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"Thanks for the list. can't find many girls like you around. :-)
This is why I addressed my comment to you. Maybe I misunderstood. Take care.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 12:09:21 (PDT)
Loving Tenor wrote: "Of course, I wonāt hold some girlās beautiful appearance against her, thatās just nor fair."
You won't??!! Geez, what's the world coming to? :)
Deng Ai deng_ai2000@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:27:47 (PDT)
Listen Ionic,
If you are losing sleep, that has nothing to do with me. That is your own doing. You appear to be so desperate going from place to place advertising:
"Please everybody, look at my pictures! Do I look okay? Am I attractive enough for you?"
It really does sound quite desperate. You say you have been accused of being WhiteWashed? It has nothing to do with your background, its just your behavior. Noone has to accuse you, they can see it immediately. And I have to be a 'Dude' to disapprove of you? Come on. Get over yourself.
"Hey everyone! Please look at my pictures! Tell me what you think! Am I attractive? Do you think I'm attractive? What do you guys think about me? Do you like me?"
I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to laugh.
Why are you so pathetic? What is your problem? Don't you like the way you look? What is this need to have everyone's approval? Okay yes, you are a goodlooking guy. But what is this need to be accepted by everyone all the time with you? Its very disturbing.
Wf south dakota(((yeppers)))   
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 08:06:14 (PDT)
Hi all,
I will be in San Diego the first week of August, does any one know a good place to go? I am thinking about moving there but still doing alot of thinking now. Thank for the info a head of time. If you don't mind, please send me an email.
Bostonian shawny_74@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 07:52:07 (PDT)
I have read your comment and I can understand why you are so defensive. The bottom line is that you pick and choose the friends that you like to hang out with, the ones that have good influence to you and see you for who you are......I am the same way. I don't hang out with Asian guys who are self-centered.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 05:58:08 (PDT)
Hey Iconic,
Get over yourself. You have a decent body, but your face is nothing to write home about. Quit lying about how the ladies are flooding your mailbox telling you how hot you are. Be a real man and don't pretend to be something you are not.
You're still young and therefore lack the real confidence that maturity brings. This is why you get so insecure and defensive when you perceive yourself under attack.
Try to relax and be a little more detached. Stay cool when things get heated. This is an anonymous Internet message board, and you are taking it way too seriously.
Impartial Observer   
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 22:08:20 (PDT)
Hey guys i just want to share my experiences. Overall the best looking girls like asian guys. Its kind of strange to me at first. but they are much more receptive than the "average" white female. Good for us. lol. also i noticed especially german americans are much much more into asian guys. WHen i was younger i saw 3 gorgous german girls with asian studs. and now my GF is a german american. so pay attention to those attractive german girls. they love us. Also canadian women love us too. I think they are from a french heritage? My favorite french is Joan of Arc. I am going to name my daughter after her. she's so awesome.
women who dont seem to like asian guys. British people, white hicks, Irish people, average white guys. (cause they are angry we got "their women") The fact my Girl came was born in raleigh north carolina just makes me all the more happy. The image of a pissed off hick gives me a jolt of adrenaline. It must be from the subconcious taking joy from finally escaping the opression of asian americans. I actually told off this one guy who called me gook. I told him, I got the best of his "woman", I own "his" businesses and he should practice kissing my azz cause he's gonna work for me. After 10 minutes of discussion he was convinced of asian superiority over his sorry hick ass.
to all the white girls in this forum dont take this the wrong way. I dont imply you are property or anything like that. You know what i mean. And if you are still pissed you must be a feminst, and i really could care less about you. OK.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 21:41:38 (PDT)
Curious Wendy,
I came to the Pacific Northwest from Korea when I was twelve, but I'd been attending the International School (and the Lycee Francais, briefly) in Seoul, so my English was already very good. I moved to the Northeast about ten years ago, and that's really where I consider myself home now. I don't really have a career going at this point, as I spent several years travelling and working abroad after college, back in Korea and then in Japan, then in Europe, mainly in France and Austria. I came back to NYC last year and landed a job in publishing, but I'm planning to apply to grad schools this fall.
