

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang | 36%
Pitcher Chanho Park | 23%
Golfer Tiger Woods | 8%
Linebacker Dat Nguyen | 13%
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki | 14%
Left Wing Paul Kariya | 6%

Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi | 19%
Pool Player Jeanette Lee | 1%
Figure Skater Michele Kwan | 58%
Golfer Se-ri Pak | 22%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hey, CFL is still a pro league and Kweong did more for the Asian American athlete image than any of the two Koreans did in the NFL. The guy played in the '50's, where there were barely ANY minority in pro sports. Me bringing up the CFL is a lot better than you saying that Koreans are better than Chinese in sports because you had Jim Pak.

Why you bringing up per-capita? That's just a lame excuse for China being so successful in the Olympics. Per capita means jack when weak peasents and old people are the majority. By your reasoning, China should also be dominating the world in economics and politics because it has ONE billion people.

Geez, I don't know when Chinese will produce an all-star like Park, maybe the same time you will have an all-star in pro sports other than Park? Park is having a horrible season anyways, 5.67 ERA isn't really a good stat, let's not even mention the amount the Rangers are paying him. Kenny Rogers is clearly the Rangers top starter.

Final comment to you Counter Puncher, you're the fool wasting your own time responding to me, but I'm sure you have other things to do (insert sarcasim).

AAX, yeah, I'm saying Ichiro is better than that Korean prospect ever will be. How often does a first baseman lead the league in hitting and avg, and win the MVP? How is it that saying a Japanese player is better than an Korean player will ever be an Chinese biased opinion? Players that were in the Cubs organization even doubted the future of Choi, including the then first-baseman Mark Grace. Are you offended that someone does not think that Koreans are the best athletes? I think Counter Puncher showed his "Koreans are the best in the world" attitude with that last comment about the Japanese.
What is Corea? redfoamzwillarrive@november    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 14:44:07 (PDT)    []

There is a delusion common amongst our kimchi-eating friends that pound for pound they are great football players. It stems from trying to compare the bigger populations of its two neighboring nations, China with 25 times more people and Japan with 2.5 times more people, and expecting an identical ratio of success. The problem with such population comparison is that international competition rules often times do not allow a nation to field more than one national team at a time for an event. Thus, while a large nation has the initial advantage of a larger pool to select talents from, in the end it is still limited to fielding just one team. The Korean athletic contingent, pound for pound, is for all intents and purposes as large in numbers as that of the Chinese or the Japanese in major international sporting events. Of course, the advantage is still with the nations with the larger population, but certainly not as large as one might think. But add in the factors of biased refereeing and the uncertainty of sporting performance, and what we get are unexpected upsets all too frequently.
Asian Games    Friday, September 20, 2002 at 10:54:56 (PDT)    []
Hey Canadian Chinese boy, don't fret and pout. I know it sucks being a Chinese in Canada where hockey is king.
I know you have no one to look up to. Just maybe one day even the Chinese might produce a NHL caliber player.
But I wouldn't hold my breath.

Samoan. Who cares? Corea or Japan play rugby. Its a fringe sport, not part of the mainstream. How many countries play rugby? Besides Samoa sucks! Always getting beat down by the Aussies or New Zealanders.
Counter Puncher    Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 18:51:02 (PDT)    []
"Counter Puncher, I've noticed that you dissed Japanese athletes...Ichiro is a better hitter than that Cubs prospect ever will be."
-What is Corea?

Settle down Canada-Chinese young'un, no one put down the Japanese and certainly, no one put down your game of hockey. If anything, he was in praise of Japan by pointing out that Japan does better than China per capita in sporting competition - a fact that I think everyone would agree. You come off as a rather deceptive and shrewd, immature fellow. You continually only see what you want to see no matter what the context of the argument. Saying such assinine crap like, "...Ichiro is a better hitter than that Cubs prospect ever will be." is purely a China biased, subjective opinion that only contributes to your round reasoning ability. Another ignorant outburst like that will result in your snipped off nutsack handed to you on a white platter, Cantonese style... Ouch>!Just kidding.
AAX    Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 20:20:54 (PDT)    []
To: What is Corea?
You're a scrub. Nonsense spewing little scrub. All you do is come up with one excuse after another. Get over your inferiority complex. It hurts your belly that little country like Corea with 1/26 th the population of China does so well.
Now you're trying play the Japanese against the Coreans?
I totally agree Japanese players in the majors have outperformed the Coreans in baseball but those Japanese players were already well ESTABLISHED pros in the Japanese majors. But unlike you, I won't use that as an excuse. I root for them. So when are you Chinese going to produce an all star like ChanHo Park??
Japan also has better athletes than China considering she has 10 TIMES LESS in population.
Don't waste my time loser. With over ONE Billion people you should be dominating the world in sports. But, but, but China is a poor country you say??? Well they sure has enough money to spend billions on defense.
What's all the government sports programs for? Even with FAR MORE numbers in the US than Coreans you still can't produce any decent players in any major sports.
You decided to break out with the CFL? Canadian Football league????? HAHAHAHA!
Pathetic! Pathetic! Where all second rate scrubs go to play?? How many teams do they have now, like 8?
You have no shame? First, the Taiwanese little leaguers now the CFL???
Talk about scraping the bottom.

To who cares?
You know why? Most are southern Chinese.

To : HungDao
It was a shame Dat got hurt. I like his game. Only reason why I even watched the lousy Cowboys.
Counter Puncher    Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 19:19:27 (PDT)    []
how about korean and japanese rugby, I just watched matches in which they were absolutely crunched by samoa. 3 korean players were taken off the field from the tackling alone and i watched a japan-samoa game at the world cup where two japanese players were both downed by a single samoan in the same freaking tackle. a samoan guy called brian lima who looks asian himself smashed one japanese guy into the japanese no.10 next to him and concussed both of them.
korea stick to soccer    Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 16:24:44 (PDT)    []