Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang |
Pitcher Chanho Park |
Golfer Tiger Woods |
Linebacker Dat Nguyen |
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki |
Left Wing Paul Kariya |
Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi |
Pool Player Jeanette Lee |
Figure Skater Michele Kwan |
Golfer Se-ri Pak |
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Chinese and Japanese are minnows compared to Americans, Australia, Germans, the traditional swimming powers.
***Korea is also the smallest of all minnows compared to western rugby and baseball playing nations,duh...
Oh yeah, Corea surpassed Japan and is in second place in the Asian games. Not bad for a country with only 48 million people compared to China's over ONE billion and Japan's 130 million huh? I guess "cocky" Coreans are too much foryou to swallow huh, boy.
***Again, there were several controversies in the Asian Games, like a Korean bodybuilder winning the gold (when other more deserving bodybuilders should take the medal) and koreans winning a gold for the "sepak takraw" event which was traditionally a not-so-popular southeast asian sport which koreans had never even heard of. And a korean gymnast winning the gold is also too fake for people who believe in fairplay to accept. Anyway, I'm still proud of Japan, and we'll be winning more medals and hopefully, we'll kick koreaa out of her comfortable second place real soon. We wanna be there instead of Korea.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 06:57:20 (PDT)
Hey, the Lakers play the Clippers in an exhibition game tomorrow. Olowakandi is said to be sidelined due to some injury. I hope to see more of Wang Zhizhi in action, but I guess his contract as of now is still only an offer sheet that can still be matched by Dallas?
I hope to see Wang play tomorrow.
slam dunk   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 23:42:34 (PDT)
Go Giants,
Corea just destroyed Japan in baseball. I believe it was Corea 9 and Japan 0.
Also this one is for you "Unleash Yao Ming" Corea beat Japan in the
rugby final in the Asian games. And they also won four years ago. But I could careless since no one cares about rugby in asia. Congrats to the Corean part timers.
Now, now don't be jealous. Coreans don't care about swimming, we all know Americans are the best. Chinese and Japanese are minnows compared to Americans, Australia, Germans, the traditional swimming powers.
Oh yeah, Corea surpassed Japan and is in second place in the Asian games. Not bad for a country with only 48 million people compared to China's over ONE billion and Japan's 130 million huh? I guess "cocky" Coreans are too much foryou to swallow huh, boy.
Taka Taka,
Tiger Woods is viewed by most Asian Americans as black, although his mother is Thai. In America, it seems person who is part black seem to identify themselves as black becasue of social pressures.
Korean boy,
why do you care what whites think? You sound like you need their approval. haven't develped enough self esteem huh? There is nothing wrong with little competition. Don't tell me your white friends cheer on their favorite players or teams. Funny, I saw many Irish Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans who were rooting for their respective mother countries during the
World Cup.
Counter Puncher   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 19:22:20 (PDT)
I don't get this bickering. I think it is good for all asian countries to do well in the games. Who cares if Korea is better than Japan or China is better than Thailand etc. To white people they put asian as a whole bunch. I think it is more important for asian to come together instead of dividing ecah other up. I think this is very petty and stupid to argue who is the best. Do you really think whites will care.
Korean boy   
Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 05:13:00 (PDT)
Noone is trying to fool you, but yourself. I am not using multiple nicks like you claimed and I don't know who this "Unleash Yao Ming " is. But, both of us and many forummers here share the same annoyance towards loud mouthed koreans who brag that they are simply more superior than anyone else.
IT IS A FACT THAT korea sucks in swimming.However, this doesn't mean all of Asia sucks, too.Japan and China has the best swimmers in Asia and has constantly produced good results and broke world records at international competitions, including the latest Asian Games in Busan.
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 22:14:46 (PDT)
Asian games baseball stats:
Japan 8 Taiwan 3
Korea 15 Philippines 0
Korea 8 China 0
Japan 12 Phillipines 0
Korea 7 Taiwan 0
Taiwan 11 China 1
Why do the Phillippines and China even bother playing?
Go Giants   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 18:04:38 (PDT)
I am a little confused about Tiger Woods. Do you consider that he is Asian or Afro American? The afro american community claims that he is one of them. He's always with his mother (asian) and he always dates blondes. The color is there but his face is his mother's.
Any comments? By the way I was born in LAtin American, but I am from Asian heritage.
Uga-Uga Taka Taka   
Friday, October 04, 2002 at 16:45:19 (PDT)
Banzai and Unleash Yao Ming sounds like the same pathetic loser. Who are you trying to fool boy?? Changing tag names still can't hide the fact you're a loser. Since you claim you're not Chinese, then you must be A Third world loser! I see you're still talking nonsense about rugby, NO ONE CARES! And swimming??
WHo cares?? Asia sucks in swimming.
I let the Americans and Australians fight it out for honors.
Counter Puncher   
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 17:56:21 (PDT)
did you see how the koreans performed in the swimming events of the Asian Games? HORRIBLY.
And guess what? this time, south korea is down from second position to third place (behind China & Japan) in the overall medal tally, and u dare brag abt your supremacy in sports! Congrats Japan!
The track athletics have yet to begin. We'll see how snail paced koreans embarass themselves in the athletics.
