Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang |
Pitcher Chanho Park |
Golfer Tiger Woods |
Linebacker Dat Nguyen |
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki |
Left Wing Paul Kariya |
Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi |
Pool Player Jeanette Lee |
Figure Skater Michele Kwan |
Golfer Se-ri Pak |
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Dearest Counter Puncher,
I don't really care if china has 28 golds and korea has 8,the fact is china still has more golds than korea.Please notice the fact that china's GDP per capita is only about one-sixth of Korea's and still China wins over Korea in terms of medal collection. Besides,if China has reached a GDP per capita as high as Korea's,China will definitely be an undisputed world power in sports.Even when China is a poor mouse,China is already an Asian superpower in sports.
I really wish you could be less ignorant as sports is NOT only soccer, judo,boxing and baseball.(gee...korea a baseball superpower?ermmmm...maybe,IF it makes you flatters your make-believe ego by saying so.)Why don't you talk abt korean athletes of other sports which you really suck like swimming,track athletics,gymnastics,diving,etc? Oh so gymnastics and diving are sports that don't matter,eh? well, hear this, buddy. 3 out of 8 gold medals won by Korea in the Sydney Olumpics 2000 were from "SPORTS THAT DON'T MATTER".(archery and fencing).And Koreans also had loads of silver and bronze medals in their medal haul from "sissy games" like badminton and gymnastics.
So,before you even begin attacking others and start bragging abt your Korea, I really wish you would cheack your facts right before you embarass yourself over and over again like an idiot.
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 20:44:21 (PDT)
To: What is Corea?
Dude, its so lame you had to resort to little leaguers. Internationally, Corea won the bronze in Sydney Olympics in 2000. They beat Japan. They should of been in the gold medal game, they were robbed by an Australian third base umpire against the USA. Anyone who saw that game knows what I'm talking about.
Who cares if jim Pak wasn't the best player on the team? Point being he was good enough to make it to the NHL and got his name etched on the Stanley Cup. Where's the Chinese NHL players? Where?
There has been two Corean American in the NFL, one offensive linemen and one kicker. Where are the Chinese?
And you did read the article on Asian baseball players, right? Scouts are heading to Corea not China.
You keep using this lack of land as your excuse. You don't think Corea is densely populated too? Not to mention how sports are GOVERNMENT FUNDED in CHINA.
Why are you Chinese rooting for the Chinese national teams? Are you guys communists? I would never root for no north Corean commies.
Counter puncher   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 18:15:35 (PDT)
Whoever said that the Koreans are better in Boxing among all asians is on crack. First, recheck your research and make it right. Winning Asian games is entirely different than winning WBC, WBA, IBF etc. Just check the official websites and accumulate it all.
boxing editor   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 15:47:06 (PDT)
To What is Corea?
Korea won the bronze in the last olympics beating Japan who had their heralded professional players on the team. Korea almost knocked out the US in the semis until the US rallied in the last inning to beat Korea by one run. The US went to win the gold.
Anyways, this is from an article written about Korean baseball players:
"Already dominating international amateur play over the last few seasons, the Koreans’ passion and hunger to succeed in baseball is rivaled only, some say, by the talent-rich Dominicans."
It also says "All roads to the big leagues’ Pacific Rim pipeline are beginning to lead straight to South Korea."
Here's the link to the article:
In football, Eugene Chung, offensive guard/tackle was a 1st round draft pick by New England in 1992. Chul Schwanke, running back was a 12th round pick of the LA Rams in 1986. Kicker John Lee (i know, he's a kicker) was a 2nd round pick in 1986 of the St. Louis Cardinals. Strong safety Lloyd Lee is a back-up and special teams ace of the San Diego Chargers. There have been a few other lineman that were on pre-season rosters. Currently, there are 2 college linemen that are viewed as draft prospects.
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 10:11:52 (PDT)
Whatever this Taiwanese guy can do will be of great help to this lousy, worthless LA Dodger baseball club. We DO NOT have a line-up. They're a bunch of weak little leaguers.
I've heard sound things about Chin-feng Chen. We have two Asian pitchers, but it's going to be really cool seeing an Asian guy as an everyday position player and getting some positive TV time.
Now, let's just wait and see if he can hit quality major leagues pitches.
It only looks easy; It ain't easy folks.
