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Well a few updates since...Turns out some friends I made in my Spanish class are actually very close friends with this girl i'm going after! Talk about coincidence! And at lunch, i started talking with my friends in spanish, and the girl i was going after was standing right there. I felt kind of bad ignoring her, but we were talking about spanish related-stuff. Well, now that she knows that i'm friends with her friends and vice versa, I think my strategy will be (this was given to me by another friend of mine) to use the friends situation to get closer to her. I'll say something like "do you know where (my friend from spanish) is?" if she says no, i'll say "oh, okay..well i didn't catch your name. I've seen you a lot around campus but I never knew your name. What is it?" and from there, i'll give it some time, and the next time i talk with my friend from spanish, i'll also talk to the girl i'm interested in, and we'll start talking like that...i'll slowly start building it up...my friend gave me the metaphor as a steak. First, you gotta decide what kind of steak she is (prime rib, filet minon, this is basically HOW much she means to you)...then, you gotta marinate it, which is to get her prepped to start liking you. Then, when you think it's time to cook, you start that relationship with her. Then, you start cooking, which is the start of the relationship and stuff. Then, there ya go! So i guess right now i'm in the marinating stage. I guess since I have the time, i'll take it slow and nice.
|Awkward Student   
Friday, October 11, 2002 at 02:35:03 (PDT)
btw, i'm not awkward student. Don't want you to get the wrong impression. i'm a new fella!!
Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:46:37 (PDT)
Take care,
You know what? I really don't know what my league is.. hehe. Sometime I think I can get the best girl there is and sometimes, on a bad day, not so sure. I can't rate my own looks either, so I don't know where I stand. While growing up, i do have some women who had a few crushes on me. One time in high school, I had this tall blonde Russian woman who liked me. Could have gotten hooked up but didn't. Never thought I had a chance with a beautiful girl like her, but hey she liked me. The thing that surprised me is that she never even paid attention to me in class. And when we do meet outside of class and converse, and out of nowhere she tells me, "you're cute". Hmm ..I just don't understand women, then why is it in class I don't seem to exist. Anyway, the whole point i'm trying to make is, you'll be surprise on who might like you. Some people that you least expect will be the ones to have secret crushes on you.
I don't believe in money buying love. I mean, yea, this is what guys talk about, "hot girls want guys with money". This is a lot of bull! Even if I was rich, i'll tell a girl that I'm not. If she sticks, she sticks, if not then, thats it. Buying a girl's love is just a waste of a guys time, b/c she doesn't have her hearts for you. And money is never gonna change that.
Even though a lot of women liked me, I still get blown-off, it's part of life.
Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 21:10:59 (PDT)
awkward student
hey great post. I laughed and laughed, in sympathy of course. I can relate to you. I bet so can a lot of other posters too.
Good luck buddy
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 23:01:51 (PDT)
Awkward Student,
Don˘´t be affraid to hit on her. That shows you have balls, and women find that appealing.
Ohh and don˘´t forget to dress up with style, work out, and have a nice hairdo. Ppl say looks don˘´t matter but it still has alot of weight when you˘´re getting to know someone.
another korean dude   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 21:21:14 (PDT)
Awkward Student,
Sit back and relax, some korean dude is right. Don˘´t ever throw that line, it˘´s gonna make you look bad. For me being funny is what works the best, but you need confidence to do so, and by reading your post, that˘´s something you don˘´t have when she˘´s around, so try to play it safe for now. Just go for simple things like;Á¤Hi, so how˘´s your art project coming outÁ¤ or whatever comes to your mind. Try to sound interested on whatever she says, and ask some more details about it, so you can get more familiar with her and feel confident when you˘´re around her.
another korean dude   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 21:12:38 (PDT)
Awkward student
You're hopeless, give it rest. Don't stalk her, forget it about her. Let's be realistic, if she's beautiful she has alot of guys chasing her and maybe she's out of your league. Most people end up with their equals in apparances.
Unless your wealthy and just buy a pretty bimbo.
Take care   
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 18:12:27 (PDT)
awkward student,
"Hey, art girl, what's up? So, you have a masterpiece in the works yet?"
