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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
guys guys guys
1.) be nice to the white girls on this site, we like them! remember that.
2.) be nice to your fellow asian brothers. OK, cut the cussing or the bashing, we dont need any of that.
If you got nothing nice to say. Say nothing at all.
Awkward student
hey bud, I like the fact you are loyal to your future wife. That's an admirable trait.
love doc
I dont know man, I question your tactics. Good for blitz and for picking up girls for one night stand but for long term relatinships games just dont hold water.
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 22:52:19 (PST)
You can't argue with proven fact! But anyway, sounds like you need to move to a better city with friendlier people. And i'm not trying to say that you have a controlled bf, see now you're assuming.
Also,I just wanna comment on your quote about me having a gf, "Actually, I am wondering if you have one, and if your statistic helped you." Stop trying to pick me up...why do women keep treating me like I'm a piece of meat??? Why can't you accept for who I am? :-)
Monday, November 04, 2002 at 07:25:25 (PST)
You're talking about the NEW YORK Subway. Of course you'll run into freaks and fruit loops in there! New York is a nuthouse! =)
West Coast Luvin'   
Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 19:58:19 (PST)
to everyone,
Well, I had lots of fun with my date. It was held at my high school gym which was okay. The group that we went with came extremely late, and we got to dinner late. What I noticed was that going with my white friend was not as different as I thought. The only times i noticed that we were different, racially that is hahhaa, is when the other people around us would kinda give us a second glance! TO tell you the truth, it didnt bother me. although i'd have to admit that my date and i had different dancing styles, but we still had lots of fun. in essence, i learned that going with a white girl really was boiled down to going with a girl. i had a good time, and i just wanted to thank you guys for your hlep.
be a man, watch your mouth. i know high schoolers are notorious for their dirty mouths but for a 28 year old MAN you really have a dirty mouth. also, unlike you im not trying to get nookie or sex. im a virgin and im proud of that fact because i plan on giving my wife one of the best presents i can give her which is sex. and yes, im going to worry about you if you're just throwing insults at me. i have no idea if you just want to help me or bash me. anywya, for a 28 year old MAN you SUCk at giving advice. check that your advice might be good but your way of getting it across SUCKS. y dont you continue to have meaningless nookies with girls, while i'll actually have meaningful monogamous relationships!
Awkward Student   
Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 18:45:27 (PST)
Be a Man,
First of all, I do not know what "Padawan apprentice" is, so all I can respond with to that comment is "huh?" Further, "blow my cover?" Be a Man, I don't have a cover to blow. I have made it known openly that I have learned my "theories" at a website that I have already said before. I know that I'm not a natural Don Juan, and even if I was, I don't understand why you would think that I wouldn't give advice online. If I'm good with the ladies naturally, then why wouldn't I want to share my information with those less fortunate with the ladies? FURTHER, I have no idea when you mean "Don Juan." You must have me mistaken, because I use the name Doc Love Graduate for a reason. I'm a GRADUATE of Doc Love, a man that knows A LOT about women. I never said that I was a natural, but I learned and became AS GOOD as the naturals, if not better.
Look, I'm sick of this battle with each other thing. First of all, I don't think I was underestimating you, but rather inputting my opinion in response to a statement you made. If you don't want to be "underestimated", then be clearer when you explain your ideas. Second, this forum is not a place to battle each other to the death to find out who knows the most about women. What we're here for is to talk about interracial dating and issues related to that. Thus, let's try to get back on topic. If I had offended you, I apologize. That was not my intention. Now, let's get back to the purpose of this topic and settle all bad blood brewing between us, and you and Awkward Student.
Awkward Student,
All I have to say is good luck on your time with that girl of your's. I hope your experience with her will encourage you and give you a better understanding of the interracial dating world. Further, I would also like you to settle your qualms with Be a Man. We're not here to fight, but to help each other.
In conclusion, let's get back to business.
