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I dig your family album.
BTW, is Yamile a Jewish name? Are you Jewish? I ask, because I've heard that Jewish identities are more open to diversity and IR relationships than, for example, the classic WASP identities.
I had the same question in connection with Hank Lewis, a frequent commentator on these polls. Lewis, I've heard, is also a Jewish name.
I've enjoyed the comments by both you and Hank Lewis, although I don't always agree with either of your respective viewpoints.
Asian Machiavelli   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 12:12:39 (PDT)
i posted on this website before when it had that interactive poll section. i'm a 25 year old Korean-American Male.
i think Asian guys and all males of every race should be open to females of every race and culture. it's how each individual perceives how others treat them. change your negative perception and you'll change your world of black and white to color!
peace to all! :)
John (NY)   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:26:42 (PDT)
Proud 2 b Azn(AM)
I have been with white men before, they do have an excess of body hair and odor. They practiced good hygiene and wore cologne, but still managed to have bad body odor. My boyfriend now happens to be an asian man. I have noticed he wears very little cologne, and has very good hygiene ... and has not bad body odors. And he doesn't get all sweaty all the time.
daytripper LuVnKisseS<3   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:18:59 (PDT)
Asian Brother,
Was that you writing that story title, "Falling for Kid Sister's Best Friend" in forum Your True stories. Very interesting story!!!
your true stories   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:55:27 (PDT)
Hello Iconic!
I have read many of your posts. I agree with you 100% when you say that you are WhiteWashed. You certainly are the most WhiteWashed AM ever. You don't have an ounce of Asian Pride in you. AM that I am attracted to, are proud of who they are as AM. Its a shame that you wish you were something that you are not. I bet you wish you had White parents.
Double D (AM) is just as bad. You two must be cousins or something.
Both of you wish you were white. I have never wished I was Asian. I am proud of who I am. Why are you so pathetic?
You have nothing on that Long Duc Dong guy in 16Candle. He's definitely way hotter than you. I've seen your pic. You're 'soso'
South Dakota WF for proud AM   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:42:33 (PDT)
Both Hannybunbun and Happy Clam are very attractive. Any AM would be proud to have women like these in their arms.
I noticed in particular that Happy Clam's positive personality really radiates from her pictures. Also, Hannybunbun's art is most intriguing.
I'm not going to buy Auburn Hair's assertion that she's a professional model until I see some pictures. Anyone can say anything in a forum like this.
Just to keep this going, I'll submit my picture to the mercy of the court, too... :)
My Yahoo profile and picture are at:
Derek2000USA derek2000usa@yahoo.com   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:03:02 (PDT)
Thanks for the list. can't find may girls like you around. :-)
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 06:50:38 (PDT)
I think Hoboken_CornellGuy has a point about how Asian people taking marriage seriously. My dad once told me that in any relationship we first stay together for love no matter what your family has agaisnt it, then you stay together for your family eventhough your love try to stear you in the opposite direction. This whole concept still baffles me until now. My parents have been together for a very long time, as long as I can remember. Eventhough they were separated for 7 years when my dad got put into the North Vietnamese education camp, my mom stayed faithfull to him during that time and I wonder what motivation got her through it. Was it because of love or family. The idea of realtionship seems very simple to my parents, but to me in this generation is very hard to defined.
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 06:47:21 (PDT)
Even as a little girl I was always attracted to Asian men. My love, whom I'm engaged to, is the sexiest man alive. I love that he doesn't look like all the good ole' boys my friends married. My favorite thing though is that even American Asian men have a certain thing in their voice that is oh so sexy. Now if I could just get his mom to like me.
Candy cdh673s@msn.com   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 03:26:56 (PDT)
Asian Brother,
Oh, ok! Now I understand what you're were trying to say better. I think sometimes we all say things...knowing the way we mean it, but its either hard to describe or it doesn't all come out the right way. A perfect example of this is when someone says (like me, for example) that they like Asian eyes. When I say that, I know that there are all types of Asian eyes and some are not attractive and some are. Just like any other feature anyone has of any race. Everything, of course varies. I understand though, that sometimes SOME people don't think of certain features as different and may lump all Asian eyes together. And you don't know who lumps things together and who doesn't. Though it's hard to be specific on this subject. What do you say exactly?Hahaha.
