

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

My last gf was heavy set. Up until her I only dated and was initially attracted to only thin women. Physically we were like day and night because not only were we of different races but I go to the gym quite often so we had that level of difference as well. There was a level of physical attraction at first but I loved her for all the support she gave me and her genuinely caring nature. The physical attraction just grew from there.

We definately had a lot of stares. One of her so called old "friends" actually had a nice laugh at our expense in front of us. He was brave for a scrawny man. If she didn't stop me I was ready to put him through the wall.

Throughout our 2 years of being together she would keep trying to lose the weight for me. Everytime that happened I would tell her that I'd love her no matter how much she weighed.

She has a smile that could make your day just that much better. We could just look at each other and just understand one another. She's truly someone that I admire and think is incredible. Anyways to keep it short...for me it's certainly not all about looks. I've been with really pretty women before and I've been known to dump them in a heart beat if I was truly less then impressed with their personality.
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 12:28:15 (PDT)
Loves Curves,
Okay, so you and your friends dig fat chicks. Hell no. Not here. I am not interested in fat-wide girls. I date interracially yes. But the women are slim and sexy. It makes me nauseaous to think about being with a woman with rolls on her belly. Slim and trim women are beautiful. I am just not at all attracted to overweight women.
Dennis the Menace (am)    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 10:45:48 (PDT)
I think caucasian women are beautiful.
High speed low drag asian dude    Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 06:44:48 (PDT)
just cuz ur fat doesn't mean you have more curves than someone who is slim. get real, guys don't pay attention to the more meaty women in real life. that is the sad truth.
Lovergirl    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 22:34:52 (PDT)
korean man

well buddy, frankly there just isnt that many white females in asia. The one's who go to asia are mainly for work. They are professional women in their 30's and 40's who probably already have married. thats probably why. The other white ladies are tourists. so they wouldent want to get involved in a relationship nor would they have the time to do it anyhow. If you want white woman come to the US or EUROPE. Go where they are.

SOG    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 13:34:49 (PDT)
If anyone (male or female) is in the NYC area, please feel free to contact me. Perhaps we could get together for drinks!

Hoboken_CornellGuy    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 12:27:20 (PDT)
Curious girl,
Thank you for your kind compliments about my photos. I have a healthy social life but at age 36, serial dating gets rather tiresome! *smile* In regards to your question about what signs do AM give off when they're thinking seriously about you, I don't think we're any different from other men. But in my experience, a man knows within 6 months if you're the One for him (sometimes a lot less). Anything more, and he's either a boy who you must wait for to grow up, or he's keeping you until something better comes along.
Hoboken_CornellGuy    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 12:05:06 (PDT)
I've been doing some casual observational research. I was at the Getty Center today (a rather large and posh art gallery in LA), and I saw roughly seven interracial couples involving Asians. Four of them were AFs with white boys. Three of them were AMs with girls of all colors.

The four AF/CM couples were, contrary to all the myths floating about, equally matched. That is, the only really hot AF I saw was with the good looking white boy. The rest were rough approximations of each other; the chubby Asian chick was with the guy who looked like a King Of The Hill character, etc.

The three AM/non-Asian female couples, however, ran the gamut. There was a not-too-attractive AM/CF couple; both were rather short and unexciting. Then there was an AM/BF couple that looked pretty hot; the guy had long-ish funky hair, the girl was skinny and athletic; and judging by their 'art gallery banter,' they were both reasonably intelligent. Finally, there was the AM/LF couple. The Asian boy was pretty well built, but by no means particularly attractive, in my opinion. The Latina girl, however, was SUPER HOT. Maybe it's just because I have a Latina fetish, but I found myself following them around the 18th-century decorative arts wing, even though I don't give a damn about Louis XIV ottomans.

For the record, I also saw three Asian/Asian couples. Also saw a number of single Asian men wandering about, as well as single Asian women. They all seemed to be pretty well matched.