Doc Love Graduate   
Sunday, November 03, 2002 at 18:38:24 (PST)
Awkward Student,
It's very simple... Don't stress so much and be yourself! Because if you act like something you are not and she ends up liking the "fake" you she will not hang out with you anymore once you become yourself again... it's very tough to keep up a facade. So if you are normally generous with people, be that way... But don't forget, she is just a friend as you mentioned so don't do for her what you would normally do for a girl on a date, as it might seem desperate to please. (and you don't want to end up her puppet! lol) In any case, good luck with the event and RELAX!!! =(^_^)=
I agree, good guys are hard to find as well... but no one is ever perfect! heh heh...
Well ok... you can call me paranoid or whatever you want all I am trying to do is help out by giving realistic advice to people from my point of view. Not from a book like you did. Especially not a statistic! So stop assuming things about me, saying you don't believe me when you were not even there. The fact of the matter is this: Everyone stares at everyone. Maybe you don't know this if you have a car but if you take public transport you know what I mean. I can be sitting there minding my own business and I feel someone looking at me... I turn to see who it is (obviously I look at their eyes). Don't start telling me that if I look at a person in their eyes that I find them attractive or that I fall under some 20% group. A lot of strange stuff happens on the subway. Let me tell you another story... A couple of weeks ago, a guy started by staring at me, then he was unbuttoning his shirt in front of me and took out what should have stayed in his pants and was pleasuring himself all the while inching closer and closer to me! That would freak out any girl... imagine if that same day some guy came up to me! Obviously I would avoid him... That's why originally I posted to the guy with the subway problem to find women in other places. Women just generally have bad experiences in public places (and NOT just me! I can tell you things that happened to my friends!). You can't tell me who I find attractive and you are going way, way out of line when you say "Or that you bf is staying behind you while you type with a gun to you head" suggesting I am being controlled by my bf. Maybe you are like that with your girlfriends, but it's not my case. Actually, I am wondering if you have one, and if your statistic helped you. You see, only then can you say it's true. When it's been proven! I suggest we close this discussion since it will lead us nowhere; I would rather get along with people and not argue with them. :) You seem to hold true to your opinions which is okay, we don't have to agree. Just don't force your opinion on me...
Lotus ^.^   
Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 22:11:22 (PST)
"good girls are 1\1000 literally..."
The problem is every single one of the other 999 girls thinks she is the good girl.
T'K Chang   
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 17:35:13 (PST)
"for good guys gee, I dont know, probably the same, dont you all agree?"
SOG- I totally agree. A good man is hard to find, that's why when you find a gem, you hold onto him. My boyfriend (AA male) is a diamond in the rough, I and my family always say "He's a keeper".
As Jerry Seinfeld said, only about 5% of the population is dateable. :)
Friday, November 01, 2002 at 08:46:20 (PST)
'Girls are a dime a dozen, but good friends are hard to find.'
lol good girls are 1\1000 literally, I did statistical analysis of this.
lol, I really did! so boys if you find a good girl, keep her at all costs!
for good guys gee, I dont know, probably the same, dont you all agree?
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 22:14:45 (PST)
Doc Love Grad,
Don't talk to me like I'm your Padawan apprentice! I know EXACTLY where you get your 'theories' about women and romance from. I won't blow your cover, but why don't we say that you're not 'natural born' lover and leave it at that.
Everything you said to me and others is nothing new to me. I don't think you're quite in the place to lecture me, believe that. I'm not saying you're no good with women; I'm simply saying that you underestimate me. If you were THAT good, you wouldn't be online dispensing advice when no one asked for it. I've seen plenty of dorks who think they know a lot about women at the 'online places' you frequent. Isn't that right, "Mr. Don Juan"? *wink*
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You're no Cassanova, and you know it.
PS: Yes, I am rude and crude. But that's basically a cover. If you met me in person you wouldn't think I would be able to get a woman to save my life. But the truth is that I am very good with women. It's not that I'm unattractive. I'm just a wolf in sheep's clothing. ;)
Be A Man   
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 19:58:07 (PST)
Awkwrad Student,
Don't say dumb shit like this to me, ok?
