

(Updated Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008, 05:28:57 PM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
For me it's more like maybe 1 out of 100 AFs (in the specific age range) might make the cut, where as maybe 25% of WFs would.

-Deng Ai

Well at least you're not lacking in confidence, my brother!
True Brother    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 12:51:51 (PDT)
Samantha(Pregnant 1)
Congratulations! I am sorry to hear you are so depressed sometimes. I hear that the change in hormones when pregnant can cause feelings to intensify. Maybe that's why you are feeling a little insecure right now. Do you feel as though you can explain to your husband that you're 'not quite yourself' lately because of the little person growing inside of you? I am sure your husband adores you, and you have nothing to be worried about.
Do you have family and friends close by that you could talk this through with. After all they are more likely to know your husband more so than a stranger on the web.
It's important for you to take care of yourself right now and do things to make you feel good about yourself. Wearing some of the newer maternity fashions will make you glow even more - and I bet your husband will sure notice.
Is your husband Asian? You sound like such a sweet person.
Good Luck
Samantha    Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 10:17:45 (PDT)

is the blond thing a myth?
Asian Obsession    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 23:33:37 (PDT)

I can also relate to the restaurant story you mentioned... It has happened to me before. But, some of the restaus get a lot of non-Asian people so they are just used to giving people a fork. But trust me, it all depends on the way it happens. Sometimes I am given a fork and feel hostility... so I can understand why she was irritated.

As for the stares... people stare at each other everywhere... I can be alone (or with my boyf) and ppl will stare. We don't have to be together. I have concluded that it is in people's nature to stare at each other, even if I consider it very rude.

Christian Guy,

Are those stats American? I do not live in the US so I was just wondering if there are stats for other countries.

Samantha (in japan),

Good luck with learning Japanese. I just want to say that I would be so happy to be in your place! I love the japanese culture, like- the pilosophies, the language, the arts... and yes the anime (please don't shoot me anyone lol!) It's so easy to pass the time collecting those hahaha... I think that once you get used to the place and a little less home-sick (web-cam to talk to family might be a good idea) you will start to like it. The thing I can suggest is trying to meet people and getting into the culture, but I am sure you know that already! I hope it makes you feel a little better knowing that other people want to be where you are right now ;)

To the guys in general,

I noticed 'some' of you say how you find WF better looking that AF. My boyf is like that too. I will find a pic of a nice pretty AF and ask him what he thinks and he's like "whatever" or "she's ugly"... I wonder why this is. Is it because you grew up in North America/UK/Australia, etc? I know it's hard to explain... Any volunteers? 8)
Lotus ^.^    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 21:09:23 (PDT)
Hi friends,

I did a calculation of ratio of WF interested in Asian guys. On the internet dating web site, there are 16 WF's out of every 284 girls of all race looking for Asian guys. That is 5.6%. I looked at African American internet dating sites as well. There are far fewer WF's looking for BM. However, you see way more WF/BM couples. I think the reason for that is that WF/BM couples face less social pressures.
Christian Guy

Well, I don't doubt there are more BM/WF couples, hummmmmmmm, could it be because there are shit load of more blacks than Asians in America???
You think??
I'm not a rocket scientist but I think with blacks making up 13% of the population compared to Asians with 3% I'll say chances are there would be more BM/WF than AM/WF. THis forum is for AM/WF so why even bring blacks into this ??
uhhhh duhhhhh    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 19:57:27 (PDT)
JJP and Max, thanks for your answers. I think you guys seem very similar to my boyfriend, in that he seems to strike a good balance between retaining and appreciating his Chinese heritage while still loving America and being an American. He once told me that when he was younger he was a lot "angrier", but I think time and experience have tempered him out into the easygoing, caring person that he is today. We live in a city with a pretty big Asian population, as well as black and hispanic, so he went to HS and college with all types of people and made friends with all of them.

Confused Asian Dude, I think those WFs may be staring at you out of a mixture of curiosity and attraction. Maybe some of them stare without any hostile intention, just curiosity, as they rarely see Asians. And maybe some of them think you're cute and wonder "Hmm I wonder if he would go for a girl like me?" ;) You never know until you ask one out.

