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Very Confused,
Sounds like the guy just dumped you. Move on. You don't need that guy.
brave fencer musashiden   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 12:24:33 (PDT)
I am really happy for you. I hope you're doing well.
curious girl   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 11:19:42 (PDT)
very confused,
Gosh I don't know what to tell you. I don't think you did anything wrong based on what you've said. I suspect that either he chickened out or is caving in to parental pressure not to marry you, or something along those lines.
As for your friend seeing him, I suspect that it's another case of "they all look the same" syndrome, and she probably saw someone else at Macy's.
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 09:45:57 (PDT)
Grow up dude. Man you obviously have some conflicting issues with your "Asianess"
lame quote:
"You think I don't know I'm attractive?"
You are not attractive. You can think all you want to. You are self centered and put much emphasis on trying to advertise some big campaign for everyone to see your picture. You said yourself "Come and rate my pics" remember? That was you. You act like your trying to win votes for some contest. I agree with WFSD. You really are whitewashed and pathetic. I am an attractive guy, but I am also not trying to win everyone's approval. I am confident enough not to be so concerned like you are. Why don't you spend more time trying to let people get to know who you are on the inside. So far you are representing yourself to people as [conceited] Because that is what you obviously are, conceited.
grow up   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 08:23:52 (PDT)
Ok, boys, I need help here. I posted on this topic about a week ago, and I'm still confused. There's a certain AM at the gym, who is very attractive, but I can't summon enough courage to talk to him, which is unlike me. Besides, I want HIM to initiate things, even though I know that's old fashioned. Anyway, I look nice, and wear cute workout clothes. I'm not all "dolled up," but I don't look like I just rolled out of bed, either. Every time I see him, I say "hello, how are you?" and he responds with the same. He's serious about working out, and wears headphones, so I don't want to bother him. Plus, I don't want to fall all over myself and look like a desperate little doggie who's begging for it. I was planning on talking to him on Monday, but he wasn't there like he normally is. He was there on Tues., but he was talking to a friend, so I just did the walk-by "hello" thing again. I'm too nervous to meet him if he's not alone. Also, one time, he was strolling around near me, and I freaked out so bad I ran away to the other side of the gym and worked out there. Whenever I see him, my stupid heart starts beating so hard, I think I'm going to fall off the machine! He's usually there on Wednesdays, but not last night. (Yes, I am there every day; not to see him, however.) Tonight, I'm going to have to make myself very available. I'm going to get on machine near him, and not listen to music. I know when he leaves, so I'm going to look over and wave when he gets up to go. BTW, I've been told I am a "10" and intimidating to look at, like an "ice princess." Maybe that has something to do with it, who knows. I have a serious type of face, and a friend once told me that I look like I'm thinking "talk to me and die." So I have to make an effort to look friendly, or people think I'm unapproachable. It's frustrating to see him talking to other people, so why won't he talk to me? Even though I look "cool to the touch," I have smiled and said hello to him first, so I would think that would had given him enough of a clue. He can't be that dumb. I mean guys, if some girl you don't know starts saying "hi" to you, wouldn't that mean she wants you to a least talk to her? Either he has a girlfriend, I'm not his type, or whatever, there could a million reasons why he won't talk to me, although he stares constantly. If he doesn't say anything to me tonight, I'm going to just give up!
size 2 wf   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 08:01:55 (PDT)
Thanks for sharing your pics with us. We appreciated. You said give you any feed back on the pictures.
Some of your pictures are blurry. What kind of camera did you use, did you take any photography class. Because I can also see some of the negative that are in different shade of color. Are those negative or are they pictures. If it is picture, it is really hard to see anything. And also a lot of your pictures are in the dark. But overall very interesting pic.
Feed back   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 07:49:56 (PDT)
sorry for the late response
you ask,
do AM expect females they date to be as intelligent as they are?
Answer, (MY OPINION)
No, the ladies they date don't have to be as intelligent as they are.
Just as long as the person is fun, easy to talk to, and have a wonderful personality. They should be able to connect, have things in common, same interest to do stuff together. Stuff such as moutain climbing, swimming, scuba diving, fishing, camping, bungee jumping, etc. They should also feel comfortable being together and enjoying each others company. And this will be fine.
DoubleD (AM)   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 07:01:49 (PDT)
To all the caucasian girls and boys with some success with white girls here,
I need a quick advice, having been a beginner in asking a white girl out. I tried once and it seemed to be close to a success. This cute red head girl gave me her phone no. which works by the way. But she is now in new job training 7 days a week 14 hrs a day for 6 weeks. So my question is: if a caucasian girl gives a guy her phone no., does that generally mean she is interested in going out with the guy? She also got my phone no. and said "I will definitely call you after the training". I called her once she was definitely in training, no lies there. Are white girls generally honest when they say such things as "definitely call you". If this were an Asian girl, I will for sure say it is a success. Not quite sure in case of a white girl though. Honest advice greatly appreciated.
luck and confused dude   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 02:26:32 (PDT)
Very Confused,
I sympathize with you. Looks like that AM changed his mind. Look at it this way, marriage requires commitment, and he does NOT have it. He does not deserve to be your husband. It might be a good thing that he left you now instead of later. I am sure. There are many other good guys out there. Do not despair!
