

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang | 36%
Pitcher Chanho Park | 23%
Golfer Tiger Woods | 8%
Linebacker Dat Nguyen | 13%
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki | 14%
Left Wing Paul Kariya | 6%

Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi | 19%
Pool Player Jeanette Lee | 1%
Figure Skater Michele Kwan | 58%
Golfer Se-ri Pak | 22%

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"Have we heard of Koreans dominating sports back then? NOP, Korea were too poor to have its name in sports."

You attempt to come off as being a little more rational and/or objective but still your roundabout reasoning is nothing more than the convenient excuses already posed by your other China folks here. Yes of course, Korea, not very long ago, was among the poorest of the poor with a per capita income probably lower than that of China or even most of the African nations. But do not assume that just b/c Korea was a poor third rate country and had meager monetary means that Korea did nothing at all in the sports world during that period because you would be grossly mistaken. No one is saying that Korea was the such and such, absolute, dominating force of Asia, but for it's size, it has done quite well, despite all odds. To me, such results tell a lot about Korea and its resilent nature - its trademark character. Just as the Chinese, the Koreans, were in the difficult, early stages of modern nation building, and as Orange ill reasons, "No money. Sports just have to take backseat." Well, still, the teeny nation of Korea has a number of remarkable, early achievement on the international stage despite having "no money". Some "obsure" tidbits...

1936 Olympic GOLD medal - Mens Marathon (Sohn Keo Chung - forced to run under the Japanese flag and a Japanese name b/c of Japan's occupation of Korea at the time. Historically, the most celebrated individual Olympic event)

1948 Olympic GOLD medal - Springboard Diving (Korean-American immigrant by the name of Sammy Lee. With the long Southern Chinese history in America, it would seem quite an embarrassment that a lone Korean-American fellow would come along and become the first Asian-American to win an Olympic medal, in 1 9 4 8 no less, lol! I think Chinese-Americans are still waiting for a medal??)

1954 World Cup (yes, Korea got utterly outclassed but qualification was earliest of all Asian nations, a stunning achievement in itself; JAPS would not qualify until almost half century latter in 1998, LOL)

1966 N. Korean World Cup Team (We've all heard about this one since it was much publicized at the last World Cup)

Earlier posts have already gone though why Korea and Northern China would theorically, produce the better athlete but now it's seems that the will, the spirt, the resolve of the athlete plays an equal, if not greater role. This precisely, is why Korea is the leader in pound for pound production.
AAX    Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 02:08:42 (PDT)    []

Income does make a difference. Look at blacks in the US how they excel with high incomes compared to their physically gifted counterparts in Africa. For asians.. it doesn't matter if we are rich or poor. (Japan ,China, AAs) We suck in sports considering we're 3 billion strong.
who cares    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 19:25:18 (PDT)    []
"Hello? doesn't soccer require a lot of money either? Millions have to be paid to the coach and the players.So r u saying sports like soccer and baseball aren't expensive at all?"

To: Orange
* OMG! You're obviously not a sports fan. You have no clue do you?? Soccer only require a ball and makeshift goal posts, tell me even the Chinese kids could afford a ball or a can, right? Just about every kid in every country in the world grow up kicking a ball or a can around. This is why soccer is the global sport.Are you so dense to believe soccer cost alot of money??
Why is it even the poorest African
countries like Cameroon and Senegal
do better than China in soccer and they are starving poor. Why??
Why do you think poor black ghetto kids prefer basketball over lets say hockey?? In baskeball all you need is a ball and a milk crate. Hockey requires money for ice time, equipments, etc.
If baseball was such an expensive sport, why is it that Dominican Republic produces good major leaguers?
Its not every day you see kids diving and doing gymnastics do you? Divers and gymnasts are cultivated by China's sports programs at an early age and paid for.I don't know of any democratic countries doing that. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Even when Corea was apoor nation we represented well in boxing, judo,soccer, and the marathon. Present China is not poor as Corea was before and right after the Corean war.
Counter Puncher    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 19:22:24 (PDT)    []
Dat Nguyen - because he's such a cool guy in person and a role model for all those Asian guys who were told they were too small to ever achieve anything...Michelle Kwan because she is Grace on Ice - and looks damn good at the same time.
HungDao820    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 11:02:31 (PDT)    []
Counter Puncher, I've noticed that you dissed Japanese athletes. How could you bash the Japanese when they represent Asians the most in the majors? Nomo is a better starter than Park, Suzuki is a better closer than Kim, and Ichiro is a better hitter than that Cubs prospect ever will be.

If you're saying that Korea is better than Japan because they had more Olympic medals then I could say that the Chinese are better than the Koreans because China had more medals in the Olymics. But I won't get into that since I don't really care about international compitition, unless it's hockey in the Olympics.
What is Corea?    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 10:47:09 (PDT)    []
Hey sneak, I got news for
you no matter how you want to cut it Coreans outperform you guys.
You can trash Jim Pak or Steve Park

Dang, you really know very little about hockey. It's RICHARD Park, and that guy's totally whitewashed. He always says that he was born in Korea BUT raised in America, and he chose to represent the States in the World Jr's instead of Korea. Pak was, is, and always will be a crappy hockey player, seriously, he did not contribute to the Penguins during the playoffs. You definatly know that in NA if a team has a bunch of very good players they could still win if they had one or two players that can't make it to any other team. Look at the New York Yankees with Scott Brosias at third base and the Chicago Bulls with whoever their center was.

If you're going to bring up the fact that there's more Koreans in the majors I can counter that with the fact that there's more Chinese in the NBA. Do you have any Koreans currently in the NHL, NFL, or NBA? Already then.

Just go search for stats and results of international sports, you're not going to win any arguements based on the athletes in North America.

BTW, there was a Chinese CFL player that probably did more in the CFL than the two Koreans did in the NFL combined. But that does not prove that Chinese athletes are better than Korean athletes, just like the fact that the two Korean players playing games in the NFL and one lousy NHL player that rode the back of Lemieux does not prove that Koreans are better than Chinese in sports.
What is Corea?    Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 10:39:05 (PDT)    []