

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
You look like you are barely out of high school and you are a VP on Wall Street? Nice :)
Deng Ai    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 08:17:36 (PDT)
a wf,

Your absolutely right, nice guys do get the girls. But they also finish last too. There's goods and bads when it comes to things.
2D Azn Pride    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:59:53 (PDT)

Are you a black woman? The way you write is disturbing. Why don't you go to the BW/AM poll where you belong. You are Obviously a Black Woman. And noone is interested here in what YOu have to say.
this is a poll for WW and AM    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:38:38 (PDT)
Well, last night I put on my most flattering workout clothes, and went to the gym, with the intention of striking up a conversation with the AM I've had my eye on. I saw him as I walked in, and I actually thought maybe, just maybe, he was finally going to talk to me. However, when I returned from putting my things in my locker, which was no more than 2 minutes, he was already standing at the top of the stairs, talking to (another) attractive WF, as is usually the case. I was forced to walk by them, and I felt an unmistakable vibe of smugness from him. It was so apparent, and frankly, it kind of hurt. At that point, I swear there was an audible sound as the air blew out of my sails, and I finally came back down to earth. I said "hello" back, and went to a treadmill, and just tried to keep from turning my head to look at them. I heard someone whistle a few minutes later, and it came from his direction, but was not intended for me. (If you workout at a gym, you know how tacky that is.) I have never seen him talk to an AF, or any WF who is anything but a 9 or 10. I think he has a white fetish and is a total player. Someone on this forum said that some men believe that in order to attract a woman, he should be seen hanging around them, and I have heard that notion before. Guys, I strongly suggest that you do not use this tactic. You might attract a brainless type of female, but an intelligent one will see you as a playboy. Just FYI. Anyway, I have, in fact, given him numerous opportunities to talk to me, and he has chosen to ignore them. Or he's just plain not interested. Plus, I have a small chest, and I know that men don't like that. I would have to gain my 40 pounds back in order to have them again, and it's not worth it. Either way, this has been a mental drain on me and I'm spent. By adjusting my schedule by a mere 15 minutes, I can avoid this dips*** altogether. I mean, if I feel this bad seeing him ogle women now, can you imagine how I'd feel if I were dating him, and I had to witness his incessant flirting on a daily basis? I'd never make it. What a pimp
bummed out size 2 wf    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:14:15 (PDT)
Hello everyone,
I just came back from Bali,in a place called Ubud. I am 25 years old and from Melbourne Austrailia. It was my first time visitng Bali. I had heard things about it. But seeing is believing. I am a woman that doesnt believe in gossip and hearsay. But I could not believe my eyes. There were many wealthy white women from England, America and Austrailia. I even met a lady from Japan who was visiting. These WOMEN are all older women in their 40s' and 50s'. The men ended up taking the women for everything, credit cards, motorcycles and living spaces in bungalows. You would not believe how they suckered these women. These men filled bars like the Putra Bar. The balinese men were very attractive, sexy and quite silky smooth with their words. I did not fall for it. I was not there to sleep with men. There were alot of women who were there for that very reason. These men ask for money after they have slept with these women and gotten into their homes and hearts. They tell these big stories of how they grew up in a poor village and have such sick parents. Most of them are lying and have snowed so many women out of their wallets. If any ladies are considering going to Bali for a visit? The place is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. THe scenery is splendid. But the men? SUCK. Don't get involved, they are ALL GIGOLOS'! The BaliBoys and KutaCowboys! Every last one of them are gigolos'! I have been snowed before and I won't be snowed again!
Made Suduarno if you are reading this, you are a FOOL! I have posted before. I didn't really go into detail about what I have gone through. This is my reason for not dating asian men. I have seen them in action. I know what they are capable of. They are EyeCandy, but DEADLY AS POISON! They only want the goods.
I KNOW what I am TALKING ABOUT!!!!    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:08:31 (PDT)
Happy Clam,
Hehehe, I received about 10 emails from you I think, and none would open! they said wedding photos, but nothing there!
Do you find that alot of women that are married to Asian men have Dutch or German heritage? I have noticed that in my own personal experiences lately. Even my husbands cousin is married to a girl who is Dutch, from Belguim. My husband dated a girl from Holland a few years before we met also. Anyone else notice this, or is this only my own personal isolated experiences?

