

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most attracts you to White females?
Their facial features | 61%
Their physique | 22%
Their attitude and personality | 14%
Their education & cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are an Asian male, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with White females?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 0%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 74%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 15%
Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most attracts you to Asian males?
Their facial features | 73%
Their physique | 6%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 6%

Assuming you are a White female, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with Asian males?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 9%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 73%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 17%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Canadian Guy,

Well... you said that you wished girls would be the ones to make the first move. I just wanted to let you know that in my case I HAD to make the first move. My bf was so shy... but he gave me hints that he liked me so it gave me the courage to actually make a move! What happened was that we chatted on ICQ a lot (we met at school tho). Once we tried talking on the phone and he couldn't find anything to say (again, cuz he was shy !) so we would talk that way. One day he sent me a song. I asked him what the song meant to him and he told me it was his words in a song. What all these words were saying is that he liked me but was too shy to approch me.

There was chemistry first... that's for sure. One day we were talking and when the moment was right... I kissed him. Hehe :) Since then we have been together!!

What I suggest to you is to drop hints to a girl you like. If she returns them by flirting or maybe asking you out you will be very happy!! I told you the story hoping you can get some ideas... and for anyone else out there that might be inspired by it! Good luck!
Lotus ^.^    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 08:16:10 (PDT)    []
Well to answer Canadian Guy, though I agree with you that it would be MUCH easier if women made the first move, thus the burden of men is revealed. Unfortunately, our society has placed the role of agressor in the male's hands. Though lately women have been growing increasingly agressive when it comes to relationships, it is still widely known and accepted that the man is the one who has to not only approach the women but also open himself to rejection. It sucks, but that's just what we have to work with.

Okay, I've got a dilemma on my hands and I was wondering if those of you out there with more experience than me could help me out. I go to school, where I have a fairly good reputation as being a nice guy, and i'm known throughout the school. My personality varies from shy to not shy depending on the circumstances. Anyway, I have always noticed beautiful and cute girls in the hallways but I never gave it a second thought other than "Gee, that girl is sure cute." I told a girl friend of mine how i once saw a real cute girl in the hall, and thus she sparked a revelation to me: go up and talk to her. For some reason, that thought never entered my mind as a possibility in such a scenario. However, since the time of being introduced into my mind, I have been thinking about it constantly. After a break in school, it seems that she has a class in the art section of my school, where she sometimes strolls right into class, or sometimes waits outside. I know she's there everyday, and I have fancied the idea of actually going up to her and talking to her. She looks about a year younger than me, and she is VERY cute. However, I don't have the first clue to what to say to her. It's very awkward to me thinking of even just walking up to her, while several other waiting art students stand by, and just start talking to her. I don't know why, but this thought just strikes me as very awkward. I'm a Korean male, and the girl of my dreams looks like a mix between Mexican and Asian. She's very cute, and dresses very chique. She also has that air of confidence, which leads me to the possibility of her being high maintenace. However, I can only tell if she is or not by actually talking to her. I do not know what to do. If somoene can give me advice on what to do, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you for reading my long post, and may God bless y'all
Awakward Student    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 23:06:10 (PDT)    []

"Why can't women simply make the first would make everything so much better."

- Candian Guy

--- You know, for a 6 foot 1, 190 pound guy you sure do sound like a pussy. Try this: grab those two marbles between your legs and ASK A GIRL OUT.

This coming from a 5 foot 8, 160 pound 'shrimp' that has no problem asking women out.

Btw, I know that the interracial factor makes things less clear (I can easily tell if an AF is into me). Sometimes a WF will find you attractive but might be hesistant or unwilling to make a move or even show emotions b/c she isn't ready to do the IR thing. It's tough, but that's how it is. But you know what? I think that Asian guys that ONLY date WFs are just as lame as the ones that only date AFs. It's a good experience to date both. Try AFs sometime if for the time, you're having troubles with WF.
That is the MAN'S job.    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 17:01:23 (PDT)    []
"...Well what I saw on the news the other day was, I don't know by what year in the future, that natural blonde hairs won't exist anymore. The reason why is b/c of genetic [two recessive genes in that i.e y=blonde, areas to get blonde hair, which is hard to\ come by these days] and marriage or intermarriage in general. Anyway, did anyone here see that news?"


Blondes Are A Dying Breed

Fewer People Have Proper Genetics

September 27, 2002

They say blondes have more fun, but new research suggests their days are numbered.

