

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Curious Girl,
I find Faith Hill totally gorgeous and love the way she carry herself. Brunette, Jennifer Love Hewitt is as beautiful as they come and she now sings too. I saw her sing on MTV, and all i could say is Wow.....and she could carry a tune too.
Asian Biker    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 07:23:08 (PDT)
To establish any relationship, it is better to start off as a regular friend, ex. same sex friend. That way one will not be nervous and can be him or herself. If the other party is not interested, you can usually tell right away, ex. do not feel like talking to you, etc.

The following are what I have observed:
I have seen hot girls get dumped! Yes, even they can get dumped!
A lot of handsome white guys are having exactly or even more problem than me (Asian guy)in finding WF. For example, I know a blond blue eye young pharmacist who had so much trouble finding a girl that he finally found a lady from anther country via internet. He told me, "There was just no one available". I also know a young handsome white guy, a mechanical engineer who also had lots of trouble in finding a girl! I mean they are white, but they even have less hits from white girls than I do. Sounds strange, but it is true. It seems like no matter what your color or race, girls are more attracted to "fun" guys who likes to joke around, etc. A lot of university guys (from hard core sciences) like myself and others went through years of hell and thus behave differently compared to normal human beings. For example, I always have a pen in my shirt's pocket. When I wear shorts, I roll my socks all the way up, etc. We are more practical, but we are more "nerdy" and less creative or fun to hangout with at the same time. What I do is I force myself to talk to other people even if I do not feel like it.

What do you ladies think? Is that a fair statement? Please let me know.
Christian Guy    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 02:00:29 (PDT)
South Dakota WF:

I consulted my 2002 NYT Almanac. SD is about .6% Asian; in any event, it's practically all white with the exception of sizable Native American population.

I have some admiration for the Midwestern lifestyle, as seen on "Little House on the Prarie", wasn't it somewhere on midwest? The romanticism of America's bygone era, the family farm, the small town folk attending churches every Sunday ...etc. how charming. But what kind of Asian people live there? What do they do? How do you like living in SD?
Commentary    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 23:29:16 (PDT)
Curious Girl,

Here's who I think is a list of atttractive women, in general among the all the celebrities:

Jessica Alba, Heather Graham, Gwen Stefani, Eliza Dushkou, Brooke Burke, Torrie Wilson, Gisele Bundchen, Jennifer Lopez, Elsa Benitez, Shannon Elizabeth, Christy Chung, Beyonce Knowles, Thora Birch, Gweneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson, Rose MCGowen, Ming Na Wen, Kelly Hu, and China Chow. Of Course, there's always more but I think the names above represent something different to each type of women. Some have a certain outgoing personality, and some seem to have a very understated personality, i.e. Thora Birch. So many different types of women, it's all there for a man to appreciate if he is open. I know probably Curious Girl asked what type of celebrity Asian men like, and the names above, I think, are a good cross-section of women. But you, the most passionate, and memorable girls I know of are the ones I have met in everyday life. and they are not represented by any celebrity. I only wish we were telepathic, that way I could share images and memories of these non-celebs, to all.
Steven    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 23:24:55 (PDT)
White girl who loves the company of younger Japanese men,

I quite agree that Asian men should ask white women out more often. Or even just strike up a conversation. I also think it'd be great if women of all races did so to men, too. Why wait for the guy if you know what you want? Anyways, hope you find your prince.
Steven    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 22:46:26 (PDT)
south dakota -

i'm disappointed in myself for spending so much time on your post but, truthfully, i can't sleep. so i will blame you if i fall asleep in my meetings tomorrow. educating ignorance is thankless.

when you say i have no asian pride, is it because i have made it apparent that i find white women attractive, generally date white women accordingly, have mostly white friends, etc?

since when do my friends and associates define the amount of pride i possess for my heritage?

my point is this: whether you like it or not, you are perpetuating the status quo. you expect me to behave a certain way because i am asian. you expect me to conform to your personal perception of the asian american man. apparently, this means i should be proud of being asian.

surprise: i am not proud of being asian - neither am i ashamed - i am proud of being me.

people like you should focus less on WHAT someone is and more on WHO they are.
iconic    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 22:29:53 (PDT)

Oh, believe me. I do give WF a chance and in return, I ask for the same. I am just not sure why you direct this comment toward me ?
Bostonian    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 20:45:58 (PDT)
hey people if you want you can check out my album that i recently started:

the last 5 pictures are pictures that i've been fiddling with on photoshop.
i'm taking a drawing class and, although not direcly related, started wondering how color functions to affect physical perception e.g., how does a photo in red make you feel as opposed to its negative?

and thanks to all of the ladies for the great feedback. i'm flattered.
iconic    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 18:27:00 (PDT)
Hey , I'm curious now can we check out your girlfriend's photo? Come on, we're all family here. What do you say?
Mikkoli    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 18:09:02 (PDT)
hey south dakota -

you don't know me. you don't know my situation. get the full story before you make judgements.

