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I think this is a wonderful site for us all to understand each other. And it has helped me understand more about myself and others (WF included). So keep posting WF cause I really would like to hear from you. It is very intersting to read the stuff you comment on. And I'm glad I found this site. I am an AM who thinks WF are beautiful. And I love WP too.
I have some question for WF out there. (Don't get me wrong on this one, NOTE: I love white people)
ONE: why is it in a typical american family (White family) that marriage usually end up with divorice. I mean this is not always true but it is pretty often than an Asain american family, don't you think? I would like to hear from you ladies out there on this (this is just your opinion, off course there are no right answers).
Two: What do you think about us AM? What are some of the stereotype you like and dislike about us? Or what are some of our good quality and bad quality about us? (for the WF who are attracted to AM) What attracts you to us?
Thanks ladies I appreciated you comments if any and love you all.
DoubleD (AM)   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 11:23:20 (PDT)
Any sexy single WF in here from NYC or NJ that would like to chat with a HANDSOME AM. Write me, my address is on the bottom. Feel free to write me anytime.
MR.D derek24_7@yahoo.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:38:05 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
That's a lot of pictures you have on the web and it all look very nice. It's that all your family memebers there or friends too. If it is you have such a big family. Again nice pictures. Thanks for sharing with us all. I hope I can too but I don't have a site of my own. hehe =)
DoubleD (AM)   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:30:10 (PDT)
Auburn haired lady,
I am just curious, but how do you know if someone is viewing you as a sex object, especially if it's a stranger passing you on the street? Were they drooling or did they make comments as they pass by? Also, what is the correct way to look at someone? Is it to make eye contact or to look but don't make it obvious or don't look at all? Does the answer sometimes depend on the attractiveness of the guy?
Deng Ai deng_ai2000@yahoo.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:57:22 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady, 21
Thanks for you intelligent respond to all our comments. Now it has made us all a little more clearer about yourself and ourself. And like I mention earlier in one posting, we appreciate your view on how you see things on this poll along with all the other comments. Cause it defintly made me wiser on how I see things.
To All the wonderful WF out there;
On behalf of all the AM we do appreciate all the WF here on this poll and site for their view of situation. It has made us all a little more open minded than the day before. So keep it up and speak your wonderful mind lady.
Double D (AM)   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:51:35 (PDT)
Proud 2 b Azn (AM)
Heavyset is just another word for overweight LardAss. Don't try to butter it up and make it out to be sweet.
Pleasantly plump, heavyset, big boned,big girl\ are all colorful little words that all mean the same thing.
I will not date a fat ass girl. I agree with 'Dennis'. Fat lard is disgusting and its not healthy. Look at what it does to the cardiovascular?
heath fitness instructor   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 09:41:14 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
You have a nice family, and you are so brave:)
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 08:02:13 (PDT)
To: Proud 2 b Azn (AM)
You are just too sweet!
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 07:53:32 (PDT)
hey i have news for you:
ALL guys are just after the goods, at the end of the day.
a guy that says different is either lying or trying to sell you something.
hey auburn hair - i doubt a lot of AMs stare at you. people who say that looks are not important are usually ugly. sure, looks aren't the most important, but they're right up there.
who said anything about trying to make a relationship last? i'm 24 - my whole goal is to make relationships NOT last.
since it seems the thing to do, check out:
i just got a digital camera. hooray. i will have a page soon of pictures.
hold the mayo whas_crackin@yahoo.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 07:34:37 (PDT)
Size 2 WF,
Thanks for sharing your story. Personally, I don't see anything unusual with being friendly and open. Some people (male or female) just have optimistic personalities that are appealing to many! Why not take a chance and engage him in more lengthy conversation? And if you don't mind me asking, how did you develop your attraction to AMs?
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 05:43:29 (PDT)
I've found that the higher the international population (FOBs), the worse it is for asian males (and probably asian females) to meet a white person. They actually seem to detract white females from seeing asian males as even possibilities. Vancouver has an extremely high FOB population and I've found the girls there to be down right cold in the nightclubs (they're fine in the daytime for some reason). I was in a few Seattle bars/clubs recently and the girls there were extremely approachable, more approachable than anywhere else I've ever been to - completely opposite to Vancouver. That's my 2 cents for anyone considering moving to Vancouver (especially if they're dependent on night clubs for dating).
JasonY79 yeo@purdue.edu   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 05:21:07 (PDT)
To the WFs,
When you first dated AMs, how did you first react to the different body odor of AMs? I'm asking because the diet of many AMs include a lot of rice and I'm curious if WFs had any discernible reaction to this.
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 05:06:01 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
Thanks for sharing your photos, you're a great-looking family! It's interesting for me to note that all the Eurasian children I've seen have been really cute to beautiful. Has anyone else noticed that?
