

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hi friends,

This is Christian guy. I am actually in a great shape. When I was in highschool and university during summer vacation, I used to work in farms, ice company, etc., very hard labor. I was actually quite bulky, but now I have not been doing any heavy labor work for years and muscles have become a bit soft. Thanks for your advice of getting back into shape. Now, I am actually going to get back to the exercise mode and pump some weights. I used to be a lot bigger, i.e. 180lbs. Hopefully work out will help me gain some weight back.

Now, I am going to a different church closer to home. I am the only Asian there because I am living in a mainly white community here in Washington. The pastor there is actually one of my best friends. He is actually very close to my age. We get along very well. He told me he looks for me every Sunday. However, due to my busy schedule, it is hard for me to make it to church on every Sunday. I am very blessed to find a good church and many good friends there.

From my experience, WF are easier to approach than Asian females. Pretty Asian females tend to be more "stuck up". So guys, do not be shy, go up and talk to them when there is a chance. You may be surprised.

Good luck to you all and take care!
Christian Guy    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 23:45:24 (PDT)

good on you man, i am lead to believe you must be a rich guy, but iam not naive enough to believe that's the only key you have to attracting these woman. What story do you have to share? tell us a bit about yourself, age, occupation etc.

AM (24) from DownUnder
AM (24) from DownUnder    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 23:26:02 (PDT)
2D Azn-Pride,

I think that the younger generation is changing. Once I was in driving with my friend to PA, we were on the NJ Turnpike and there was a school bus full of, I guess 13,14, 15 yr. old girls and they were smiling and waving at me. One of them even asked me for my number and I just pretended I couldn't hear her (you know, I was doing that Hulk Hogan thing, doing the hand gesture and placing it next to my ear?) I felt like a member of the Backstreet Boys or something. It's a good feeling, a confidence booster.
lordt78    Saturday, July 27, 2002 at 05:22:34 (PDT)
hey everyone, i've been reading goldsea for a while now, but never felt the need to post till now. the question is do any of the asian men in here feel right going into a relationship when the girl has "a thing" for asians? I was at a friend's party yesterday and met this girl who pretty much said she liked asians (i was the only asian guy there) and she told me repeatly out I was hot. At first I was flattered at the comment and didn't know how to respond, so i just put the thought in the back of my mind and kept enjoying the party. As the party went on, everyone was getting pretty buzzed from drinking, and the girl kept coming on to me. I probably would have asked her out if she hadn't constantly stated that she liked asian because she seemed to be a great person, intelligent, good personality, attractive. I don't know what to think, its very flattering, yet, i felt wrong if i were to ask her out or hook up at the party. I just don't feel right going into any possible relationship were i know the girl only likes me because i'm asian or on looks. In all my past relationships with caucuasian women, race was never mentioned, there was no sign that either of us saw a difference between our ethnicities. i don't know what do you guys think?
calpolyslo    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 20:19:53 (PDT)
Curious Girl,
I really enjoy your questions, they are very interesting and enjoyable to answer. One you posted a few days ago:

Q: "I have a question, do any of you AM's or WF's too, ever come across jealousy from AF's when they see you together? I've seen a few AF's on this site talk about how wrong it is to date WF's, and that only AFs can understand AM's. What do you think about this?"

A: I haven't met many single AFs, but it's a fallacy to think that they have some magical, mystical insight into the hearts and minds of AMs. AFs who talk about that are, quite frankly, full of horse-pucky. AFs have it better when it comes to dating, as they are able to date whites and Asians a lot easier than AMs. Put it down to normal sour grapes: no-one likes to lose their advantages in dating, right? *smile* I remember slow-dancing with my date, a pretty white Canadian girl who had never dated outside her race. She told me later that 3 AFs sitting on the edge of the dance floor had upset her by giving her the meanest, ugliest looks when my back was to them. To dispel any doubts as to why, they reproached her later in the bathroom with a nasty "Why are you dating an Asian man?" Narrowmindedness does come in all shapes and colors, unfortunately...
Hoboken_CornellGuy    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 19:43:20 (PDT)
I appreciate everyone's positive comments about my ex-girlfriends. They're not models, but just some really nice, attractive women who I unfortunately met at wrong times in our lives (I wasn't ready, she wasn't ready, etc.). Timing counts for a lot in a great relationship! I posted photos of my ex-girlfriends for a reason. When I was growing up, I could feel how the WASP hierarchy in America would stereotype AM as asexual geeks and belittle us as "unworthy" to date WFs. From reading these boards and talking to other AMs, I know this societal pressure has shaped the thinking of many AMs but.... times have changed. I have met many beautiful WFs who have never considered dating AMs.... but are open to the idea if they meet the RIGHT GUY. Most of us aren't exactly Brad Pitt or Jason Scott Lee, but I do encounter large numbers of white American females (Anglo, Italian, German, etc) who look on us with frank sexual appraisal and admiration. Especially for the first and second-generation AMs, we're not raised to be as bold and aggressive as WMs in dating; I know I can still get nervous inside and look away in shyness when an attractive WF checks me out. But as men, you're going to have to take the initiative; walk over there and see what that little smile and major eye contact really meant. You may have a lot of great qualities, but she'll never know about them if you do nothing, give off a blank look or look like Pointdexter with the great pocket protector! *smile* No guts, no glory!!

P.S. The blonde is a university student from Russia, studying finance and Japanese. I lived in Japan for 3 years, but I hate to say it... she speaks better it than I do. Her thrill is to go to a sushi bar and watch the waitresses' jaws drop when they address me and she replies for me in perfect Japanese! *smile*
Hoboken_CornellGuy    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 19:16:37 (PDT)
Hoboken guy
I can't seem to access your photos. Could you send it my way?
Soju    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 18:47:58 (PDT)

"Just when I was getting up the courage to approach the guy I was really attracted to, I saw him with another girl, a beautiful AF. Oh well (sigh)."