>I agree with you 100% when you say that you are WhiteWashed.

i never said i was white-washed. i said i was accused of being white-washed.

>You don't have an ounce of Asian Pride in you.

right. when was the last time you protested for asian american rights. when was the last time you became fluent in chinese, not out of necessity, but out of choice. don't tell me about asian pride. you don't know me. you will never know where i've been and how far i've come.

>AM that I am attracted to, are proud of who they are as AM.

that's great. congratulations. i don't derive my pride from my race. i derive my pride from my personal accomplishments. like lennon said - i don't believe in the beatles, i just believe in me.

i'm not trying to attract you. i'm not trying to attract anyone. i just posted my pic because i thought it'd be nice to stick a face to the name.

>I bet you wish you had White parents.

funny you say that. i was raised by 'white' parents. i was also raised by asian parents. again, you don't know me. you don't know my situation.
if i told you my background, maybe you would understand - but i won't - i'd rather have you make snap judgements and look like a fool.

>You two must be cousins or something.

yeah, because we asians are all related, right.

>Both of you wish you were white.

that's quite a statement to make. nowhere did i indicate that i wished i was white. i just said that i dug white girls. i don't wish i was white. i don't wish i was anything. i'm happy just being me. i don't want to be known as asian, chinese, whatever - i just want to be me. i don't use race to define my identity. apparently, you do.

You have nothing on that Long Duc Dong guy in 16Candle. He's definitely way hotter than you. I've seen your pic. You're 'soso'

keep believing that. and tell that to the women who've flooded me with emails about how hot i am. but if you don't dig me, that's cool. some people don't. funny thing is - a lot of women - asian, white, black, hispanic - do. maybe if you got to know me, you would - but that will never happen.

listen, dude, and you are a dude - i've faced criticism from your kind before; all of those asian men and women who give me dirty looks bc i roll with white girls. fact is, it's not about race. it's about personality and physicality. in my experience, i get along better with white girls. this doesn't mean that i don't get along with women of other races, and it doesn't mean i get along with all white girls. given my interests and personality, it's been difficult to find a non-white girl with similar interests who i'm also attracted to.

i'm not saying that non-white girls are un-attractive. there are plenty of hot women of color. it's just that i, personally, am physically attracted to white women. this is not something i can change, it's just personal preference. no amount of trying can change this. again, if you knew my upbringing, maybe you would understand.

i'm so tired of people trying to box me in.

i welcome any debate on this issue.
iconic    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 17:57:42 (PDT)

ahhh, you're hopeless. hopefully she'll find someone else worthwhile.
nevermind    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 14:52:14 (PDT)
guys and gals,

I can't believe some of you actually read through "The Story of Lucky". I guess many of you haven't been here long enough to remember where that came from. Hope some of you enjoyed reading it (including having a good laugh). I will bet SOG's beautiful girlfriend would find it more interesting than he does. After all, things happening in the real life in first person touch you much deeper than a fictional story on a web page.

As for SOG,
If someone found a purple dinosaur, that doesnāt mean the rest of the dinosaurs are purple. If your girlfriend is extremely beautiful and also has a good personality, well, good for you bro, but that doesnāt means the rest of the extremely beautiful girls are all like her. I think itās more common to find a less attractively girl to have a better personality, which I value more. Of course, I wonāt hold some girlās beautiful appearance against her, thatās just nor fair.

Movies and stories are ways of people expressing ideas for others to explore. Guys usually feel intimidated by beautiful girls. They are just like anyone. They even have to live through more craps than others. And, not too many people realize this, especially guys. Many WFs found Asian guys attractive are very beautiful. Thatās why I think it would help to share the story here.
Loving Tenor    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 14:08:03 (PDT)
jaelim, would you tell me where you are from and what you do for a living?
curious wendy    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 13:41:29 (PDT)