I agree about the body not quite being the same after the little strappy black dinner dress is still pushed to the "maybe, but not likely antime soon" section of my closet. But running after babies are a whole fitness seminar rollled into one!
Keep us updated on your photo album as it grows :)
hannybunbun    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 05:37:04 (PDT)
calpolyslo it sounds as if that wf had an asian fetish. she has "a thing" for asians and she had a buzz and you was the only asian there. you really missed an opportunity. she was practically throwing it at you. you should have taken advantage of that.
i would have    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 05:12:19 (PDT)
wanna know:

I appreciate the comments made by everyone. Well guys there is only one reason gorgous white girls date asian guys. That is because we are superior in every way shape and form to men of other races. Just kidding. But hey, we are equal if not better. Life is crazy ya know, and it gives you whatever you ask for. Me being a christian helps, cause I have a contact that can hook me up with anything. LOL. Yeah it's hard being a virgin in today's world, but i think about all that can go wrong in premartial sex and that keeps me in line. I dont want to get STD's or get a kid before I'm ready. Besides it's against christian principles.

Ok heres how I met my girl. We both went to the same high school, she was a freshman and I was a sopophmore. We fell in love with each other at first sight. (so dont let people tell you it dont happen) From that time on, each time I passed her in the halls, i would trip literally, and my heart felt like it stopped for 2 sec. I never had that experience before, but it was interesting to say the least. She was 5'11 as a freshman! a little shorter than me, and was thin just the way i liked it. She had the most beautiful straight hair that is also extremely rare. The color was mostly brown with streaks of blonde. To top it all off, she was a christian too. However by far the most endearing feature she had was the look of "innocence". Little kids have this look, but most people lose it. It is extremely rare and I have only seen 3 adults possessing this trait. That look begged someone to be her protector, a role i willingly filled. Things went on like this for the rest of the year. I did absolutely nothing like the shy guy that i am around my dream girl. Normally I am aggressive as you can probably tell from my posts. But when you're in love, you act like an idiot. Now i dont know how it happened but she moved to the rival high school across town the next year. My theory was she didnt get along with her sister who was in the same school we were in. Her sister was in my school since 8th grade and I never noticed that my girl never went to the same school. I belive they went to seperate schools most of their lives. Anyhow, she must have tried my school purly for the good reputation we had.

My flame for her never died and apparantly she still loved me as well. Fast forward four years. I am attending college where both her parents work as professors. Her sister goes to the same college. My hopes were high that she will come to. At fall of my sophmore year, she arrived. It was as if time stood still, our feelings toward each other grew even more intense. I had already long ago promised myself that she was going to be my wife. So I took a breath, walked up to her and asked her to marry me. She said laughly, "I dont even know you". I replied "ok, i'll settle for a date for now". There ya go. from then on we were like a dream come true.

To the guy who asked if she had a sister, obviously by now you would know the answer is yes. But I personally dont like her. Their personality is opposite of each other, therefore making her quite unappealing to me. She also has another sister, but she's in grade school. So maybe for your little brothers.

I hope all of you asian studs will find your dream girl. Remember this word of advice: Always go for the best, Always, no exception. Life is crazy, it gives you whatever you ask.

Cornell guy:
hey man, you know i saw the movie "black hawk down" and spec forces guys were totally gay. They said "hoo-ah" like queers. All weak, no power, no maniness. I was wondering do the real spec forces guys say hoo-ah like that? It just about drove me crazy, listneing to those girly sounds.

