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Southeast Asian men are much easier to trust. They are generally way more handsome than others and make excellent boyfriends.
Oh and by the way everyone, I found out that guy who posted under "Ojanimal" whatever. Well, hes a fraud you guys. A total fraud.
((((( SunShineRedd )))))   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 11:11:12 (PDT)
Yummy Blond, Size 2 WF,
I agree with Jared. I don't really write much here but it sounds like the guy categorizes who he hangs out with. There's always going to be "that type" of guy in any race. Not just asians.
The word "trophy" came to mind after reading your story. As an ABT, I've never had the pleasure of dating a WF.
Guys like the one you met bother me because it ruins the chances for me or any other guy that IS sincerely nice an opportunity to show what we're like.
ABT pjchen28@hotmail.com   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:53:12 (PDT)
yummy blonde,
not yet, holla at me first!
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:35:42 (PDT)
I'm originally from Java, an island right next to Bali. From what I know and from my experience, Balinese people are very, very nice. They are actually a lot nicer than Javanese people. Some argue that this is because the Balinese are mostly Hindus, while the Javanese are mostly Muslims (bin Laden's children). I'm not Muslim, by the way. Whenever there is a riot against the US, most Western diplomats would take a refuge in Bali because it's very safe there. When you meet a "bad" person in Bali, he/she usually comes from Java. By the way, there are many white girls (mostly from Australia) come to Bali to have "fun" with local men. So, it is common to find male prostitutes in Bali. I've heard stories of local men who have slept with hundreds of white girls every year. So, guys, if you go there, try to get some tan to look darker like the locals, and go to some clubs, you may get lucky quickly.
Bali is the best!!   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 10:03:08 (PDT)
Hi dudes,
I am new to this site. Just call me Joel. I am a Filipino-American who is happily married to a white lady. BTW, she is pregnant with our first baby:) I just want to give my input on Asian Man - White Female relationships.
I spent my early childhood in the Philippines, grew up in Los Angeles, was stationed all over the world when I was in the Army, went to college in New England, and I permanently live in Northeast Pennsylvania because this is where my lovely wife is from. The bottom line is this: people are people no matter where you are.
California is perhaps the most diversed state in the Union; thus, it only makes sense as to why it has a higher rate of interracial couples. I currently live in a predominantly white state and in my community you can literally count the number of minorities (blacks, asians, hispanic) with your fingers and toes. It was a culture shock for me when I moved here because not only was I a minority, I also stuck out like a sore thumb wherever I went. But you know what? You have to realize that if you give people the respect and dignity they deserve as human beings, the same treatment will be given back to you. "Do unto others" in other words. The same principle applies in forming relationships - interracial or not.
I first met my wife at the gym. I immediately felt an attraction to this beautiful bonde, blue-eyed barbie. I pursued her the way traditional Asian men pursue women. We fell in love and got married.. The funny thing is that when I am with my wife or everytime I think of her, I do not "see" this gorgeous barbie in a physical sense.. Rather, the only thing I know and the only thing that matters is that I love her with all my heart and soul. I talked to her once about this and she said that she does not "see" me as an Asian man - but just a man she loves.
So guys and gals, the moral of the story is that skin color and facial featrues are nothing but a blanket to one's heart and soul.. Physical beauty is an ingredient to attraction, but make sure you get past the superficialities and focus on what counts the most - the inner beauty..
Peace out, dudes.
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 09:34:11 (PDT)
I have had bad experiences with asian men. I have realized that it is not every asian man that are bad. Some are very sweet, and some are not. It depends on the person. Everyone is different. Not everyone is the same. I hate when people say,"This asian guy did this and that to me. So now I don't like them. They are all bad."
I hate that. My boyfriend is an asian man. He is a prince in my eyes. He is kind, loyal, handsome and very wonderful with me and our son. I think its not good to label all asian men for a couple of bad experiences with some.
My own parents used to say:
"In der Toyre steyt geshribn
Mit a shikse tor me nisht lign-
Oy-der bester srore oyf der velt!"