Whatever you do, don't say that! Sounds corny. Seems like you're stressing too much over this girl. Just kick back, talk to other girls, and let things happen naturally.
And if you don't have any classes w/ her, why were you trying to find a seat in her class. Maybe that's why she looked at you funny? Stalker Alert!
some korean guy   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 10:51:31 (PDT)
advice for dating,
Thanx for the advice, but the problem is, she doesn't have a watch (and plus, since i see her only right after break ends, i KNOW what time it is, and she'll probably think i'm stupid), and i don't have ANY classes with her. I was thinking of asking for her home phone number which would see how much interest she has in me, but i know right now that she is definitely going to say no...turns out that i walked into her class, and sat in her friend's seat. Thus, when she walked in, she told me that i can't sit there because it's her friend's seat...then i asked her "so how's your friend's candy sale going", cuz her friend, about 2 weeks earlier, had pounced on me to buy candy, but she said she didn't remember, and kinda looked at me strangely...then, i asked her if there were any other empty seats, and she said she didn't know, and there ended the conversation. i think it went pretty bad. It's not so much that this girl is THIS much trouble, beause i know it takes 2 to tango, and if she doesn't want to dance, then there's nothing i can do. It's just the fact that this girl is going to symbolize how i'm going to get all my other girls. Thus, i'm thinking of just "accidentally" bumping into her around school and saying something casual like "Hey, art girl, what's up? So, you have a masterpiece in the works yet?" or something short, and get out of there..hopefully over time i'll gain her interest and maybe THEN i'll ask for her home phone number. I don't know. That conversation was kinda bad. If someone could just give me any advice or comments, i'd really appareciate that. Thank you guys.
Awkward Student bakobang23@aol.com   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 01:50:45 (PDT)
Let it flow,
I loved your post, dude! That is absolutely true. Blond is recessive and dark hair is dominant, but it does not mean that that gene will die off anytime soon. In fact I have encountered some Asian/White couples having blond haired kids. Blue eyes is also recessive, but to let you know. I don't understand this much, but I have an Asian classmate whose brother and his Blond-haired blue-eyed fiance had a green eyed kid. Kind of weird, ain't it?
I'm not sure of how brown and blue turned to green, but it is their biological kid. Any information on how that may have happened?
Why is everybody worried about blonds? Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Poland, and Russia are filled with natural blonds. Some English, Irish, Spaniards, and French are also blond. If you want to see alot of blonds, go to these countries.
To change some things, let's talk about redheads. They're the ones easily deteriorating. In fact, I've only seen one every like 6 months. There aren't alot of redheads, but ironically, my girlfriend is a redhead. Her hair is redish-brown, but she is a redhead. I'm an Asian male.
Let it flow FAN   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 08:52:32 (PDT)
another korean guy,
What BS? Why you so mad fool?! What do you consider being absorbed by the mainstream? Becoming more and more white? Yeah, eventually we'll all be mixed, but the fact that Asians are marrying outside their race waaay more than other races says something to me. Some may look at it and say Asians are just more open to other people. Personally, i think it says that a lot of asians have identity issues. And when did i say i was against interracial relationships? it's cool w/ me as long as it's for genuine, healthy reasons. I like all races of women too. i'm not trying to tell people what to do, i'm just saying we need to examine ourselves as a race and what those stats really mean.
Alright, i'll stop with all this talk. Continue talking about white girls that you 'almost' stepped to. Damn, nobody wants to have intelligent discussions here?
confused wf,
i'm glad you took my joke the right way and not get all defensive. You know i was just playing. As for your guy, take control of the situation and tell him you're gonna give him his space. He'll be begging to spend more time w/ you in a few weeks.
some korean guy   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 22:13:17 (PDT)
Awakward Student:
What you should do the next time you see the women you want standing there is to go up to her and say,"Do you have the time? She'll give it to you and then say "Hey, aren't you in my computer science class? Isn't Mr. Bojangles a HardAss Professor?"