Boy, and im looking forward to see how the korean rugby team get HAMMERED real badly by other teams. I'll cheer for any other team, (even for bangladesh!), except for vain, cocky korea.
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 06:54:47 (PDT)
Hey, give Wang some time on the floor and he'll produce offense. He also has apparently improved alot during the summer games.
Wang has talent   
Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 19:36:36 (PDT)
Wang signed with the clippers.
Great! just what the Clippers need... another benchwarmer. at least Wang will enjoy southern california better than texas. he probably got an apartment at monterey park.
wang moved   
Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 18:38:43 (PDT)
haha you're the loser. I for one care about rugby because it's a tough sport rather than the sissy sports you like. Oh and by the way - who said I was Chinese, what a silly fool you are? haha
Love watching Korea getting hammered in rugby!
Unleash Yao Ming   
Monday, September 30, 2002 at 07:59:55 (PDT)
Anybody know what's going on with Wang Zhi Zhi? What are the Chinese papers saying about him? I hope he comes to NY to play. It'll be awesome having Chinatown back him and we really need a big man with skills.
Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 16:04:39 (PDT)
Unleash Yao Ming:
Whatever loser, you're still a Chinese. I don't get why a Chinese scrub would be bragging about the Somoan rugby team. Let the Somoans do that, why not brag about the Chinese rugby team?? hahaha
Amateur Corean rugby team humilated the Chinese rugby team and so did the Japanese rugby team. But I have to admitt the Japanese team is most serious in Asia and has non Japanese(westerners) playing for them. Kind of like their soccer team.
Anyway, who cares about rugby.
Anyone know what nationality is Kung Le?
Counter Puncher   
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 18:05:37 (PDT)
c-web they follow it cos they love watching the physicality and because it's popular.
counter ignorance
Know the game before you can spin about it. You know absolutely nothing about rugby. Cant you read? the world cup is the third biggest television drawer in sports after the olympics and soccer world cup. That says alot of it's global appeal. Everyone knows that even though rugby is a new sport in China, it is just adopted as the official sport of the Chinese Army, that's a start. The issue was that Korea and Japan have more rugby players and take it more seriously than the Pacific islands but each time they come up against the big hitting Polynesians, they come off second best. By the way, I've heard of the six nations cup it's called that because it's played between the best teams in Europe DUH.
By the way, rugby is odds on favourite in making the 2008 Olympics. Right back at you.
Unleash Yao Ming   
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 14:29:38 (PDT)
Congratulations South Corean women's basketball!
I am not Corean, but I think it is great when any Asian team succeeds. It helps all East Asians in general.
Just like I thought it was great that both Japan and, in particular, South Corea did so well in the World Cup.
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 07:54:19 (PDT)
Unleash Yao Ming,
You ignoramus, Rugby is soooooo popular that its NOT even in the Olympics right?
Only countries that play rugby seriously is UK, France, Australia, NZ, South Africa, nooooo countries in south America take it seriously only perhaps Argentina. Noooo countries in Asia. Noooo countries in North America.
Heard of the six nations tournment?? Why do you think its called that???
Beside you being a Chinese, I wouldn't even mention you guys attempt to play rugby since you guys got KILLED, HUMILATED by part timers from Corea and Japan. Can you say BLOW OUT?????
All Props to the Corean women's national team and congrats to Corea's under 17 soccer team for winning the Asian Cup few days ago.
Counter Puncher   
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 19:36:44 (PDT)
Unleash Yao Ming,
Guess who won the Gold in Rugby at the last Asian Games? Yup....South Korea beat Japan in the finals. But unfortunately, rugby has no real following in Korea.
Japan, I understand, but why would crowds in Hong Kong and Malaysia pack the stadiums when their teams are horrible? Malaysia didn't even compete and Hong Kong got completely trounced at the last Asian Games.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 09:47:41 (PDT)
The South Korean women's national basketball team has made it into the Women's World Championship Basketball quarterfinals.
Why are not the Coreans cheering for them? They deserve as much praise as the guys who made it to the World Cup.
I bet if the Corean men's basketball team qualified, they would have gotten more coverage.
Look, if a couple of Corean girls come to play for the WNBA one day, I would cheer for them because we need more Asians in sports. Unlike some who go out of their way to diss Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, Mengke Bateer and Chen Hsin-An because they are Chinese who made it to the NBA.
Congratulations to the Corean GIRLS basketball team. You did good for Corea and Asia.
Asian basketball   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 18:25:17 (PDT)
counter puncher
errr no, your knowledge of a truly global game like rugby is what's irrevelant. Let me correct your ignorance first of all it's not 8 teams it's a 20 team tournament with qualifying matches eliminating up to 90 teams to get there - sounds pretty global to me. By the way, rugby is currently odds on favourite into recieving entry in the 2008 Olympics - lol right back at you. With the third biggest television audience in sports, the Rugby World Cup is up there so your opinions in trying to play down rugby is laughable lmfao. If you say rugby isn't big in America that means soccer isn't either, Americans in general still look down soccer as a 'sissy' sport. Have you seen the crowds in Japan, Malaysia and Hong Kong for rugby matches, they're jammed packed full. Your opinion is weak to them. The issue was comparing Corea with a team like Samoa with Corea having a much bigger player base - that was the issue, guess who came off second best.
Unleash Yao Ming   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 16:42:36 (PDT)