I think the comment against you is too harsh. You look fine, and you write well. I love reading your post. There is nothing wrong in showing other people what you look like or even proud of the way you look. There is also nothing wrong in going after WF or girls of other race.
The comment against you is very rude and does not deserve you to be angry. The writer of that comment must be someone who is against AM/WF relationship and trying to break us apart. I believe there are people like that among us here in this website.
I wish all of you well!
Christian Guy   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 00:09:19 (PDT)
To all the white females on this board- what do your friends say about your attraction to Asian men? As I've mentioned before, I'm teased about it and thought to be unusual. I'm constantly asked by friends and aquaintences alike to explain my attraction. It's some what of a hard question for me to answer. What are the reactions you get?
curious wf   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 22:05:11 (PDT)
Since sharing photos seems to be the rage, I'm posting a link of girls I've dated recently. I've been out with models (one a Victoria Secrets and La Sensa girl) and normal girls, and for me, it comes down to this; my fondest memories of girls are those with more than just looks going for them. An open and caring personality goes a long way!
Hoboken_CornellGuy http://photos.yahoo.com/bc/james193a/lst?.dir=/Friends   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 19:49:10 (PDT)
I think you make a great point that AMs are just like anyone else, just as varied. Some are good looking, some aren't, some are nice, some are mean, etc etc. I think on boards like this it's very easy to generalize, but your point of trying to see a person for their individual self is a great one. I know that I tend to generalize about AMs too, saying they're usually very smart, hard working, good looking, take care of themselves, and I certainly never mean any harm by this, but any blanket generalization is not correct.
witheld and very confused,
I think you both deserve to be treated better, and should confront the person you are involved with directly and clear things up.
I have a question, do any of you AM's or WF's too, ever come across jealousy from AF's when they see you together? I've seen a few AF's on this site talk about how wrong it is to date WF's, and that only AFs can understand AM's. What do you think about this?
curious girl   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 19:16:01 (PDT)
Why are you disrepecting Jade?
I personally think JLo's rear end is disproportionate to her body, its too damn BIG! Most men of all colors would agree but I do notice that alot of black guys prefer that but now This ain't the blackmen/ white women forum is it? Take your jealousy somewhere else. Most of us don't like women with ATTITUDE which seem prevelant with black women. Very confrontation!
And I don't think Gwenth Paltrow is beautiful either or Gwen Stafani. Now Elizabeth Hurley or Heather Locklear are BEAUTIFUL.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 18:53:00 (PDT)
"you shouldn't hang out with anyone self-centered, asian or not"
That is exactly my point. Thanks for getting it.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 16:54:12 (PDT)
very confused,
What you are dealing with is a boy. A very bad boy. It has nothing to do with race.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 16:48:57 (PDT)
Umm...How do I look at these pictures that everyone is talking about? In addition, I'm in high school right now. Do you guys and girls think that high school is a good place to pick up girls? It's weird, but I've never thought of it as a place to pick up girls, just to gain friends. And, my school has TONS of HOT WHITE GIRLS (I'm an Asian male). Anyway, thanks for your feedback!
Brian Kim   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 16:34:11 (PDT)
For what it's worth, I don't think I resemble Chow Yun Fat either. It's very flattering when people say so - and I really appreciate it very much - but I guess I just don't see it when I look in a mirror. He's a megastar after all. Not everyone can look as good as he does.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 15:41:50 (PDT)
very confused:
Your man is a coward. Sorry that happened to you.
Chris (Poet/Warrior) fearless1976@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:53:03 (PDT)
"If he didn't want me, why did he give me this ring? He won't even talk to me. If he would just talk to me and tell me what I did wrong."
it doesn't sound so much as something you did wrong as it is he got cold-feet about marriage. nobody can really tell you what's going inside your BF/fiancee's noggin' except him. if he doesn't want to talk to you, leave him alone and take a vacation by yourself. since it's the summer, why not get away and think things over? marriage is a big transition in life and you'd probably want to think things over by yourself. take sometime off and get away from him and your jealous (?) friend. after you've come back and he still hasn't called, then move on. that's my advice, but never take advice from somebody who calls himself...
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:40:53 (PDT)
hey iconic, what are your vital stats? height, weight, bicep, waist, etc.. thanks.
tell us more   
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:34:18 (PDT)
very confused,
two words: pawn shop
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 14:10:59 (PDT)
Show me the money:
of course german american girls. I dont know anything about german girls in germany. Yeah man i'll see what i can do with the photos. Hope i am not coming off as a proud fool. lol
Christian guy.
hey if you want a great looking girl, you gotta take care of yourself too. I mean girls have expectations too. ya know. they only live once, just like we do. I dont like it when you say you dont care about your looks. Well it aint gonna get you anywhere with that attitude. ok.!
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 13:28:08 (PDT)