It means:
"In the Torah it is written
with a shikse you cannot sleep,
Oh, the best piece in the world!
Despite my parents, I stuck with my boyfriend and I have never been happier in my life. I'm never leaving this man! Hes the air I breath! My sunlight! And my moon!
something to really think about. Hmmmm   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 09:08:47 (PDT)
WHoa, dudes. I hope everyone had fun in the forums. I certainly enjoyed reading! LOL I'll be moving down to SF/Marin Labor Day weekend for school and would be happy to meet up at a popular bar with bay area goldsea locals and vent AM/WF issues or just shoot the breeze.
Because teens are goofy and nosy.
Confident ABC - Back in Black (er Asian) mcse2020@yahoo.com   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 01:40:17 (PDT)
Hi Friends,
I think that Asian men can be a bit arrogent on the outside in the beginning of the relationship because they want to prove that they are just as good as any white guy. Asian men are generally looked down upon by white people even though we have better education, better professions, better financial status, etc. Asian men know what other white people are thinking about them. Therefore, it is only natural for us to show that we are just as good as any white guy. For example, for those who have not read my earlier posts, I am a highly educated health professional. I used to go to a white church young adult group. There is a very attractive hot blond girl who really likes me. All the guys there hit on her. She likes to sit beside me, talk to me, stare at me when we sit apart. Pretty soon I was like an eye sore to the pastor and some other people there. (There are people there who really support me as well. They greet me when I am there, they are like my true brothers and sisters). I was the most educated guy there, but that does not matter, I am still a China man in some of their eyes.
I joined an Asian internet dating site. There are actually a lot of hot white females looking for Asian guys. I actually got some e-mails from girls from other states. Some girls say I am good looking. I read on my e-mail that one of the girls indicated that someone is e-mailing her repeatedly asking "why she wants to date uneducated Asian losers, etc."
I often see lots of hot Asian girls on the internet so there must be hot Asian guys as well. If white guys like Asian girls because they are hot and good looking, then there must be white girls who think Asian guys are hot and good looking.
As for me, I am going to go back to a different youth group to meet white females. I have to be more consistant in going. My problem is that I go one week there and one week here, and those people usually do not see me every week.
I believe here in this website, there are people who like to attack AM/WF relationships by making up lies, attacking Asian males and WF looking for AM. To those people, I say to them, "Get out of here!".
Christian Guy   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 22:40:41 (PDT)
guys, get a backbone. why is everyone going along with size 2 wf? she goes to a public gym, sees an asian man that she wants very badly, he ignores her until she's practically tagging behind him and corners him. when he does the usual routine of trying to let her down easily, she gets angry. maybe she's ugly, maybe she's really a size 22 wf, maybe she's just isn't his type. she should accept that and move on because people get rejected every day. she took the risk and failed, so she should act like an adult instead of pouting and badmouthing him.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:49:47 (PDT)
yummy blonde, yes asian men are more arrogant. especially to white females who have admitted to dating "Korean, a Fillipino, a Chinese man, an Indian, and a half Vietnamese man." it's very easy to be standoffish to any white female who have the track record of a loose woman who is easy to be had.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:38:43 (PDT)
yummy blonde,
perhaps you should stick to white men, you seem to have a knack for picking out the bad apples in the Asian barrel. Dare I ask you if you'd make such generalizations about black guys? Are they are angry, gang-bangin' mysoginist gorillas with huge dicks?
Actually... let me get down the real issue here. Why is it that you seem to meet all the bad Asian men? Perhaps it is because of YOUR choices. From your post, it sounds like that you have a preference for Asians (at least somewhat). Whenever relationships start off based on racial/ethnic preferences, the initial attraction and meeting is usually based on physiological traits. I don't know what else to call it except that. It is only AFTER the superficial encounter that the couple start to see each other as human beings, and then truly fall in love. There's no sugar coating it.