Giving up so soon without a fight? (with his sister maybe?)

BTW, I admire girls who put themselves through school more than girls who spend daddy's money to go to expensive Ivy league schools. Intelligence does not equal to the school name on your diploma.
Loving Tenor    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 18:27:13 (PDT)
"BTW, I've been told I am a "10" and intimidating to look at, like an "ice princess."

I don't think so. I think the reason Asian men aren't responding to you chasing them is that instead of looking like a "10" you look too anorexic.

Even Asian men can tell the difference between skinny and skeletal.

And you spend all of your time at the gym lifting weights too! You're a classic Karen Carpenter case.
To: size 2 wf    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 16:37:19 (PDT)
ok guys mikkilo.

I finally got this picture up on the net. So this is it. My super beautiful german-american girl i have been raving about all the time.
Dont stare too long now. she's mine. LOL

just copy and paste!!EsaE58qqZ5opkDPA$$~3AFAAAAAAGKodYNdLXvQa8BToUyE4*PpbZAS0rJHkkn4I$
SOG    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 16:03:14 (PDT)
look here iconic,
do us all a favor and shut the frickin heck up about how people don't appreciate your individuality. enough already.

what you asked for specifically was for people to rate you. this automatically means you can get both positive and negative comments. what you asked for was not "rate me, but only if you have nice things to say about me. if you say something i don't like i will lash out at you and call you a coward for not putting up your own pics."

since that's pretty much how you're behaving, it doesn't matter how much true confidence you say you have. others will judge you based on what you do, not what you say. understand?

the most objective thing one can say about your pictures is that they are too out of focus to show what your whole face really looks like straight up from the front. my only conclusion from looking at them is that you lack competence with computer graphics.

not that it matters all that much. a real asian mensch is far more than his looks. there's also integrity, humility, and character. these are the traits you need to develop in order to be truly attractive to all women, including white women.
lose the ego, buddy    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 14:02:31 (PDT)
Brian Kim wrote: "Umm...How do I look at these pictures that everyone is talking about?"

just type the website address in your browser's "address box" up above or highlight the URL address and copy and paste it into that "white browser box" at the top.
John (NY)    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 13:14:17 (PDT)
Yep, Cornell Honoken's girls are quite attractive, even by the discerning gentleman's standards. I could also be wrong, but I'd venture to say that these women are indeed of Eastern/Central European origin. I spent a year travelling Europe, and the women there are generally slim and on the tall side. Some are achingly beautiful, and most are facinated by non-Europeans, and especially Americans (of any persuasion), due to the perceived power and charisma (ah, its great how our media helps us get laid abroad, isn't it?).

I've personally hooked up with women equally and even more beautiful than yours, Cornell-H, in Denmark, Holland, Norway, Russia, Czech Rep., Hungary, Italy and Germany. Most of them were models that I met in hotel lounges and cocktail bars. Every single one of the women I had a short-term relationship/sex with modelled for a living (runway, catalouge), except the Russian and Hungarian women, whom being from poor former-Soviet nations, could not easily acquire such 'nouveau' occupations. The women there are hungry for something other than the pale skinned, blue eyed variety. Or more likely than not, they are after your (perceived) power, money and the freedom they associate with your nationality (The good ol' Red White and Blue). I've been there and done that before. All I am saying is that I can't be that impressed if you show us pictures of European women who are basically high class escorts. I've seen many rich American and Japanese businessmen in the streets of Europe in the company of women who would under normal circumstances be considered WAY out of their league. Then again, I've noticed that in Europe power is MUCH more important to young beautiful women than looks are, so maybe that works to the advantage of business types like you. I did some fashion industry realted work, so I had the luck of being around these Euro-beauties most of the time.

Btw, if the women in your photo album are American born white women, then I apologize beforehand. If that's the case, then you really must be a great guy (Of course, your slicked back hair, money clip, and tailored suits don't hurt their cause much, eh? ;) ).
6-foot handsome Korean Amercian devil.    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 11:22:30 (PDT)
Please know that it is normal to feel kind of in the dumps when you gain so much weight when you are pregnant. Everyone likes to poo poo about how merry and sunshiney they were for a full 9 months , but lets be real, it is a beautiful joy, but in the same breath sometimes it also is hard to deal with a changing body, weight gain,the cramps, and being hot and tired alot of the time.

My mother in law tried to tell me she was not morning sick ever when she was pregnant.. her reason was because she said she was so happy she was pregnant. Of course that was her little dig at me insinuating that I must be morning sick because I was unhappy to be pregnant. Now that is one time I thought you would read about a pregnant woman kicking a MIL's butt in the Washington Post. Let me tell you, I was so happy to be pregnant, I wanted a baby so badly... it has nothing to do with the biological thing of morning sickness or weight gain when your pregnant.

Just know in the end, it is really so wonderful!!! I was morning sick, actually it was all day sickness, for 5 months, could not eat and got sick at the smell of food.I lost 10 pounds at the beginning of my pregnancy from being so sick, got pneumonia, then my body tried to catch up and I gained 40 pounds before he was born! The whole time I was desperate feeling because all I could think was how I wanted a healthy baby and I despised throwing up from morning sickness all day long!
I have lost all of the weight now, and it has been exactly a year, except for 8 pounds, and am still working on that. Do not think you will look pregnant forever, you will be in your cute clothes again soon, looking great, and have a beautiful baby there looking up at his beautiful mommy! And you will look back at some of your pregnancy pictures with a fondness and amazement.
Hang in there!
hannybunbun    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 11:13:32 (PDT)