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 04:47:30 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady, 21
After the criticism that you took from your posts I'm surprised that you took the time to repond to most of them. I'm glad that you did respond to them to clarify some important points. Some things do get taken out of context and it's up to the reader to interpret them. But through all your responses you never did respond to the advice to consult your sister on her attraction to AM. Why you haven't asked her to answer the questions that you may have? Also, being a model, you are contributing to the superficial world of physical looks. I'm not criticizing you for that fact. But, you should understand that side of attraction more than most. Guys are going to gawk at you, you need to learn to deal with it! You state that you would like to be appreciated first. Well you know what? So would the rest of us. It seems that you have a preconceived notion on the personalities of AM and therefore find all of them unattractive. That's just as unfair. You are asking guys to give your personality a chance, what about you giving AM's personality a chance. We are all different people. Treat us as such.
Mile High Asian Guy   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:38:26 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady, 21:
I think the reason so many people are getting on your case about the looks issue is that at first glance, your initial post seemed to suggest that you didn't find AMs physically attractive. If that's the case, well then some egos might be bruised, but you're entitled to that opinion. But if that's not the case, and the only reason that you're unattracted to Asians is because of the superficiality issue, then there's a lot that we can do on this board to change your mind...that is, if you're open to it.
However, I might just ask you--how many Asian males do you know in person? Are you just basing your opinion of AMs just on the basis of the posts here on this forum? Because if that's the case, then I think you're getting an unfair representation of the AM mentality. There's been a lot of silly banter around here these days about brunettes vs. blondes, curvy figures, working out for better physiques, etc.--which, I'll grant you, is entirely superficial--but nevertheless, simply lighthearted and innocent talk amongst anonymous strangers on the internet. If you were to visit one of the other forums, you'd find intelligent and substantive conversation to your heart's content, but as it is, the AM/CF is just a room full of guys who are attracted to the WF look, and WFs who are attracted to the AM look. It's hardly the best place for meaningful conversation.
The only other thought I had is that a lot of people might have trouble believing that you're anti-superficiality when in fact, you're a model by profession. Sorry; it's just a stereotype propagated by the media. I'm sure you're very intelligent and got a great SAT score, yada yada, and by your careful response you seem pretty collected. But frankly, there's a stereotype that you yourself have to overcome in order to be taken seriously. I've dated a model before, and she was one of the more grounded and easy-going people I knew: somewhere on the low/high-maintenance chain between an actress and a ballerina. But much of the world thinks that you're a stuck-up, airheaded bimbo because of shows like Just Shoot Me. It comes with the territory of your chosen trade, and it's up to you to overcome those images.
So let's keep the level-headed conversation going, and maybe you can change our minds about models, just as we might change your mind about Asian males.
Chris (Poet/Warrior) fearless1976@yahoo.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 01:16:12 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady, 21
And all skeptical caucasian females,
Where did you say you lived, again? If you are living in or near a place where there are Asians that pack themselves into their own community and culture you are bound to see Asians that are very superficial. This is true of any people that "stay" only with their own people. It is a strange phenomenon in America. It probably happens in other countries where there are minorities. Many people in and on their own aren't very negative by nature, as a race or community. - No more than anyone else, anyways. But sometimes between one's ancestor coming to say, America, and the time that they take to acclimate themselves to the "American" culture, something unique occurs. - Like it or not. It's a sub-culture hybridization. Someone who is Chinese-American, may very well be, in a sense, neither Chinese nor American, atleast not anymore. This type of person struggles between two very different worlds. Many Asian men are often told that they are inadequate, physically, and as such are trained to overcompensate this by becoming obsessed with looks themselves. In the U.S., EVERYONE, is subjugated to this, men, women, of every race. It seems at times, all anybody cares about is looks. But don't blame all asian men for this, only the ones that have allowed themselves to be poisened by imagery. Elsewise, I think many that are on here that talk about looks are only talking about the only difference between women of all race, looks. -elsewise, all women are capable of being: warm, funny, loving, understanding, intelligent, etc. ; as well as being capable of being: cruel, apathetic, hateful, narrow-minded, dumb, etc. Anyone that thinks that only certain women are capable of being any of these things as well as beautiful, is too be ignored and not included as the defining specimen of any group of men. Pigs will be pigs. Whew, I hope that better explained what I originally wanted to say. Peace, ya'lls.
Empyrean20 Empyrean20@aol.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 00:30:05 (PDT)
Deng Ai,
Perhpas you were one of the few that didn't sense or see that Auburn Haired Lady's comments were somewhat, if not blatantly inflammatory. It is one thing for one to say that one doesn't understand this and doesn't like that. That's when you ask questions. ---Very pointed, specific questions. To have an "open-ended" question such as "Why do wf like AM?", to paraphrase, and to follow up with saying that in anyway shape or form that AM annoy anyone is racist in nature. To say that ALL of a particular group of people do something without, excluding any of it's members, nor qualifying the statement by including those that are not members in said group will be taken with some HEAT. And it is not necessary to say the word "ALL" to mean "ALL". It is enough that the word "some" was not used. EX: instead of , "I hate it when Asians care only about my looks!", how about "I hate it when SOME Asians care only about my looks"..Or simply, "I hate it when ANYONE cares only about my looks and not my beautiful mind and glistening personality." If Auburn Hair Lady's intention was to point out that some that she has noticed were perpetrators of "lookism", it should be so stated. Otherwise, many Asian males will feel that they are being slandered, not only individually, but also as a whole race. Neither is to be expected to be tolerated. I find it actually encouraging that anyone responds here, since some Asians are taught all their lives to never run the risk of offending anyone. As for how they respond, I leave that to the individual. But please, everyone, do qualify your statements. In the end, it's not about people should know what you mean. It is, in the end, the communicator's responsibility to communicate in a fashion as to make the audience understand. Not the audience's responsibility to make that leap of faith or understanding and interpret what one might be trying to say.
