

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang | 36%
Pitcher Chanho Park | 23%
Golfer Tiger Woods | 8%
Linebacker Dat Nguyen | 13%
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki | 14%
Left Wing Paul Kariya | 6%

Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi | 19%
Pool Player Jeanette Lee | 1%
Figure Skater Michele Kwan | 58%
Golfer Se-ri Pak | 22%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
yeah china sucks???man they got so many chinese youngsters who stand over 7 feet who didnt play...also wang zhi zhi didnt play...if wang played alot of the close games that china lost would have been won...he averages over 10 pts a game. dont forget he also has nba experience which is a big plus.
phil the thrill    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 09:54:26 (PDT)    []
Congrats to Hee-Sop Choi for cranking a homerun in his first major league start for the Chicago Cubs. The 6'5" 235 pound 1st baseman launched a solo home run against the Cardinals this weekend. Finally, we have an Asian power hitter in the majors. The 23 year old now is ready to take over 1st base from Fred McGriff after doing his time in the minors.

When the Cubs take on the Montreal Expos soon, it is expected that he will face his college teammate Sun-Woo Kim marking the first Korean pitcher vs. Korean batter matchup in Major League history.
fastball    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 09:44:28 (PDT)    []
Its easier if you just admit Corea is "pound for pound" without a doubt the BEST IN ASIA.

***No matter how the chinese basketball players stunk, we are still MUCH BETTER than Korea's. How many times must I say that korea's advance into the semi-finals is still one of the largest controversies in the hisory of soccer? It could have been Italy for sure if it was fair play. Don't s*** in ur pants. Korean boxers and martial arts artists and wrestlers the greatest in asia? you must be real ignorant.
Koreans seem to forget how their soccer teams were "loser" underdogs in the past world cup. And it was only decades after their first participation, in 2002, that Korea succeeded at being the first asian team to advance into the semi's.Sure, China did badly in the recent world cup, but that was what the south koreans went through when they first participated.
I.K.O.    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 23:03:45 (PDT)    []

"Want to see a LOSER? Look in your mirror. Look at your basketball team, soccer team, baseball team, boxers, wrestlers, martial artists, etc."

You better not be directing that to all Chinese as individuals. I don't know if you're Korean or not, but just because one is born Korean does not translate to him automatically being a better athlete than a Chinese.

Chinese basketball has a long way to go. Yes, Korea did fairly well in the World Cup this year, but remember not too long ago Korean soccer was pretty much an embarrassment (on one board, some cocky punk even dared to say Koreans were better than the Brazilians in soccer- that was before the World Cup finals).. Let's see how good Korean soccer is in future World Cup outside of Korea. Point is, just as Korea soccer has improved tremendously over the years, I do believe Chinese basketball and other sports has the potential of improving.

Let's not get carried away, Koreans do well in boxing and wrestling in Asia, but in the world they certainly are not the best.

I'm not anti-Korean nor pro-Chinese, but let's not get so big headed here.
Do You Have Any Class?    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 21:55:37 (PDT)    []
China still sucks a lot,

9th place out of 16 is not bad considering that China was without its best player (Wang Zhizhi).

They'll be back in the 2004 Olympics.

There is only one slot for Asia in the 2004 Olympics basketball.

In this upcoming Asian games, we will see who gets it.
China is still the only Asian country with 3 NBA players now!!!    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 19:33:47 (PDT)    []
To china still sucks A LOT!!!!!!!!

China did not perform terribly well in the WBC. Though to take nothing else from them, the US only placed 6th.
China is still the "Dream Team" of Asia (why even get into this?). I don't understand you're point, and neither do you.