But I'm glad you wrote about that because it will make me be more careful about sounding like I'm generalizing when that is not my intention. I understand that sometimes by saying you are attracted to something, it sounds like you're attracted to all people that have that feature. Which, at least for me, isn't true. Unfortunately, some times what your intention to say and what you actually say comes out differently. I think my ex wondered if I was attracted all Asians, which isn't true. But I also think part of that stems from not being able to understand just why exactly some people are especially attracted to Asians...(or especially attracted to anything, for that matter) and sometimes he'd ask me to explain it because he didn't really understand it. It's hard to explain something that you just feel. Beyond all of our reasons, you just feel what you feel. It's the same attraction in general, whether its a physical attraction or another type of attraction...like a deep connection that attracts you. Attraction just hits us, and it's hard to deny.
curious wf   
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 00:55:49 (PDT)
Nice pictures and you're nice too!! I was wondering what is your natural hair color? It's it brunet or blonde. I saw two picture of you and in one them you have dark hair. I was wondering which one of those picture is more recent? And thanks for sharing your pic.
curious girl,
For singer, I think Britney Spear is very sexy. She is beautiful. But I'm not crazy about her thou. I also think Faith Hill is very nice, she's beautiful. She on the other hand is very different from Britney Spear by the way she carries herself. She is much more sophisticated and her album usually target mature adults (my opinion). Britney Spear usually target people in their teens and early twenties. Both of them sings pretty good.
Actress, I think Bridget Fonda is very attractive. She is the conservative type in the movie, lake placid. She is very cute in that moive. The movie Kiss of the dragon, staring her and Jet Li. In this movie she is not conservative thou, she plays a prositute. I think she is really hot in this movie. Mira Sorvino in the movie the Coruptor and Mimic, is also attractive.
KEEP IN MIND: Over all, I think an ordinary wf, are just as attractive as those stars on T.V. I mean I go out and I see some beautiful people. My point is, not only stars are attractive or better than anyone else. They are famouse b/c of us (general population).
Thanks for all those compliment about us AM. I appreciate it. I liked the way you talk, very kool. Sticking to your opinion and decisions is what life is all about, babe. Show them who's the boss. =).
But what you mean by blue-black hair?
AZ don't have blue hair though. And another thing is what does this,
("I'm in a bad way here")
To all female,
Want to trade pics with me. Write me, my address is below.
DoubleD (AM) de12be22@yahoo.com   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 18:13:13 (PDT)
Everyone wants to be loved as an individual, not as a member of a group.
--Asian Brother
That's why I feel like going for white girls who's not especially looking for a "Asian" boyfriend.
Loving Tenor   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 17:37:45 (PDT)
Your Nathan is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. I absolutely love his Chinese outfit......
Did you notce that he, sort of, has his dad's signature smile?
Loving Tenor   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 17:34:45 (PDT)
ãGee, it's tough being beautiful, isn't it? :)ä÷Christ
LOL. Remember ãThe Story of Luckyä ?
"Guys (and girls if you like stories),
Remember the last time you saw this gorgeous blonde with the hottest body in a tight little dress (that she's ALMOST wearing) sitting alone in the bar or with her friends? What's going through in your head (besides those that I am not going to describe here) must be the images of those beautiful women that you saw on TV, magazines, movies, etc., who is so happy and confident, and truly enjoy their life. You think that those beautiful women you saw in the real life are just like those images of beautiful women you saw in the media, right?
This is a story about a girl named Lucky.....
(ooooh my god, I can't believe this just came out of my poor media-washed brain, years of ACADEMIC training wasted, I can't even fly out of the.....Buzz, Buzz, earth to Buzz, come back, OhhOh, ok!)
You see, Lucky wasn't so lucky. She had this birth defect only occurs in 1% or even less of the entire female population of Homo sapiens (human), which is called BEB (Being Extremely Beautiful) syndrome. Since the day she was born, she has being recognized only on their appearance most of the time. Very rarely, someone would come along and compliment her on her achievements or personality alone without any influence from the impression of her appearance. If you think that's not bad enough for her, many girls hated her for that and boys were too afraid to even talk to her. For those boys who do have enough balls to date her, they collect her as trophy, something to show off to their little friends, not because she's so intelligent and bright, only because she's so beautiful.