Geoff DB GeoffDB02@aol.com   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 21:35:38 (PDT)
china basketball = doormats to the world.
china not only got whooped by the powerhouses, but they also lost to all the small countries that nobody heard of. that's how WEAK china played. chinese fans should place paperbag over their heads because it's a big disgrace. the chinese team was so damn tall, but they still can't get anything done. has there ever been a weaker team ever assembled that was been hyped beyond belief with ZERO results? any way you look at it, the chinese have no heart, no game, no pride, and no dignity whatsoever. getting outplayed by much smaller and shorter teams is unacceptable. that team is just full of shame. yao ming is a loser, and he and his team aren't even worthy to be on the same court as angola. and what's funny is that chinese fanatics refuse to see this. they're still talking. hahaha. they still think their country's basketball team is so great. that's really funny.
scoreboard, dumbass! scoreboard!
chinese suck in soccer, and they suck in hoops   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 21:14:13 (PDT)
Counter puncher, my point last post was that I never heard of Korea doing anything in baseball in terms of international competition, I don't give a damn if I brought up the little leagues, still an international competition.
Who cares if you had TWO players in the NHL? What did they do in terms of representing Asian or Korean athletes? Jim Pak was a career minor leaguer and came up to the Pens in the LUCKIEST time, when Mario Lemieux, Ran Francis, Jaromir Jagr, and Mark Recchi was on the team, that's why he won the cup. With offense like that all the Pens needed were a two average defensemen and the rest of the defense needed only the skills to skate so the roster could be filled. What did Pak do after that? Exactly, he bounced around in the minors before playing one or two games with an expansion team then disapearing. The other Korean player Richard Park isn't much either, he claims that he is Korean American, not Korean, he represented the States in the World Jr's, and never became anything other than a minor leaguer, now he's with a damn expansion team.
Now I don't really follow the NFL, so I am not sure if there really were any Koreans that played in it before, if so I never heard of it.
China may have 1.3 billion people, but do you know how over-populated it is? There are no space to build facilities such as hockey arenas or baseball fields, unless you count the farm land, but that really isn't a good place since it is so unadvanced in places like it. From what I've seen when I went to Beijing and a few other cities in China, there isn't even any space to grow grass. This might be the same in Korea, but I can't really comment on that because I've never been to Korea.
What is Corea?   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 20:28:22 (PDT)
Bruce Chen (I don't know if he has Latino blood in him?) is the first person of Chinese descent to play MLB. He is from Panama.
He once had some good stuff and was considered a high prospect.
I don't know what and where he is now?
Chinese can throw strikes too   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 19:53:47 (PDT)
I have some bad news guys- Dat Nguyen is out 6-8 weeks with a broken wrist. Things are looking bad for the Cowboys and Dat's bid for the Pro Bowl.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 19:42:26 (PDT)
Wang not playing in the worlds was a drag, he was the heart of that team, China could have won at least 3 more games with him.
2 time chinese dunk champion (at just 5"11) Monday, September 09, 2002
How do you know if China would of won three more games?? Is this more excuse?
China looked terrible.
Don't bring up Chinese b-ball again.   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 17:24:29 (PDT)
In the area of basketball: If China sucks, then where does that leave everyone else in Asia? The answer is plain and obvious...it's below suck. Perhaps we should patent a new term for these in such instances, like "ultra-suck" or "beyond-suck". Or, we could simply stop knocking China in basketball.
the fact is, as one individual pointed out several weeks before, that these sports may simply be culturally orientated. It may be that different nations have focuses on different events. Reasonably, Corea would be far more focused on Tae Kwon Do than China.
I personally am not a follower of football, but isn't there at least one Chinese or Chinese hapa in the NFL? I doubt that Corea can boast in that category any more than China. I am aware of a Vietnamese in the NFL by the name of Dat Nguyen, who I believe still plays for Dallas.
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 16:44:46 (PDT)
This discussions on this board lately have been nothing but pathetic. It's like a broken record or what.
It's this Corean-Chinese rivalry. The Coreans saying pound for pound they are the best and kick butt in soccer, boxing, tae kwon do, baseball and claim the Chinese are good only at trivial sports such as ping pong, diving, and gymnastics. And Coreans saying the Chinese suck in basketball internationally.
While the Chinese asserting they are the best East Asian team in basketball and that the Coreans are really not all that internationally.
Let's just get it straight- okay the Coreans are better at soccer, baseball, boxing FOR NOW (who knows what the future will hold). The Chinese are better at basketball and some other sports. But, give the Chinese some more time and don't think the Chinese has reached their potential in sports. Let's learn to respect one another and enough with this "my ethnic group can kick your ethnic group's butt" mentality. It serves no purpose. Now, can we move on and talk about other sporting topics besides this Coreans v. Chinese b.s.?
Let's Move On   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 13:24:32 (PDT)