I've always been attracted to Asian men, yes I do find them kind of exotic-looking. I love my b/f's golden skin, his high cheekbones, round Asian eyes, his cute shiny black hair. I love the golden tan he has right now from our recent trip. I like listening to him speak Chinese, for some reason I find it cute and sexy. I sometimes daydream about what our kids would look like. :) I don't think I'm the only WF that feels this attraction.

Welcome back Sue, you used to be size2WF right? Sorry to hear about your dating troubles, I wish I had some wise words for you.
curious girl    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 18:59:39 (PDT)
My question is this: Are they attracted to me? Or are they staring at me because they have never seen an asian guy before? Are white females really attracted to exotic-looking men?

Confused Asian Dude

MY answer is this. Always assume that they are attracted to you. That is the way of a man that is comfortable with his sexuality and himself. He knows what he has to offer a woman. Men these days have been raised by a generation of men castrated by the feminist movement, which taught men to feel like a slimey bastard every time he expresses his sexuality. It's ok to flirt with women, to laugh, to let them see your manly 'pull'. Touch them gently, stroke their hair, kiss them if it feels right.

The bottom line is: do not hesitate. assume that she likes you, and operate accordingly. She will let you know if she isn't interested. No through her words, but more likely through her actions and body language. It is your role as a man to initiate and offer a girl to choose you or turn you down.
Asian Pick Up Artist    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 18:03:09 (PDT)
Christian Guy wrote:
"There are far fewer WF's looking for BM. However, you see way more WF/BM couples. I think the reason for that is that WF/BM couples face less social pressures."

Actually, the reverse is true. The reason you see more stuff written on the internet is exactly because BM/WF is less accepted. From a lot of white folks' point it is quite normal for Asians and whites to comingle. To a large degree Asians are viewed as the newest immigrants to come to America to be assimilated into the American culture just as immigrants had done throughout the history of this nation. That's why you don't hear it being talked about as much, because it is not as taboo. BM/WF relationships are much more accepted by mainstream society nowadays. It wasn't always this way. Before the 90s, it was still pretty taboo.
Deng Ai    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 17:34:45 (PDT)
Curious Girl,

I'm just curious what was the first thing that drew you to your bf? And also, at least where I live in Portland, OR the majority of the white girls who date asian guys like to go for a certain type of asian guy:)5'8" or taller, fairly Americanized with little or no accent, and almost always considered attractive to girls who normally don't date asian guys.

I ask you this because a few of my asian male friends and I seem to fall under this category. I'm not saying my boys and I are sexy or anything, but it is just my observation. Is there any truth to this at all where you live?


Max    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 17:05:54 (PDT)
Sue (I'm back),

Let me dissect this situation. The guy is "mysterious" and disappears.

Hmmmh, sounds like a case of the jitters to me. He changed his mind and doesn't have the "cojones" to tell you so.

But, if you must know for sure, call the guy. I don't get this pride thing that people have enamored themselves. If you feel like talking, the phone is right there. You say you don't like games, but it looks like you're playing games by refusing to call cuz he asked you first. Sheeeeesh, at this rate, we're all doomed to spend too much time on this board.

Oh, replying to Truthexplorer, who asked what are the chances of finding WF brunettes in BC..... well, not much if you have to entertain that question online. Go out and take a poll. Maybe you can ask out one of the respondents.... but you're probably waiting for her to ask you out..... pathetic. Stop asking question like, who here likes me, or who thinks I am nice or goodlooking.... Life is offline, not online.
NotConfusedAsianDude    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:34:54 (PDT)
Hey Confused Asian Dude: You sound like one confused person. Whoa, people look at you and automaticaly you think they're attracted to you? I think you just happen to be in their line of sight, and you're not hideous or gross looking -- and if you were, they'd still stare. Looking at someone doesn't equate to attraction, and if you think this way, don't.

Hope this helps.
NotConfusedAsianDude    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:28:18 (PDT)

Call the guy! If you like him. call him.
Bostonian    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 16:11:42 (PDT)
Former Wait Person,

Our server was actually around her mid to late 40's. I've also worked in a few restaraunts. My whole family is that biz. Were the ones you worked at owned by your family? If so, was is frustrating to work for them?


Max    Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 15:08:03 (PDT)