Scientists have revealed that in just 200 years time, natural blondes will be completely extinct.

Blonde hair occurs only in people from northern Europe. The blonde gene that causes it must be on both sides of the family, and according to the World Health Organization, there is now too few people who carry it.

Professor Jonathan Rees from Edinburgh University is leading a two-year study into the genetics of blondes, and says men who prefer light-colored hair in their ladies need not despair yet. Scientists say blondes will survive longest in Scandinavia where they are most concentrated, and they predict the last one alive will be from Finland.

But the end of natural blondes won't mean the end of fair-haired women. A salon specializing in hair coloring says most of their clients go for blonde.
NotConfusedAsianDude    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 16:45:29 (PDT)    []
"The reason why is b/c of genetic [two recessive genes in that i.e y=blonde, areas to get blonde hair, which is hard to come by these days] and marriage or inter marriage in general."

OYE! not another blonde issue on this board! before this gets out of hand, let me comment that i'm no expert on the genetics of hair, but if i remember anything from basic biology even if the gene for blonde hair is recessive, blondes won't die off anytime soon (what would we do with all the blonde jokes then?). if the gene is recessive as you say the blonde gene is, then there's still the chance that two brunette parents could be carriers for the gene and have a kid who's blonde, ie. Xy+Xy=yy since y and y gives the recessive yy blonde trait. so blondes will be around, just in lower percentages if indeed it's a recessive trait, but i'm skeptical. as a scientific minded person, i'm just tired of the misrepresentation of science in the media.
darkhaired villageidiot    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 12:40:15 (PDT)    []

"What was it drew you to Bruce?"

I think it's more like - what DIDN'T draw me to Bruce. MEERRRRCCCYYYY!!!!!
The skills, the philosophy, the sheer sex appeal.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BRUCE! YIKES. Okay.....give me a moment......

Okay....I'm alright now.

I definitely saw 'Dragon' - how could I miss Jason Scott Lee playing Bruce Lee?
As for the modern actors - I guess nobody will EVER be Bruce to me - just cuz. It's like getting Mexican food up north (no offense) - you know all the ingredients are there, but no matter how it's mixed, it just can't match what you get in a Texas border town! ;)

But seriously - I love Jackie Chan - supa cute, funny guy. Jet Li is awesome as well - can you please be my baby's daddy? Chow Yun-Fat - supa cool.

These three are awfully skilled and my top 3 favorites. Great arguments could be made as to who is the "best", but I love all Asian men too much to choose.

Russell Wong and Donnie Yen - are you just trying to make me throw up from excitement?

I can't even talk about it anymore.

wf-25    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 12:34:36 (PDT)    []

Yes....East Texas (sadly) is devoid of any AM beauty. So...all I got was Bruce Lee (but baby...that's was good enough to last me through high school!).

I personally have dated guys from Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Actually, every time I've been out with an Asian guy, I've been so enthralled in the moment of the date, I've not noticed people staring.

I have experienced some bias from a few people but I tend not to let that bother me. I grew up in a very racist town, so I'm used to the ignorance. Besides....I dated a black male once in junior you can probably imagine that I've had my share of dealing with prejudice. ;) sounds like you might need to vacation in Texas (particularly in Austin)!!!!! ;)
wf-25    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 12:15:21 (PDT)    []
To "Any Blondes Here"...don't worry about it sweetie, most of the blondes you see anyways are probably $90, or more poorer and spend their afternoons in the beauty shop to achieve that "natural blond" look that I am also sporting at the moment. As long as there is peroxide..their will always be blondes....
hannybunbun    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 11:56:15 (PDT)    []
Hey everyone,
First I would like to know if there is any blonde ladies here, cause I got news for you. Well what I saw on the news the other day was, I don't know by what year in the future, that natural blonde hairs won't exist anymore. The reason why is b/c of genetic [two recessive genes in that i.e y=blonde, areas to get blonde hair, which is hard to come by these days] and marriage or inter marriage in general. Anyway, did anyone here see that news? just wondering. I also seem to like blonde women but I guess i might end up marrrying a brunett b/c for this reason. Which is also fine by me.
any blondes here    Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 08:15:58 (PDT)    []
I've been thinking about this for quite a while. Is it better for the AMs to be more aggressive in terms of approaching WFs? I'm more of the quiet guy who doesn't like to talk much unless I have something to say. I work out avidly so I have a nice 190 lbs of mass on a 6'1" frame.

