Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang |
Pitcher Chanho Park |
Golfer Tiger Woods |
Linebacker Dat Nguyen |
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki |
Left Wing Paul Kariya |
Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi |
Pool Player Jeanette Lee |
Figure Skater Michele Kwan |
Golfer Se-ri Pak |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Can you please edit out these attacks on Chinese and Koreans and Japanese etc. I have a feeeling that some of them are non-Asians just trying to incite hatred between the different Asian groups. This is not productive.
I think this forum should be used to:
1. Identify rising Asian athletes.
2. A place to discuss the challenges that Asian athletes face.
3. If debates occur, they should be about individual athletes and not their races.
A lot of people have already asked these idiots to shut up to no avail. I think it is time for some editorial oversite. It's been done in other forums. I think the time is now for this one.
Asian American Athlete   
Friday, September 06, 2002 at 06:31:51 (PDT)
[We exercise editorial oversight on a continuing basis by omitting posts that merely incite without contributing anything to the discussion. We don't edit out posts that seek to participate in a vigorous exchange of perspectives, experiences and information -- even if they may offend some. We can't imagine a sports forum that doesn't get heated. Internet discussions aren't for the hypersensitive. --Ed]
Seriously, Thai Guy .. you better off not mentioning your country when it comes to sport. Arguments between Chinese, Koreans and Japanese on who is better at sport is understandable but Thailand? Please.
Chinese are the strongest then maybe Korea then Japan. Thailand cant even be mention close to them.
Yeah right..   
Friday, September 06, 2002 at 04:48:24 (PDT)
I'm sick of all you Chinese and Koreans claim you're the best in Asian. Fact is us Japanese are the best. Top koreans soccer player come to our league begging for playing time, and top chinse and korea come into our baseball league begging for playing time as well. yeah we 're not great with basketball but we can still beat you koreans in Asia. Nippon ichiban !
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 19:40:41 (PDT)
Learn to give props when it is due and to give criticism when the facts are known. China has only begun to adopt basketball as a national sport in the mid 80s. Since then, they have developed a credible program, in which they have begun developing NBA level talent. Before you are so quick to judge, give Yao Ming a chance to prove himself. Quick judgements are made through ignorant assumptions. Feel free to think the way you wish, I am merely trying to offer a different perspective.
Also, I am a little disappointed by the comment,
"Glad he's not Corean because it would be hard for us to idenitfy with such a loser."
As an Asian-American, I feel we constantly get hated on as a group. In fact, Asians are indistinguishable physically to non-Asians. A chink is the same as a jap, etc...I always show love to all Asians, whether it be Byung Hyung Kim, Ichiro Suzuki, or Yao Ming. The only way we can fight hate is through love and understanding of one another. I hope you'll take my comments into consideration. Thanks.
Ernie- San Francisco etchan@ucdavis.edu   
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 19:04:48 (PDT)
china basketball = DOORMATS to the world,
"...he's a total disgrace for Asians? He has so little heart. Glad he's not Corean because it would be hard for us to idenitfy with such a loser."
Korea is full of losers, look at the soccer team, they brought up a speedskating incident-that was happened about half a year ago-in the world cup against the states, and yes, the korean skater did make an illegal move. And any of you remember that korean boxer who kicked a guy during a boxing match in the '98 olympics because the korean was getting his behind kicked? What about Chan Ho Park roundhouse kicking a baseball player? Korean athletes are a disgrace to asian athletes because of there disrespect to opponents.
What is Corea?   
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 18:02:02 (PDT)
FACT: Soccer is nothing more than a very small blip on the America's athletic screen. Can anyone besides a Korean, come up with the name of the best player on the South Korean's team?
FACT: Although mildly successful in amateur boxing. Both the Filipinas and Koreans don't have anyone that can command the public attention like a De lo Haya or Roy Jones. Nothing for both to brag about!
FACT: The 2002 #1 pick in the NBA is a Chinese and his name is Yao Ming.
FACT: Yes the Chinese basketball team sucks, but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. They were there to participate, that should count for something.
What this board needs in more FACTS and less FICTIONS and DELUSIONS and PETTY BICKERING. BTW, your daddy can't beat my daddy. Hahahaha, you guys are hilarious.
Tay Trai   
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 16:21:32 (PDT)
Chinese basketball, soccer, etc are still all under working in process. Chinese basketball is in its 7 or 8th professional year. Soccer is in its 10th plus year. Keep in mind all you freaking Korean losers... all Sporting events were not high on China's national agenda until about early 1980's. High on the national agenda was feeding everyone and meeting basic economic infrastructure need. Considering China didn't enter her first Olympic until 1984, much progress has been made over such a short period. Look at every Olympic or international event after 1984 you can clearly see the dramatic improvements over the previous. China wasn't even or ever on the World sports radar before the 80's. At the last Olympic China was third. OK...OK china is not up to Korea or Japan level in Baseball or Soccer, but don't think China won't catch up. Time is the essential Key to a successful sport program. Time and money is what Japan and to a lesser extent Korea had. I think all you Korean losers are going to eat your words when 2008 Olympic arrives with China taking over all the sport events Asian's are good at. Don't believe me look at the trends for the past 4 Olympics. As for basketball and soccer China will become good enough to compete at the world level and maybe produce a few stars.
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 11:34:36 (PDT)
WOW! Can you hear the silence??
Where are all these delusional Chinese basketball fans who claim their team is WORLD CLASS?? HAHAHAHA!!!
I told you Chinese basketball sucks! Trampled by Germany, Argentina (aren't these soccer playing countries?), US then by Russia. What an embarrassment!
Now its about time you Chinese cut the crap out about China's basketball program, you suck! Face it, deal with it. Accept it! Stick to ping pong!
"YAAAAOOOOOOO!" Is that Chinese cryin'?
eeeeeyaaaoooo...you suck!   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 18:26:59 (PDT)
what kind of idiot are you ?
Korea is the only country in Asia whose marathoners won two gold medals in Olympic.
ah macho event?
have Thais got any Gold medals in Judo? Wrestling? Boxing?Weight lifing?
***i speak after i've done some research.I don't accuse others blindly like you. I hope you look up the facts before you bite ur own tongue again,fool!
Correction, During the last Sydney Olympics, no gold medal in marathon for Korea.Only Sri Lanka, China and Japan had medals in athletics.
Oh,you must be shocked to death to learn that only Thais won medals in boxing at Sydney.Where were the Koreans? Dont know, maybe they'd chickened out.
Fly Thai Guy   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 17:55:05 (PDT)
china basketball is getting ran over by every country in the world championships. They got their asses kicked by US, Germany, Argentina, Canada, Russia, and New Zealand. And other than for the 38 point performance against the weak ass third country algeria, Oww ming hasn't done anything. I think a pretty weak YMCA team can defeat Algeria, so that single win is hardly impressive. Oww ming has been getting pushed around pretty badly by a bunch of noname players. He even got dunked on by a small guard? How embarrassing! So is ming ever going to step up and play like a man or is he just stay being a big tall cardboard puuu... Right now, by the way he's playing, he's a total disgrace for Asians? He has so little heart. Glad he's not Corean because it would be hard for us to idenitfy with such a loser.
china basketball = DOORMATS to the world.   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 16:16:09 (PDT)