And I don't think you should be worried about Auburn Hair Lady leaving. She seems to do what ever she wants. Peace man.
Empyrean20 Empyrean20@aol.com   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 00:02:18 (PDT)
I have already a beautiful asian g/f who is from taiwan.
but i realized that the relationship between AM/WF showed sign of starting even in here korea recently.
i don't know how it is going in america.
one of my classmate have a canadian girl friend.(she is an english teacher)
and one of my professors (she's from the states) married to a korean man last year.
just back to a few years ago,the interracial relationship meant AF/WM only here. but that trend is geting changed.
the number of AM/WF relationship is getting increased recently.
i think it is just start.
it is very rare to find married ones yet.
but it is getting easier to find AM/WF relationships start.
just a few years ago, most (i dare to say all) men here couldn't dream of they would have white g/f.
but that was changed and almost men here don't mind they have white girl friend anymore if there are right ones around.
i came in here just to let you inform what's going on here. :)
bye bye, good luck for you all.
korean man   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 21:10:22 (PDT)
Auburn haired Lady,
First of all, I usually don't respond to any chick unless she is a blonde. I guess you think I am shallow, but oh well. Girls are actually much, much, much more shallow than guys. For you to come on here and insult AMs, by generalizations, you sound like an idiot. I don't care if you look like a model, an idiot is an idiot, plain and simple. I guess you are used to the expression, "all beauty and no brains". Anyways, how many AMs do you actually know? I can come back you with my views of WFs by saying that all WFs are promiscuous and unfaithful. I saw that movie "Shallow Hal", and it was very funny. It won't change how guys feel about fat chicks. Girls don't like going out with fat guys either, right? The only truth that I can see from the movie is that hot girls are usually the worst when it comes to a good personality.
Shallow Matt   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 20:26:13 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
Nice pictures of your family.
Asian Machiavelli   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 19:27:33 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
Wow! You look terrific! Beautiful smile :) . Your husband is one lucky happy oyster! lol. You know what really strikes me about you and your husband ? Often when I look at a couple, I say to myself "gee, they look like they truly BELONG to each other". The way their face and look match with the other, same demeanor, matching body language, etc ... You and your husband ar like that. Oh, cute kid too!
Happy Camper   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 19:19:39 (PDT)
In some cases, Asian males seem to have a punk-like attitude and they try too hard to be cool. I'm personally turned off by this quality. And sometimes, Asian males go in the very opposite direction. Studious, cooperative, obedient. They seem to succumb to strict Asian parenting control. While the other half resists it. I can understand this, and sympathize with the troubled, confused Asian boys and girls.
Caucasian female Commenter gold_dragon80@hotmail.com   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 18:56:01 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
you have a good looking kid! you're good looking too!
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 18:44:53 (PDT)
Misty, you have such a pretty face! You really are a pretty girl.
Happy Clam, your family pictures were so nice. You're not old! You and your husband make a great couple, and your son is adorable. It's nice to finally see your face.
Empyrean20- Thanks! I will always stand by my man. I do like to stick up for AM's, most of them are so great. I've had both AM friends and boyfriends, and I've known them to be some of the most intelligent and hardworking, and also gorgeous men around.
Hoboken_CornellGuy- Your welcome. You have quite a nice physique, I can tell you work out. And you're an engineer?? Quite a catch! You really think a guy knows in 6 months if a girl is "the one"?
Proud 2B Azn, you absolutely rock. You are such a good person, I can tell from your posts. I definitely understand that Asian guys tend to take more time with relationships than just jumping into things. My b/f's last relationship was 5 yrs long, and he didn't consider that a long time! I'm in no rush either, I just wanted to know if there was a way to tell. Occasionally I'll chat about friends at work that got engaged, and what kind of rings they got, just to get the thought in his brain. ;)
As for the weight issue, to each his/her own. If you think that only skinny women are attractive, that's fine, but PLEASE don't put anyone else down because they're large! I'm a thin but curvy girl, and my b/f loves my curves. But I would like to stand up for the larger ladies here and say they can be just as beautiful.
Fit Azn Male- 5'4 and 125 is "pleasantly plump"??? Umm...what?? Maybe for an AF, but WFs in general have larger bone frames, so while 5'4 and 125 may be plump for an AF it is NORMAL for a WF. I won't state my exact numbers but I"m somewhere around there and I'm not plump.
To all- I love this sharing photos thing! I won't post my email, sorry but there are a lot of weirdos out there. But if you want to see a pic of me and my guy just leave your email and I'll send you one. I love to show him off. ;)
curious girl   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 18:05:45 (PDT)