Chinese are not the best at everything in Asia. But overall, we still come out on top by sheer quantity in the area of sports. Other Asian countries have their respective qualities, many of which the Chinese have yet to match. That's perfectly fine with me. But what does seem a bit vexing are the constant insults from the Corean side. There's no need to be malicious...
chinatown    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 17:04:48 (PDT)    []
These sad delusional Chinese have been claiming that Chinese basketball is at a world class level for weeks. All they really did was hype their miserable team for a bigger fall. Chinese are always all hype, stick to your pansy sports like table tennis. Chinese are always getting busted for steriods use, just look at their women's swimming team. Cheaters. Get off this forum.
Counter punch    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 14:00:07 (PDT)    []
Counter puncher, why do you and the hundreds of thousands of other Koreans always bring up the World Cup? You people won games that many doubt wouldn't have happened anywhere else, and you didn't even win anything. Fourth place? Come on, think about it, in the next summer Olympics, if the US wins fourth place you think they'd brag about it if they're that good? Korean soccer is obviously not that good if you have to brag about fourth place.

You saying the Chinese basketball team are losers? Well, maybe they are, but what about your basketball team?

And your baseball players are garbage, seriously, you have nothing to brag about. If you compare the Chinese players in the NBA to the Korean players in the MLB, the Chinese NBA players would win in terms of popularity among Americans since Zhizhi and Ming are sponsored by the giant company Nike, and most likely, Ming would have his own shoe. Plus, the Korean baseball team aren't much in the international baseball scene either, so don't go acting like your national team is worth mentioning when talking about international competition. At least the Taiwanese won the little league world series before, never heard of Koreans winning it, but, I don't follow little league.

BTW, if you want to see losers, go look in your family photo album and let me remind you to read my last post.
What is Corea?    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 12:56:38 (PDT)    []
china stunk it up at the world championships. they even lost to angola, a 4th world country.

chinese basketball has a long way to go before it gets respect. they were a pathetic 9th place in the olympics, and apparently, they still stink in global competition. maybe this will hopefully shut up the chinese patriots who were hyping their team as dream team asia.

Nope. don't think so.
china still sucks A LOT!!!!!!!!    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 00:08:30 (PDT)    []
Asian American Athlete:

Just out of curiosity when comparisons are made between different Asian athletes who play in America is that seen an unsavory? Reason I ask is comparisons are often made in American sports that diss and respect all athletes. I often compare Dodger players who are Japanese, Korean, etc. Does that come across as intra-Asian race baiting?

Just want to know.
Geoff DB    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 12:51:11 (PDT)    []
Japan IS not better than china or korea at sports.Don't start ur nippon ichiban bansai s*** here. Remember, Korea had 8 golds in the Olympics and Japan had only 3. Now, tell me who's the loser here?
Corea Corea Corea!!!    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 19:23:13 (PDT)    []
Chinese can huff and puff but still can't claim best in Asia. Its a fact!
Stop this nonsense, you guys only embarrass yourselves. Look at the World Cup and World Basketball championships, man I felt embarrassed for you.
I ctually was rooting for China to make a decent showing but they stank out the building.

To: What is Corea?
Corea is the one standing above you when our boxers plummel their Chinese opponents like always. Or when our wrestlers put a hold on a Chinese until he hollars " no more MSG!" LMAO!
I believe out of 32 nations in the recent worldest largest event (World Cup), the Chinese came in last or was it Saudi Arabia? Point being, you suck!
You can't even join this discussion when speaking of baseball, where are your heroes??
NOT in the majors! LOL!
Want to see a LOSER? Look in your mirror. Look at your basketball team, soccer team, baseball team, boxers, wrestlers, martial artists, etc.

Tai Tray
Soccer might not command the attention in the US but I got news for you. US isn't the center of the world. Soccer is overwhemingly the most popular everywhere else. Success in American football doesn't even translate to the rest of the world, no one cares.
Besides Chinese don't have any representation in baseball, football ever or hockey ever so even if we eliminated soccer China hasn't done shit. Where are your heroes in any of these sports?

There, there, stop wimpering, you can wipe off the snot off your sleaves son. I know its painful being a Chinese sports fan. I mean no one to look up to besides the Chinese women's soccer team. Chinese always have an excuse why they suck! Its easier if you just admitt Corea is "pound for pound" without a doubt the BEST IN ASIA.
Somehow I see another excuse coming.
Counter puncher    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 18:34:46 (PDT)    []
Sept. 2002

Golez Strikes Gold in Korea.

Gerry Penalosa retains WBC title defeated Japanese boxer.
AMEN    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 15:56:05 (PDT)    []