Is this a cross-section of the interracial dating scene in LA? I wouldn't necessarily say that...I think if anything, it might only be considered a cross-section of the educated and artistically inclined in LA. But still, the ratios aren't horrendously skewed, as some would have us believe.
Chris (Poet/Warrior)    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 23:39:24 (PDT)
korean man,

if that white female feels so much distain for korean people, then she should get the hell out of korea. she sneered at and looked down her pointy nose at their transportation system, their body odor, their work environment and everything.
what's her problem    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 21:43:10 (PDT)
Ok..I think it is VERY cool to put faces to the people posting! ( And such NICE LOOKING FACES TOO!!WOOOHOOO) So in the hopes that others may do the same, I will add my elderly pictures to the collection : )
If I will go public, hey ANYBODY can...hehehe
Happy Clam    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 20:53:23 (PDT)
OK, I see I have attracted many responses from you guys. I will attempt to respond to each and every one of your responses. But not all of them.

To Lordt78:
"First of all, why are you here?" Because I feel like it, why are you here?
"This is an asian website for crying out loud." -Yes it is predominately Asian, but not excluding to interracial relationships. Which will attract many other races to this website, duh.
"It almost sounds like you got burned by an asian guy before and that we're here to take it out on us AM." - nope, never. Don't be upset about what i said, accept it, i have never dated an AM.
"YOu a model? Most of them are skinny and frail anyway." - oh well, think what you want, at least I am making more $$ than you will ever. ha! I'm slim but neither skinny nor frail.

To Mile High Asian Guy:
Your response is more logical and intelligent than the guy above's. Also, you are not as upset at me for posting my opinions. Thanks for the insight on relationships. You said: "But to say that it is annoying when AM's stare at you then I believe you have specifically singled them out. You happen to notice them looking at you and because you don't find them attractive they stand out more. It's fine if you don't find AM's attractive, that's a personal opinion. But don't criticize them for something that I'm sure many men do (stare).
". I don't single out any specific race. But if a guy is gawking at me I feel like an object. Women do not like to feel objectified. True I am a model and I should be used to it, but not when it makes me feel like a sexual object. I like to be appreciated first. Did I also mention that I hate guys who are superficial, shallow, and caring only about looks? Did anyone watch Shallow Hal? That is what I mean. I did not say I did not find AM's attractive. What I may have failed to mention was that AM's personality is unnattractive, causing them to be unnattractive as well.

To "For Auburn Haired Lady":
you say "WoW, I guess you must be really beautiful that all the men are staring at you, including the AM. And you must also think of youself as [better than everyone else(AM mostly)] to be annoy by a man [AM]looking at you." - I get compliments often but I do not think I am more beautiful than anyone else. Because no matter how pretty you are, someone else in this world is going to be better.
"I really don't know, I mean most lady would appreciate attention. I guess for you it is different. " - Everyone loves attention, I no different, but as i mentioned above, not when it makes me feel uncomfortable and seen as an object.
"Maybe you might be checking some guyz (your attractive too) out and they probably not find you attractive and maybe they too find you annoying look at them." -nope never, i never stare or check out guys. haha. i grew out of that stage since age 17.
"And I think you care about looks yourself. If not then why is it the reason your getting attention from Men. I mean if you were a normal lady, dress and look casual than I guess you might not get as much attention from men. right? " - i care only when i am doing a photo shoot, when i am out at a party, etc. 90% of the time, I am wearing sweats and a t-shirt, and sneakers. Whether I dress casuallly or dress glamorously, it does not affect the level of attention I get.
"Lastly why are you here on this poll anyway. Aren't you wasting your valuable time just typing up your opinion." - thanks but you don't have to worry about me wasting my time, I have all the time in the world. I have opinions just like you and everyone else on here. Can I ask you why you are wasting your time responding to my nonsense opinions then?

To Pooh: Nice way to handle yourself (sarcasm intended)
"YOU sound the most fixated on looks of anyone on this board! Maybe they stare at you because you have a sullen sneer on your face as you look distastefully at them ,wondering what the great appeal is?" -lol..there there, don't get upset.
And after that, whatever you said did not make an ounce of sense. Maybe you should reread what you wrote and rewrite it in English.

To an Arrogant (but worthy) Oriental Sonofabitch: I am 5'8.5 and 120. I just wanted to mention that in these forums, big voluptuous curves are SO overrated when you know the slim girl with the soft curves and pretty face will get the most attention in real life. BTW, I'm not ridiculously skinny or waify, what about you?