I often notice females of all nationalities steal quick glances. Since I don't know if the glances are on purpose or just casual I never think twice about them. Since I'm attending university, I often go out with buddies and drink. When I drink I become loose and a bit more aggressive with my approach to women. I find my odds with the WF increase dramatically this way. But the women I attract aren't the type I would bring home for Christmas dinner. So, you see, I really don't know what to do.

I want to attract the down to earth type girls but they never make their intentions known to me. And from what I've read on this board, these type of girls don't like the aggressive type. Why can't women simply make the first would make everything so much better.
Canadian Guy    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 22:32:38 (PDT)    []
Thanks again for taking the time to write about your experiences. And for your compliments, of course! *smile* East Texas doesn't strike me as having a lot of Asian-Americans; what ethnic backgrounds have the AMs you dated been? What was your first reaction to the stares of people when you were in public with your first AM boyfriend? When I was college-age (a long time ago! *smile*), I didn't think Southern girls had much interest in AMs because of the whole "segregation of races" issue in Southern history. But on my spring break trip, I met a beautiful white Southern girl from Tennessee who made no bones that she liked me. A sexy and attentive girl who was one of the best lovers I've ever had! Her mother wasn't thrilled about me, but in subsequent encounters I've had nothing but positive experiences with Southern women. If I could get a company to pay me my salary in Florida or Texas (fat chance), I'd be there in a flash because of the women! *smile*
Hoboken_CornellGuy    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 19:33:01 (PDT)    []

Bruce Lee is my all-time hero! He is the reason I began studying martial arts and acting. I try never to market myself as a kung-fu type guy, cause I don't want to be typecast. However, casting directors know right away about my martial arts background.

What was it drew you to Bruce? Was it his on-screen intensity, his physical talents? Did you see the film about his life "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story"? If not, I highly recommend it! What do you think of the asian male stars of today? i.e. Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun-Fat, Russell Wong, and Donnie Yen?
Max    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 14:03:07 (PDT)    []
longhorn AM


There are TWO Asian LOVIN' white girls in Austin!!!!!

I'm one of them!

Welcome to Austin, Texas - the best city in the country!

wf-25    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 10:12:55 (PDT)    []
Dearest AM in Vancouver and Hoboken_CornellGuy (aka HOT ASIAN GUYS! ;])

WORD UP! There are definitely women like us out there. What's so funny about the whole thing is I was way too scared to approach ANY Asian guys - meaning any generation Asian American or the gorgeous imports that we see frequenting Texas more often these days! It's just purely an ignorance issue. I always assumed that Asian men were fairly exclusively interested in AF and also that was what was expected from their parents/family.

You see...I developed a crush on Asian men very early in life (8 years old) when my father and I would have our "Kung Fu Sundays". He would go and get every Bruce Lee movie available in our small east Texas town of 1,000 people and we would watch them all day. Thus....the biggest crush of my young life - Mr. Bruce Lee - came into being. (MERCY!)

After that, I just consistently was attracted to AM. My mother swore I'd marry an Asian someday - :)

When I met my best friend, she was dating a Filipino. After she broke up with him, I asked her how she met him and said "I know this may sound strange, but I LOVE Asian men!" She screamed and I found out that she did too and we've been best friends since then.
wf-25    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 07:11:45 (PDT)    []
update on confused wf

well....the issue has solved itself. this weekend....the guy said he wants to be isolated and "will not allow himself to have feelings for anyone". however, he still wants things to remain the same between us.

well....even thought i didn't expect a commitment and never gave pressure, i didn't realize there would be a "ZERO TOLERANCE" policy on the natural progression of feelings.

well disappointed but.......time to move on ---- more Asian fish in the sea! and obviously, from reading the posts on this board, there are alot who will respect and love and are ready for all of the wonderful things i have to give.

;) thanks for the ear guys!
confused wf    Monday, September 30, 2002 at 06:55:59 (PDT)    []
How is AM reception in Texas?
To all Ams living in Texas, what is your opinion. I am new to this state, living in Austin.
longhornAM    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 21:02:14 (PDT)    []
I didn't think there was racism in Aussie land. I was on vacation there several years ago and the people were friendlier than where i live (U.S.A). I'm surprised that people there would make comments about you and your white gf.
AMan    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 18:48:45 (PDT)    []

