced like the "d" sound. The confusion is due to the Wade-Giles system of Chinese romanization. I found a good explanation for this on the www.Taoism.net web site. (It's also a good site for Asian Americans in search of something deeper than the usual Judeo-Christian spirituality.)
To: Pixie
Every Saturday I get up before my lady and cook her favorite omelette breakfast. She thinks she is the luckiest girl in the world.
This is not something I was forced into. I was inspired one morning thinking about the best way to cook omelette. I thought I had it all figured out in my head, so I had to try it. The result was pretty much as I envisioned, and she was so appreciative that I decided to make it a tradition. It's sort of a special weekend treat for us now.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 13:34:33 (PDT)
"Of course please correct me but don't osterize me because I'm incorrect!"
Oh don't worry; we might *ostracize* you for being incorrect, but we'd never think of osterizing you. That would require a really big blender. :)
(sorry--couldn't resist!)
Chris (Poet/Warrior) fearless1976@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 13:29:11 (PDT)
By the way,
I have a story I thought I'd share with you all. I was at a birthday party this past Saturday in Beverly Hills for this gorgeous young aspiring actress, who also happened to be a former Miss Arkansas (or some such other Southern state). She was absolutely STUNNING--blonde, not-too-tall, skinny, beautiful--she reminded me of a younger Cybill Shepherd (and yes, I have a fetish for young Cybill). Point is, guys EVERYWHERE were drooling over her, and she was equally friendly and engaging with everyone; including myself (and hey! I got my goodnight peck on the cheek, even though I had only just met her...I know, no big deal, but OH! how soft she was.)
Anyway, I'm digressing--guess who her boyfriend was? He was Asian! Everyone else at the party (besides myself) was caucasian...EVERYONE was drooling over her, and she could have had her pick of anyone at the club. Yet she went with the Asian dude. Good for her.
Okay, granted, homeboy is supposed to be INCREDIBLY rich; he drives a ferrari, and his family is supposed to be one of the wealthiest Asian families in the US...but most of the people in this club (and to a lesser extent, even me) were very well-off. So of all the super-rich guys she could have had in LA, she chose the Asian fella. Good for her.
By the way, if you ever want to meet a room full of rich wankers, go to a party in Beverly Hills. They're usually a bit too WASPy for me--I like to keep it real with more ethnically diverse, hip and funky places--but sometimes they're fun to check out (if you like overpriced cocktails).
And by the way, Stacey, if by some miracle you're reading this, and your rich Asian boyfriend ever dumps you, email me! I'm in LOVE WITH YOU!!!!! :P
Chris (Poet/Warrior) fearless1976@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 13:25:16 (PDT)
I am a 19 year old white female college sophmore living in Upstate New York and I really dig asian men. My parents have no problem with this, but my friends accuse me of being prejudiced against white guys. But I look at it this way: if I find a white male that is as attractive, intelligent, funny, goal oriented and caring as the few asian men I know then I would gladly consider him. For now I will go for the asians :)
blonde songbird   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 13:16:52 (PDT)
AM/CF relationships are definitely underrepresented in mainstream media--especially since you never see them kiss onscreen. But on the other hand, there *is* a bit of an excitement associated with these relationships, when you think of them as being defiant against society, or breaking all the rules, or even being 'taboo.' If you're in an interracial relationship, FLAUNT IT! Be a rebel; it will spice things up in the bedroom.
By the way, there are two movies that I know of that celebrate AM/CF relationships in a sexually provocative, bold manner: Annaud's "The Lover," and a soft-core porn movie by Zalman King called "Women Of The Night." Next time you have a Saturday night with nothing to do, go to Blockbuster and pick one of them up--and then post your review on this forum. ;)
Tom Cruise, IS short. I've also heard somewhere that Michael Douglas is pretty short too.
(And by the way, not that it really matters, but I'm 5'9" without shoes...with shoes, I'm 5'11"...hey, I wear cowboy boots--not because they make me taller, but because they give me this bad-ass gnarly swagger.)
Chris (Poet/Warrior) fearless1976@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 13:04:01 (PDT)
actually, i think daoism is simply manderin. the catonese pronounce it tao, like they pronounce beijing peking. daoism is of chinese origin and one of the four major chinese religions. just like buddhism has shaolin, taoism has wudang or wutang.
lao-tzu (laozi) is creadited for founding daoism.
wutang worldwide   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 12:54:03 (PDT)
Thanks for your comment, it's good to hear an explanation of where Asian parents are coming from when they say that they want their son/daughter to marry within their race. I've seen other people post here that said that some Asian parents don't think that whites can have serious, long term relationships, that we don't believe in family unity. Also, just because an AM marries a WF doesn't mean that he's abandoning his family in any way. My b/f is just as close with his family as he has always been, he still lives at home, so we spend a lot of time with his family. And if in 20 years his Mom wanted to live in our house I would have no objections, as she would be family.
curious girl (the original one)   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 11:54:06 (PDT)
To Pixie,I agree with you Pixie that WF/AM relationships need to get fully jumpstarted. So anyway what's your sign?
Single Asian Guy looking   
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 11:29:29 (PDT)
Venice sounds like a dumb blonde.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 10:58:20 (PDT)
Your story touched a nerve in me. Some years ago I ended a relationship with a WF. Although the circumstances were very different from yours, she, too, was very hurt in the end and came to question whether I was ever very serious about her at all. The truth of the matter is that I was absolutely serious about her, as I think most AMs tend to be in their relationships, whether with AFs or WFs. In fact, while we were together, I suffered a great deal because I felt the whole time I was far more serious (and far more in love) with her than she was with me. She was extremely attractive with a professional dancer's figure, and I don't think I ever fully accepted that she could find me as physically attractive as I found her. One thing I noticed, however, was that when she with others, particular with WMs, who were always hitting on her, she could be surprisingly fierce and aggressive to back them off. With me, however, she was very different, very feminine, very tender, and I think she enjoyed being that way, being herself, with me and only with me, it seemed. Still, I don't think we communicated very well in the final analysis--I couldn't stand her few male friends, even if they were all gay, but I couldn't seem to tell her how much they bothered me, and I certainly couldn't tell her to choose between them or me, although that is how I honestly felt. I felt as if she had total power over me, and I had very little effect on her. The strange thing is that after we broke up, I found out that her life kind of came apart--she had to go into therapy, and even several years later, she's still not over it, from what I gather--I broke her heart in short, and I carry a lot of guilt about that. There were a lot of issues involved, and I don't think it could ever have worked out, but I was amazed to find out--too late--how much she needed and wanted me.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 10:52:04 (PDT)