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The lover is a disgusting display. I don't think it has anything to do with LOVE. Anyone can portray a sleezey whore.
The only thing I found cool about it was the scenes between the AM and WF. That part was the coolest. But the whole love thing? Neh, not really. I think it was more LUST than anything.
They should have called it,
"The Luster"
Love? Neh, I don't think so.   
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 06:52:53 (PDT)
Hi everyone.
I've been reading messages here for a while now and have only posted once. Since someone mentioned "curious wf," which is what I posted under, I felt compelled to write a little about myself and my feelings about this site.
I have a strong preference for Asian guys and have been romantically involved with AMs. But my dating life is just starting out as I am just in college. I have a love for Asian culture and am constantly wanting to learn more. I recently went on a trip with a Japanese friend of mine and she started to teach me Japanese. I have taken a tiny conversational course in Korean and am hoping to study Japanese soon.
Also, I am really really attracted to Asian eyes. My friends all kind of tease me about it, but they love that I have such an interest in different cultures. When my friends see an Asian guy (even some of my Asian female friends, haha) they think of me!
Though I can't say I can relate to any of my white friends in the romance department, since I have yet to have a white female friend who is attracted to AMs. I don't mean to sound discouraging, I'm just saying that this is why I love this board so much. I can relate with the females and their attraction. This board makes me sort of feel at home.
curious wf (I hope no one already has this name. If someone does, please tell me. I know there is a curious girl...but is there a curious wf?)
curious wf   
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 00:27:19 (PDT)
A few observations ...
1) Boston is heavily Irish and Italian. Italian women prefer to date Italian men. Irish women prefer Irish and sometimes Italian men. Even after a few generations, they like to stay within their groups. Even outside of these groups, the white people in New England have strong regional pride, historical heritage, etc. etc., thus many white women in Boston are generally reluctant to date Asian men.
2) Also, the women of Boston like men who are aggressive, uninhitited, "high energy", etc. etc. The average shy AM does not fit these descriptions.
3) You need to be a fun guy who embrace the Boston/New England culture, like one of the New Englanders. Also, some of the suburban areas are better than Boston proper as far as picking up women goes ...(Zanzibar, etc.-is it still open?-are a tease and wate of time) There are several clubs/bars in Malden/Saugus border, a huge one with several clubs inside, a few others that draw older crowds. Nearby, there's Border Cafe on Rt. 128? It's been several years, but I remember some of the hot spots.
Hang out with the club crowd and have fun. You go to clubs in NH, North Shore, South Shore, and you run into the same people! Party, party, party, be a fun, cool, relaxed guy and you'll have better chance.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 20:05:29 (PDT)
I couldn't agree with you more!! hahahahahahahahaha! as a corean american guy who has always dated white gals,married once, this is pathetic how some of these people think the movie "lover" is a example of good am/wf relationship. it was just good soft porno.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 19:39:52 (PDT)
"It all sounds gay, I know, but I wish there were more women (from all backgrounds) of strong character willing to make this kind of commitment as well, if I lost all my money, health, etc. I would not be abandoned. Oh well, that's life."
That doesn't sound gay at all (I prefer not to use the word gay like that, as I have many gay friends, but oh well). It is the same as saying "For richer or poorer, in good health and bad, till death do us part. I do." I know that my b/f would stay by my side no matter what (I even ask him jokingly sometimes "What if I gained 200 lbs, would you still love me?" and he says "Of course!") and I would stay by his side too. That's what a true marriage is. If I do take wedding vows with my b/f, I would take them with the utmost sincerity and gravity. There are still some of us girls that believe in "Till death do us part". :)
curious girl   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:44:13 (PDT)
["I wouldn't say I was afraid of the depth of my feelings per se; rather, I was tormented by the thought that HER feelings wouldn't run as deep as mine, as her actions seemed to indicate to me. The ironic twist is that it turned out that they might have gone even further than my own; she just didn't show it to me in a way that I could understand. I always got the impression she treated our relationship rather casually, that she could take me or leave me, but this turned out to be far from the case. I could go into more detail, but I don't think the others in this forum would appreciate my dissecting before them the anatomy of a failed AM/WF relationship, although I happen to think the lessons learned could be of some use here."]
dude, if it's not too late, get back together. it is damn near impossible to find somebody falling head over heels for you (not just am/wf, but in any race relationship). the reason she didn't "show" her love was she was probably hurt in other relationships and was keeping a "distance." you messed up a good thing because of poor communication. talk it out... you'll help save her the counseling/therapy fees :) from what you told us, she really loved you and no amount of therapy is going to help her. she's just going to hate men and relationships b/c she felt used. if she's as hot as you say, that's even worse on her ego. good luck...
actually, if you don't mind, i personally would like to hear more about your relationship and as to why it failed. this will help in us in all relationships to avoid the pitfalls and traps. relationships are difficult as is and IR relationships are more difficult due to miscommunication from different cultures. good luck
if you haven't met me, i am new to you   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:37:08 (PDT)
Speaking of media, there was an episode of "Just shoot me" where Nina takes her long lost daughter's daughter, making it her granddaughter, around New York. This granddaughter was rather flirty, and while in an restruant Nina got a call on her cell phone from the daughter, the granddaughter was on the laps of an AM kissing him. To this the shocked Nina tell her daughter, "oh she's fine, she's having some chinese"
It was done in a funny way.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 16:49:06 (PDT)
I haven't seen "That 80's Show" in quite a while, but my cousin told me yesterday that Roger (Eddie Shin) kissed a white girl (I don't know which one).
Is that true? Does the Asian guy really get the girl on a Hollywood-produced show?
Maybe, just maybe, Pixie's (and everyone else's) wish is coming true!
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 13:32:51 (PDT)
AsiAm brought up an interesting point about Pasadena. He said there's little disparity in terms of AM/WF and WM/AF couples in Southern California.
I have never been to So Cal, but my impression was that the disparity was pretty big there (maybe I just assumed incorrectly that Hollywood's attitudes derived from southern California's attitudes). Anyone who lives in So Cal who can shed some light?
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 13:29:34 (PDT)
I agree with you about Boston. From my experiences there, people don't seem too into the idea of AM/WF dating. I don't think such couples are considered trendy by the Harvard types. Add to that the fact that Boston generally is not very friendly, nor is it too quick to open to new attitudes, and I think that might explain it.
I agree with the other person who said you shouldn't move just for finding more open-minded attitudes. However, if you are going to move, you don't have to go as far as California or Canada. Just go south, like everyone else has been saying. You need only go as far as the mid-Atlantic region (Philly to DC). The DC area, especially, is open to AM-WF dating, at least from my own experiences.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 13:19:23 (PDT)
Your question about the south, I'm not sure how to answer that one even though I live here. What I can tell you is that in certain areas you are very likely to run into harsh racism and that can hurt you enough to dissuade you from even dating at all. However, anything can be beat. I wrote something about finding love in Your True Stories and it's up now, about finding love through anime. That's how I fared.
Nowadays, I barely run into racism, although it did show up once last month, it was the first time in ages.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 12:31:41 (PDT)
I don't want to sound like a porn-addict.
Here is a question for you all.
Have you ever seen AM & WF making love?
Those images are rare.
When you go to interracial sites, all they have is black and white or WM to AF.
For Samantha, I think the guy has a problem with respecting his wife regardless of race.
You shouldn't feel neglected at all, especailly when you are pregnant.
Beauty doesn't have race.
single daks   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 12:20:21 (PDT)