This might not be the case if 2 people meet by chance, i.e. they worked together, were introduced by friends, etc. Then I guess one could claim with a fair degree of confidence that they actually fell in love with the person, not the race. Otherwise, I don't buy it. I say this because I am guilty of this also. I've fallen for white women thru sheer lust, and then grown to love them. I've also fallen in love with black/latina/white women after being friends.
Fomr your quote:
"I'm thinking I may need to make my way back to white men. They've treated me a whole lot better in the past."
,it sounds like you are treating Asian men as a 'flavor' to sample. If you meet Asian men based on physical attractiveness, what the hell do you expect? I've had superficial relationship, and they never worked out. When you choose Asian men for superficial traits such as their looks, they are likely to treat you the same.
why am I not surprised?   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 19:23:26 (PDT)
"As a WF who has dated a Korean, a Fillipino, a Chinese man, an Indian, and a half Vietnamese man, I am starting to agree with Size 2"
A sample of five does not a community of three billion make, just like a sample of twenty decent white men does not a white community of half a billion make!
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 18:28:36 (PDT)
"So, this poll basically indicates that the biggest factor preventing AM/WF couples is that they don't think the opposite party will find them attractive? How funny! And yet, I've always believed it..."
No, this poll shows that the biggest factor preventing AM/WF couples, for AM who likes WF and WF who likes AM, is that they don't think the opposite party will find them attractive. It's a skewed survey due to the study population.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 18:04:32 (PDT)
high jack,
"do u know that most asian girls worship high-priced brand clothes(channel, prada, gucci, etc) at an early age? (most of the white girls i see don't wear these)"
where are you living? i live in NYC and i see it all the time. they seem to be wearing less and less too. 14yr olds calling themselves sexy, with their stomachs exposed and boobs hanging out. imagine how it is on the west coast.
on the same note, things like money and fame basically dictate our society so who knows what age people start having these standards. its most likely getting younger. when i was 15 and doing my little puppy love dating, stuff like that didnt matter; i dont even think we were aware of it. of course, personality, hygiene, and a sense of humor are important. but now, so is my height, wealth, what car i drive, my penis size, etc...
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 15:46:40 (PDT)
I am just being brutally honest,
balinese, chinese, japanese, vietnamese, etc..
it's all the same to you right? i see the workings of a true ignoramus. unless you have met more than 50% of all asian men (or any man for the matter), you have A LOT to learn. and i know you're not even close. your logic is flawed. i mean, listen to how silly it sounds for me to say that all blondes are stupid, or all white women are sluts, even though i have come across both.
im sorry you had such bad experiences, but you move on, but without prejudices or unfavorable judgement (of an entire race). human character has nothing to do with race. that kind of negative attitude does nothing to improve our humanity. i hope you, "yummy blonde", "size 2 wf", "sony computers" don't go continue through life thinking the way you do, because you'll miss out on a lot.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 14:15:40 (PDT)
Sony Computers,
That's absurd, I don't remember my parents ever telling me; "Your superior because you're Korean or asian". Sure I feel good about myself but in no way better than everyone else. It makes me wonder, how many asian guys have you ever been with so that you come up with the conclusion that MOST are like that.
ranmasaotome & jared
Why are you guys apologizing for something you haven't done?
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 14:05:17 (PDT)
I am just being brutally honest,
Just because you're bitter about YOUR past experiences with some individuals you don't need to go around saying that all asian guys are like that, so GET OVER IT girl.
P.S ...Going all the way to Bali to get laid?, how desperate are you?
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 13:54:59 (PDT)
Curious Girl,
Never recieved your picture! can you please resend?
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 13:35:06 (PDT)
To Aussie Lady about Bali,
Please just don't judge a book by its cover. After all, you stayed in Bali only for a short period of time, how can you generalize everything? Plus how can you distinguish a Balinese from a Javanese, since they look a like? The thing is, there has been big exodus from Javanese male to Bali these last couple of years. These people who come from Surabaya, Malang and majority of eastern Java have ruined the traditional Balinese culture and image. Tourists like you now stereotyped us as Gigollos. Yes if you just go to Kuta, Ubud and most tourist destinations you'll see alot of them. But if you go rather north to Singaraja or go rather deep in the country area you'll find a different more conservative people.