Hope that satisfies your curiosity.
Jaelim, aka Asian Brother   
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 18:24:28 (PDT)
I've been reading the many interesting posts here for some time now. I just had to write about something that happened to me a few weeks ago.
First some background on myself. I am in my thirties, was born in Japan, but live in Hawaii now. I moved here when I was very young, 3 years old.
When I was in college I met this WF and developed a huge crush on her. I knew her preferences were for WMs. We became close friends but nothing more. I lost touch with her after college.
More than ten years later, I get back in touch with her thanks to the internet. She is now divorced from an abusive ex-husband and has a young son. I invite her and her son to come visit me here in Hawaii. She takes me up on my offer and arrived here a few weeks ago.
Now, I was hoping she had changed and would be more accepting of me. However my hopes were dashed when she told me in detail what she thought of me. She said my house was filthy and my truck smelled (I drive a 4x4 pickup, not a Honda or Accura). She told me she thought I was arrogant, lazy, and immature. She made remarks about the clothes I wear and said everyone here spoke poor english. She said a bunch of other things that I won't go into. Suffice it to say she made me feel like a complete loser.
What really blew my mind was the fact that she now claims to be a BUDDHIST! a member of SGI (Soka Gakkai International) She tried to convince me to also become a buddhist but I flatly refused. She dragged me to this SGI place where she chanted for two hours. I got somewhat offended when someone there said I looked just like one of the founders of the sect.
Now isn't all this a complete twist?
I just hope she does'nt read this.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 17:08:17 (PDT)
As a WF I agree that celebrities such as Gwen and Gweneth are beautiful women, but I have to disagree with your selection of Lopez and Knowles. I don't think they are that attractive. They both have abnormally huge rear ends.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 15:54:45 (PDT)
Pens in your shirt pocket!
Socks rolled up while wearing shorts!
As a lady, I think that you Christian Guy need a wardrobe make over. LOL!
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 15:50:40 (PDT)
Since i dont know how to post a pic of my girl yet. The best thing i can do is find someone that looks like her. The picture is heidi klum, she's german too and has a good resemblance to my girl friend. (My girl still looks better though). Their body type, hair color and facial features are very similar. Only difference is my girl friend is skinnier.
LOL i aint kidding when i say my girl friend is hotter than this pic. But i do admit heidi comes pretty close.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 13:41:47 (PDT)
Mikkli i would love to post a pic of my girl but i dont own a scanner. Maybe i am being ignorant but I dont see any scanners in my university. LOL.
I only used it twice during high school for a project. I am embarrassed to say, I have no idea how to post a pic on a site. I think scan it first, then what???? i dont know how to build a site or web page.
I think it would be good if goldsea had a picture forum, then we can all see what each other looks like. I'll learn more about the net from now on.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 13:30:10 (PDT)
Thank you! I think the resemblance to Chow Yun Fat in my picture may be accidental (angle, lighting, etc). It would be great to look like him though. Women go totally nuts over Chow Yun Fat!
Your kind encouragement has given me the motivation to upload a few more photos at the following location:
As for commentary on Asian men with White women, to me it seems like a natural progression of racial relations in America. If you think about it, Whites and Asians have always gotten along better, as peoples, than any other racial combination.
That's not to say that there is absolutely no racial friction between Whites and Asians, or that African Americans cannot get along with any other group. Obviously these would not be true statements.
What may be true is that, for whatever reason, it seems easier for Whites and Asians to respect and appreciate one another. For some, this mutual respect and appreciation will lead to frienship. For others, such as the participants of this forum, they may well lead to romance.
- Derek
Derek2000USA derek2000usa@yahoo.com   
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 13:10:57 (PDT)