: "before you start calling me a pussy, i would like to know how well you're doing with the girls"
What the heck do you think, kid? I'm a 28 year old MAN. I started dating in 8th grade. I was definately not a late bloomer. I'm not a wide-eyed teenager who's going to get laid for the first time in his life this weekend (that would be you).
Bottom Line: Don't worry about me -- let's talk about YOU.
Be a Man   
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 19:25:50 (PST)
Hi Everyone,
I was born overseas. There is definately a culture gap between me and most of the white ladies (or other races) who grew up here in the US. Is it gonna be a big issue? How easy is it gonna be to connect with girls here emotionally in this kind of situation? I know it's a number's game. 1 in 10, 1 in 100, 1 in 1000, or 1 in 10000? Anyone wanna comment on that? Specific stories, or general observations will be appreciated.
NJ AM   
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 19:25:43 (PST)
Awkward Student
Just like others have been saying you are a wuss! Stop boring us with your juvenile crushes, this isn't the "Day and life of Awkward Student" grow some cojones, balls, bollas, ok?
Stop wasting money on her because she won't give you any. Go spend that money in a brothel, even there you might not get laid.
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 16:49:12 (PST)
Awkward Student,
You know, if you're thinking about impressing then stop worrying so much on little things such as; who'll drive, which friends we'll be going with, who pays what, etc, etc, and you BETTER start thinking about shaking that booty on the dance floor. That's gonna impress the hell outta everygirl in the party. And don't forget something, you're going there to have a good time, so don't get bitter and worried with little things, allright?
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 16:33:47 (PST)
Awkward student,
"by the wya, this is JUST A FRIEND, so im not too worried about sweeping her off her feet"
It sure sounds like you're trying to impress her since you're worrying so much on little things that don't have that much importance. If it didn't matter that much like you say, probably you wouldn't be asking. It's cool though, asking for advice doesn't make you a pussy or anything. Sounds to me like you're just getting started on the dating scene, and trust me it's a pretty scary thing when you're getting started.
I don't think that you should be stressing so much about who getting what. Honestly that shouldn't be an issue at all, if you're going with her friends then try to make new friends and have a good time and if you get bored go hang out with your buddies for a while.
I think somehow you're trying to impress this girl and you're stressing so much on these simple things. So relax be yourself and don't try to impress if you're not sure of what you're doing.
Good luck
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 16:19:24 (PST)
To All:
I found those couples while researching asian male marriages for a class on asian american studies (which also explains how I found this site). I'm researching Korean male marriages, while my ABC friend is looking into Chinese male marriages. That's why most of those couples I posted only involved Korean males. Our research, by the way, is not focused on interracial marriages in particular, but on all asian male marriages. Our preliminary results seem to indicate that Korean males are more likely than Chinese males to marry females of the same ethnicity when marrying other Asians, which confirms the stereotype of Korean men being more "clannish," but that they marry whites at a significantly higher rate, which was surprising to me. My Chinese friend seems to think that the best looking Koreans (obviously not very scientific) go for other Koreans and that high-achieving Koreans do as well, leaving those that are not as highly validated in Korean culture to seek partners from other ethnicities or races. I don't think that's the case, as the examples I posted last time show, I think.
Here's a couple (WF/AM) comprised of slightly older but very attractive doctors: http://www.theknot.com/co_pwpa.htm?coupleid=099616620473412
Here's a couple of not so stereotypically high-achieving korean males in interracial relationships (although the second one is a podiatrist):
And here's a Korean guy that's a dead ringer for Russell Wang:
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 13:47:06 (PST)
[Okay, it's been interesting but enough of the AM/WF couples links. --Ed]
Awkward Student,
well, what's the problem? If she is just a friend, then there shouldn't be any questions. She lives her life, you live yours. Your lives do not cross as they would if your were dating. So let her just do whatever she wants, but keep your eyes open. In case you like her and would like to start dating her, be careful, this girl is bossy. If you are OK with it, go ahead. But obviously, you are not. So this is a good way to find it out before something heartbraking happens.
Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 12:53:29 (PST)