She either agree or disagree and then you can then discuss other topics of mutual interest like how did you get into this school or whats your major, what made you decide to take this or that course..whatever. By then you can see if she is interested in you or not. Always ask open ended questions and if you want a date ask her out for a cup of JOE instead and leave it to her to accept. If she is not interested, she either give you a one or two second blow away or just ignore you. After talking to her, sit somewhere else. Let her notice you instead and every now and then bump into her and small chat. Do either the Fishing or Hunting method of attracting women. It's a damn stupid game made by society and that is how you need to play it. You as a guy do have the upper hand in this but you must make the first move otherwise nothing gets done.
Worse comes to worse you have a girl who thinks you are stalking her and you can annoy her by sitting next to her in class or give her the cold shoulder back but at least you did something and not waste your damn time fantasying. Life is too short to waste.
Remember there are times in life where you must clasps your balls and wail out and do it wheither it is a job interview or asking a girl out on a date. Its not so damn hard to do! If I was back in school, I'd have girls up the YingYang. Do this and you can spend better time on other things.
Try being a helpful student or friend to her and eventually she'll open up and then hopefully something in her head will spark and say "Yes that korean boy is a nice guy and I think it would be great to take him to the party I have next week"
If that doesn't pan out, NEXT...
Advice for dating   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 15:59:01 (PDT)
"OYE! not another blonde issue on this board! before this gets out of hand, let me comment that i'm no expert on the genetics of hair, but if i remember anything from basic biology even if the gene for blonde hair is recessive, blondes won't die off anytime soon (what would we do with all the blonde jokes then?). if the gene is recessive as you say the blonde gene is, then there's still the chance that two brunette parents could be carriers for the gene and have a kid who's blonde, ie. Xy+Xy=yy since y and y gives the recessive yy blonde trait. so blondes will be around, just in lower percentages if indeed it's a recessive trait, but i'm skeptical."
Very true. There are plenty of recessive genes out there that has survived through millions of years. There just have to be a large enough population to sustain the statistical outcomes. I don't think that's problem. There are even the occasional blond in Turkey or Lebanon. If it does go bye-bye, then it's just the natural process of people moving from isolation to interbreeding. The "slant eyes", or epicanthic fold (I think that's how you spell it.) is also recessive.
let it flow   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 11:07:50 (PDT)
I agree that there are people that are not open to IR and are racist. Some might even be really rude if they see one of their kind in a interacial relationship. But.. there are also many white female that I've met, each from different states that are extreamly friendly. I don't know if it was by luck that i've met these nice, friendly people or is it that there are a lot of these people around, and the probablitiy of me meeting these people are great. Not too sure about this, but again I've met friendly white girls that are from states of texas, tennessee, georgia, north- south Dakota, kentucky, pensylvania, california, florida and alabama [i also heard that alabama is more of a racist town, is it true, if you know?].
Peace out...
i'm 2 sexy 4 my I's   
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 09:03:24 (PDT)
Lotus ^.^,
Interesting.... Glad you can share it with all of us.
I'm 2 sexy 4 my I's   
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 08:43:00 (PDT)
That is the MAN'S job.
"It's a good experience to date both. Try AFs sometime if for the time, you're having troubles with WF."
As much as I love white female, and with all the love I can give them. I have to say, "I totally agree here".
2 hot   
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 20:30:06 (PDT)
Awkward Student,
say hi. talk about art. talk about class. just talk to her. regret is much worse than rejection, believe me. during my first 1.5 years of college there was a girl who happened to be in most of my classes. i never really gave her a second thought but her face kept popping up in my classes and by the end of the third semester i realized how beautiful she was. she became this gorgeous raven haired mystery to me. right after that semester i began taking classes towards my major and graduated not too long after. i havent seen her since, but ill never forget her face.
Lotus ^.^
you go girl
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 19:39:22 (PDT)
Asian perception in Austin?
As long as you don˘´t hit on sorority chicks you won˘´t have any troubles getting dates. U probably noticed that it˘´s a young and peaceful, treehugging city.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 16:34:48 (PDT)
Great story Lotus ^.^
We wish more women were like you.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 09:26:08 (PDT)