Just like here in the US. First I came here, I thought that Americas roads were paved with freedom (I got this impression from books, movies, etc). But after 10 years of working, studying, talking to people and so forth, I can see that there is still a thick glass ceiling for immigrants to pursue their goals and dreams.
But what from I heard, America is not as bad as compared to Australia. I heard some crazy stuff from there. Like you can see "white pride" everywhere. Plus the Aussies are well known to have always been getting drunk and fight at Bars in Kuta, Sanur, etc (they even closed some clubs for some time due to this reason)when they come to Bali. I am not saying that half of people in asutralia are bad. I just don't want to base my oppinion upon a very limited sample.
I really like caucasian female and would do anything to please them, and believe me that I am nothing like she told us about Balinese men.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 13:22:11 (PDT)
Listen Yummy,
no need to lose faith in Asian males. If you met me you would see that you just needed to meet the right guy. I am all of those caring, sensitive things that you require in a man and more! Please try to hang in there and not give up so quickly.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:31:45 (PDT)
i'm curious: what vc do you work for in jackson, MS? last time i checked, there wasn't a lot of venture investing going on in jackson. in fact, according to the NVCA, there is no VC firm based in jackson. do you typically do early stage stuff or expansion capital? what industries do you cover? since you're in jackson, i'm going to guess industrial/ag stuff, so what sort of EBITDA multiples are you seeing? do you only invest in equity or will you do converts as well? what sort of preferences have you been seeing in your deals?
regarding the financial analysis: what are you analyzing? what's your opinion on the recent push to expense options?
lastly, what b-school did you go to. typically, people will go to a b-school to get an mba. i've never heard of anyone getting two masters from the same school, unless one is in a different discipline.
iconic ojanimal@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:01:21 (PDT)
sexy blonde -
there's nothing wrong with a man who's financially set, but there is definitely something wrong with dating him because of it.
and there's also something wrong with people who talk incessantly about their material wealth.
in my experience, the people who talk about what they have, have the least. people making serious bank rarely talk about how much they make or how much they're worth.
but it's usually the gold-diggers hooking up with the poseurs so it all works out in the end.
iconic ojanimal@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 11:52:08 (PDT)
yummy blonde -
not to point fingers but have you considered that maybe you are in-advertently attracting the jerks? i only mention this bc i've had plenty of friends who are ONLY able to attract jerks bc of their low self-esteem. i'm not saying that you lack self-esteem; but you ought to consider why you go out with these men.
you won't find any different with white men. men are men, period. there are nice guys and then there are jerks, and then there is me.
how yummy are you?
iconic ojanimal@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 11:46:56 (PDT)
"I am also an Ex0Mr.Jakarta in 1994 and used to be a professional "Baris" dancer when I was younger"
Balinese people are well known for their integrity and in their life, work real hard to achieve their goal and also
Mr.Balinese Guy,
All of this explanation has nothing to do with fact. The fact is, you and I both know that half the population in Bali behaves in the way I described. I am not making any of this up, I have nothing to gain by making up foolish stories. This is a reality I am speaking of. I hate to say that all Balinese men are this way, but this is what it seems to be as a majority. The majority seem to be gigolos. You describe yourself as different. What I have dealt with is a bunch of lying soundrels. Integrity does not mean going about swindling money from innocent people. Intergrity does not mean pretending to love someone just to get the goods from them. I have had this same trouble from other asian men too. I don't know why I attract the wrong men. I am beginning to think I am doing something wrong. I am not sure what it is yet. I have read here that asian men are attracted to women who are from Austrailia and England. Then why do they treat us different? What do they take advantage? Maybe they treat American women with more respect. I am not really sure what is the motive behind it. I am really hurting inside alot. Because of what happened to me, I have had to seek therapy twice a week for this.
I still have alot of healing to do   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 11:14:44 (PDT)