You think it wasnât too bad? Well, every time she got something, she has to wonder if she really earned it, or someone gave it to her because of her look, whether it's the president of the club, the biggest present among all, or just simply a lots of candies from a neighbor in Halloween. Ok, you think things surely got much better when she reached the real dating age, like 21and elder, right? Well, not quite.... Most of the guys didn't even dare to come up and talk to her because she's too beautiful. The ones who did can't even strike up a decent conversation and appear as guys with half of a brain. The ones who could show their true self are the ones who don't care about anything and everything else except themselves, yes, the jerks. How many times have you seen the jerkiest guy with the most beautiful girl on their side who they call "girlfriends"? And, the only reason that they want her is, again, because they are so beautiful. Since those jerks don't care about anybody else, they treated Lucky, their so-called "girlfriend" like dirt. And, they will usually just jump on the next one who they think is beautiful. If you have been fortunate enough to understand the first rule of giving girls good sex, yes, putting how she feel from just about anything you can do as the first priority. As you can image, Lucky just never got satisfied sexually by those "boyfriends" who only care about themselves. And, you know what, those jerky people has no life and are so boring.
You think that's not bad enough? The stories only got worse from here. The scenarios of Lucky's dating life went on and repeated themselves over and over again, one relationship (if that's what you call a relationship) after another, and year after year. She had been wanting someone who really wants to know her, be with her, kiss her, hold her, love her and "see" her for who she really is inside and recognize her as an individual. For years, men came after her were just not interested in how to have a rewarding life with her. They only wanted to have a pretty face sitting on their side, a warm body to hold when they were bored, and use her hot body as sex toy to satisfy their sexual needs with no any emotional-connection-concept in their front and back of their mind.
(ãWhat didnât she find a nice guy to date?ä)
Well, you tell me. Most men got so petrified in front of her, how would she tell the good ones from the mediocre ones, not to mention the essential part of dating, which is showing their true self and forming emotional connection with her. She got used to so many hit-ons everyday for her entire life from so many guys she have absolutely no interest for the most of them. The usual mind set was just rejecting everyone, which includes those nice guys she had been craving for, so she could get on with her life. In addition, she simply didnât show them much of any sign of interest since she has never been doing that at all for her entire life. She never had to lift a finger for getting guysâ attentions or getting dates. She never had to use any body language to give guys signal. She can even look bored and pissed in a bar, and still have bunch of guys hitting on her. Now, how likely is that she will wake up one day and recognize a guy who can truly understand her and appreciate her for who she is, and put in a little bit effort to at least give herself a chance to explore the possibility of her true happiness. Not very likely, considering there are many many guys waiting in line to date her.
Fortunately, our Lucky is an intelligent lady, one day there was a switch inside of her brain got flipped on, then a little light bulb lighted up. She suddenly understood what had been going on in her entire life and whatâs to come if she doesnât do anything about it. She took actions. Those actions led to some beautiful friendships with guys she can really connect. Her feelings developed slowly with one of them in a neutral and non-pressured environment. She can sense those invisible connections that energized her on such a deep level with him. They are able to communicate with each other so well and enjoyed relating to each other in a way that no one else can. She owes this all to one of her actions she took, which was just simply emailing a guy she felt worth developing friendship with. And, she has been talking to her friends all about him, this Luckyâs lucky guy, for 6 months now, very happily.
The End.
Lucky is truly lucky. Many girls with ãBEB syndromeä live an unhappy life with more problems than anybody else. Therefore, next time when you see this "knock-out gorgeous blonde", please understand that they are only human too, and sadly, unhappy ones. Maybe sheâs so disappointed that you didnât talk to her at all when she finally got enough of courage to ask you for a ride home. And, please also be understanding of the reasons that those girls put up the shooting-everyone-down shield in the bar, and just be nice and said ãEnjoy your night, and I hope you find what you are looking for.ä after she show no interest to you. In fact, deep down, you have your true sympathy for her cause sheâs probably not going to find it."
Loving Tenor lovingtenor@bigfoot.com   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 17:15:39 (PDT)
asian brother,
if you're the same guy as the "kid sister's friend" story, whatever happend to the girl? did you call her? what's the story?
just wondering   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 14:10:00 (PDT)
Hello Big Red,
Thank you for sharing your observations about me. I won't go on about my physical appearance because it's really quite a bore for the others reading this list. But I've found from my experiences that a man at ease with himself, exuding an open and optimistic attitude, does quite well attracting pretty women. It's the man that counts, not his height, race or bank account.
P.S. But I have been lifting weights religiously for 18 years; it's amazing how easy it is for AM to maintain a hard physique. Another point on why women should love AM, right? *smile*
Hoboken_CornellGuy (36 years old, 5'8", 175 lbs and still have my high school 29" waist) http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/james193a/lst?.dir=/My+Recent+Photos&.view=t   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 14:05:21 (PDT)