As for me. SEALs all the way. HOO-YAH. but i respect all US spec op forces. At least they aint the national guard. :) lol
SOG    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 21:19:46 (PDT)
Hoboken_CornellGuy: I think Soju just wants larger pics.
Zeno    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 15:37:57 (PDT)
SOG, Your girlfriend is a perfect 10, I'm happy for you. Geez if only I looked liked that!!

Happy Clam,

I was the same way before I met my boyfriend. I was on a "single streak" for over 2 years because I just didn't meet anyone that I liked enough to date. I would go on one date here, one there, but I am picky. I think it's okay to be picky, it means that you respect yourself enough to wait until the best person comes along, not just grab whoever comes by. And my boyfriend was well worth the wait. I now believe the phrase "Good things come to those who wait". :)

Hannybunbun, I sent you a photo. Anyone else that wants to see a picture of me and my guy just let me know in your post. I must warn you I'm not quite as good looking as Hoboken_Cornell Guy's girlfriends! ;)

We're leaving for the Caribbean in four days!! I can't wait!!
curious girl    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 13:53:45 (PDT)

Shut up, kid. I wasn't talking to you, nor do I wish to after this. I don't have a goddamn thing to prove to you. A girlfriend of mine was browsing thru this site while I was over for the night, and I just decided to post for the hell of it. I have no intention of hanging around here much longer. It was just some fun I was having while lounging around at home with my sweet (a Czech/Dutch runway model here in NYC), sorry I got your leather panties in a knot. I saw the picture of your girl, she is pretty. But not a '10', by any means. There is 'beautiful', and there is PERFECT facial structure. I've been in a the fashion industry for about 6 years (spent all of it in Milan and Paris), and I started out as a scout. Now I have just started photography. I know physical perfection when I see it. Your girl is somewhat close, but by no means is she a '10'. Enough with your bragging. Does it bother you that much that someone won't worship the ground you and your girl walk on? Get used to it; there are always better looking people around. EVERYWHERE. Even I know that.

Hoboken - like I said, I am impressed with your beautiful exes. But I AM an arrogant bastard, and rightfully so. I like physical beauty (I am highly attractive also), and I like sex, and that does not make me a scumbag because the sex is always consensual. I've seen the best there is (at least physically), so I was simply saying 'well done', but that I wasn't that impressed at the same time. Take care, you seem like a good man.
6 foot KA Devil    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 13:22:02 (PDT)

Interesting story and thanks for sharing with us, your experience. I am glad to hear that the new generation is changing.

The story continuation;
I remember right after christmas, just before Chinese New Year. The teacher asked me if I can talk to the class and tell them about Chinese New Year. She ask me if I can bring something and share it with the class. So I said to her, yea why not.
So on that day [New Year] I brought in a bunch of lucky candy, red envelope [lucky candy was in the red envelope], chinese character, red paper, etc. These stuff I brought to class were visual aid to show the kids while I'm giving them a lecture on what Chinese New Year means. Most of the students were very excited to hear about it and they all ask a lot of question. One of them ask me, if this was the year of the horse. Another ask me What kind of food do you serve on new Year. They all seem very interested.
And so at the end of the day, the lucky candy that I brought to class were given to each of the student as a treat. I have them [lucky candy] in all 30 red envelopes. I even gave them to the teacher and the principal. They were all very nice. And I was glad that I had work there and made some differences in their lives.


Consider yourself lucky that she told you that she likes you and that your the only az there.
There is nothing wrong with her finding AM attractive, you should be proud of it. Why not? Look, if she finds AM attractive, don't that give you more chance with her? I certainly think so. I wouldn't have any problem with her liking you base on your look or asainess. And also think of it this way. She might like AM but you have to know that she don't like everyone she see. She has certain expectation and quality of certain AM, you know? And so I believe you fit her discription and so she tell you straight up that she likes you. So just be happy that she's interested in you and be humble too. lol =)

An example, just like you, if your interested in a woman. What ever she might be. Don't you have ceartain quality, and expecation of her?
2D Azn-Pride    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 12:51:58 (PDT)