To Empyrean, 20
To answer your question, I believe that AM are attracted to WF solely on looks because in listening to their conversations and just in general when I hang out, they don't seem to know a WF well enough to even like them for their personality first. They talk about the physical stuff, bashing this girl and that if she is ugly, and in general talking about WF as if they were some exotic sex object. But maybe I am wrong, remember this is just my opinion. But Empyrean, you seem to have handled my post very eloquently for which I respect. I thought that most of the AM's in here would be more like "Pooh".
Auburn haired Lady, 21    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 16:26:08 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady, 21

You should ask yourself then since you are in an industry that sells looks. Answers can be found in your profession.
FOP    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 16:21:06 (PDT)
Instead of getting on Auburn Haired Lady's case, I think we can all learn and understand a lot more from her insight and a different point of view. I am actually just as much interested in hearing why WFs don't like AMs as why WFs like AMs. Let's all calm down and maybe we can all learn something real and useful... I just hope we haven't chased her away already.
Deng Ai    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 14:43:08 (PDT)
Hi Misty,
I think that everyone has different standards for which they consider others attractive, although the media likes to rule and tell us what we SHOULD like or not like. I am not overweight, yet I am defintely 'curvy', meaning 36DD, small waist and bottom ala J-Lo type. And my husband tells me that is one of the things he finds very attractive about me, that I have some curves. I am taller than my husband some also. I was blonde when we met , but got tired of spending the time and money and changed my hair back to its pretty natural auburn color just recently. Love is not determined by hair color, although everyone may have a personal preference.

Every white female that I know at this time that is married to or in a serious relationship with an AM is a brunette. I think if there is fascination with blond hair from some Asian males, it may come down to just opposites attract in looks.
I would definitely ask yourself if you feel like you have only "settled" by marrying your husband or if you are in love with him. Because I do not drool over other guys other than my husband. I think if you feel like you have your ideal person, you might not be so curious?
Hannybunbun    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 11:48:49 (PDT)
Ok, every Monday and Wednesday evening at the gym, I see this one particular AM. Since I already have a "thing" for AMs, I noticed him right away, as he is very good-looking. I also notice that he looks at me, too. He is very outgoing, and talks to many women, all of them WFs and the best-looking ones at the gym. I passed him on the stairway once, and we said "hi" to each other, but that was a while ago. Anyway, every time I see him, he is flirting with a different woman. I don't know if he is really hitting on them, but it sure seems like it. I'm starting to think that he's a player, and I don't like such guys. But I still stare and drool. Oh, well.
size 2 WF    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 11:00:34 (PDT)
If you're looking for a place to hook up with WF, it doesn't matter where you go. You can be in Texas or Cali.
If you're a good looking and nice asian guy with balls, you'll catch girls.
If you're ugly, you won't pick up girls no matter what state or country you're in.
ripped asian 6 ft 185    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 10:31:54 (PDT)
oh sorry i skipped the beginning part.

this is the part that i skipped, sorry.

and the next following is that i posted.
bye bye.

korean man.    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:57:41 (PDT)
Why is everyone wasting space here writing the Auburn Hair? She obviously has made up her mind, anyway, and you're giving her way more attention than she really deserves. Ditto for "every last one."

Let's move on to something positive. You are all beating a dead horse. I doubt either of them have even logged back on to check.
JJP    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:40:54 (PDT)
The last time i posted on here i never got a reply and this time i have a new one every 5 answer many at once,let me say this,if i were asked 10 years ago what curvy was i would have said 5'2, 140-160 lbs,depending on were it is at on the body.i was a size 12 then but most of it was on my my chest(32dd)and i do have larger legs than most short women doto my working out in high school.If i were asked today then yes i am overweight right now.But thats what 3 kids will do to you.I am a size 18 now and im not ashamed to say it.i will get back to a smaller size someday but until then am I expected to hide in the shadows .I don't think so.I think just the opposite.If you like me as a person now then you might really love what i look like later.
Now as the other question was put "second thoughts already". No second thoughts.I have been married for 11 years now. Yes I was very young when I married but i love my husband none the less. and yes he knows that Im into asian men. he's ok with it.he actually goes out of his way to point them out sometimes just to see me blush.he feels not threat because he knows i love him.
so let me say this, love and friendship are the 2 things this world needs more matter what you look like.and speaking of looks you can see me if you want at

Misty    Friday, July 12, 2002 at 08:36:00 (PDT)

