

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which male athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American men?
Tennis Player Michael Chang | 36%
Pitcher Chanho Park | 23%
Golfer Tiger Woods | 8%
Linebacker Dat Nguyen | 13%
Rightfielder Ichiro Suzuki | 14%
Left Wing Paul Kariya | 6%

Which female athlete has done the most to promote the image of Asian American women?
Figure Skater Kristi Yamaguchi | 19%
Pool Player Jeanette Lee | 1%
Figure Skater Michele Kwan | 58%
Golfer Se-ri Pak | 22%

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seven --....
you are sooooo wrong!!!!! this year south corea didnt send in as many atheletes because they wanted to give north corea more room to win more medals.... i remember reading the article... about corea vs japan for secon before the games started and the articale was saying that since japan is sending more atheletes for the games japan should take second.... i dont really care but just letting you know.... you comment sounds more like ane excuse
=) haha    Sunday, October 13, 2002 at 05:31:58 (PDT)    []
OK, let's talk about sports in the bigger stage, where millions of people throughout the world watch.

Heck, even in a country like Turkey, they know we got 3 Chinese players here in the NBA. I was chatting with my longtime penpal and backgammon buddy, when he mentioned all 3 Chinese players by name.

Anyways, NBA season is underway.

I cannot wait to purchase my tickets to watch Wang Zhizhi, Yao Ming and Mengke Bateer play in town against either Lakers or Clippers.

I still got the Chinese National team poster (when Wang did not ditch the team).

I can't wait until others (like Li Nan and Hu Weidong) also catch the eyes of NBA scouts and make it pro over here.

We need more Asians in the NBA.

I definitely want to see all 3 of the Great Wall trio play against each other in an NBA uniform. That will be a big pride thing for our community. For one thing, I know Wang and Yao are rivals since their days in China.

Can't wait to also see if Yao Ming will do a Nike or Adidas TV commercial.

Then, Asian men's image in society and with women will improve for the better.
Great Wall trio    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 02:16:43 (PDT)    []
Taiwan's sports emphasis is definitely not as aggressive as china's.Dont use that argument of yours to confuse yourself even more.
Coco    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 21:48:25 (PDT)    []

True. Korea has the biggest team of more than a thousand even though it has the smallest population compared to Japan and China. If the number of athletes were to be determined by population and Korea's 1000 or so athletes as the standard, Japan would have about 2500 athletes in Busan and China would have 23,000 athletes! If that were to happen,(even though its impossible that the Busan Stadium could accomodate that many athletes anyway), i can bet that china and japan could easily outperform the koreans in every event and sport.Korea has the advantage of playing host to the Games,so they can affort to place as many athletes as they want.the more athletes you have, at least there'll be higher chances for you to win.
Osaka Lad    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 21:39:26 (PDT)    []
The Chinese men are by far the best at "weak sissy" sports out of all the east Asian countries. And they are the worst at sports that demand toughness, power and heart.

>I wouldn't call swimming, canoeing, rowing, track athletics, basketball and pentathlon, diving ,gymnastics (sports which the chinese men won loads of gold, silver and bronze medals). as 'sissy' sports. The only reason why pathethic koreans like you call them sissy becoz koreans have used up their last ounce of energy and yet, they have failed miserably in these events. Talk about sour grapes. At least , chinese men have medals, no matter what color, in almost every event. Example, a chinese athlete won a bronze in the taekwondo, considering taekwondo is not really that popular in china compared to its native wushu. Just admit that Korean men athletes aren't as all-rounded as their chinese counterparts. I watch the latest Asian Games on tv almost everyday and tried my best to not miss a single event. So, I know what I’m talking about chinese men winning and participating in a whole range of different events (including new ones like beach volleyball and baseball) and I don’t need to make up fake statistics to support my claims. Besides, the Busan Games is the most controversial in history as biased and unfair judgement are being practised, favoring the koreans and this had drawn protests from other countries like Iran, Bahrain, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, etc.

It's a trip that you bust on Korea when they won the rugby gold medal in the Asian Games again. In itself a pathetic comeback. Where are the Chinese men in rugby?

> Is rugby everything? Besides, china is new at rugby, decades behind korea It’s like expecting koreans to win a gold in basketball or the 200-metres race.

I will give the Chinese women props. They are tough competitors. Tougher than the Chinese men I might add. Hell, they should just let the women compete in place of the men and they'll get better results.

>China's sports system gives equal treatment to both men and women. Unlike some Asian countries, including Korea, where revenue from television rights and corporate sponsorship are largely channelled into men's events, treatment to women's sports are more equal in China than in female repressing societies like Korea. Besides, if you look at the statistics, Korean women contributed almost half of the number of medals in the Asian Games and some Korean male-chauvinistic pigs in this forum still refuse to admit their women are as capable. That is sooooo sad for a country which is one of the richest and most advanced in Asia.

And oh yes, have I got good news for you. South korean soccer team lost to iran. the iranians booked their place in the finals courtesy of a penalty shoot-out win over much-experienced and favored korea. and yes, the korean team which played against iran were the same team which played at the world-cup semi-finals recently. instead, japan had made it into the finals after defeating thailand 3-0 and they will fight iran for the gold. Haha, just 4 months after the world cup, the koreans came tumbling down and sorely defeated by the minnow Iranians who ranked so much lower than the koreans. Can’t imagine how the Koreans would embarrass themselves in the next world cup or olympics. Japan is still the best soccer nation in East Asia after all.
Alexander Chen    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 21:05:00 (PDT)    []
my ethnicity, it's Filipino/Black since you are so caught up in it but who can be suprised from a loser like you.
Unleash Yao Ming

Flip and black?? HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
Dumb and dumber, nice combo.
Does your warden know you're using his computer again? And you have the audacity to talk crap about Coreans?
Do you look like Tiger Woods? eeewwwww.
I guess since you look like him you can pass for a Somoan huh? hence you're obsession with rugby, a Somoan wannabe.
last time I checked poor old Phillippines didn't even participate in rugby. Corea, gold in rugby and baseball again in Asia, you nappy hair loser freak.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? As I stated before, if it wasn't for the Chinese commie government spending MILLIONS to fund their athletes I doubt they would even come close to the amount of golds they've won. Taiwan is a wealthy country and they suck.
Counter Puncher    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 20:03:38 (PDT)    []
Unleash Yao Ming,

Man, that's pitiful. Stop making stuff up. Like you really watched a rugby match between Korea and Fiji or Samoa or whoever else you wanna think of. Make up your mind. You can't even lie right. You're part Filipino. Now I see why you're a wannabe Chinese.

Now the Philippines rugby team is something to behold. Look out for them, they might even be even be able to beat India's or Afghanistan's rugby team.
Get real    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 12:51:12 (PDT)    []
-Again Corea with one third of the population of Japan overtook them for second place in the Asian games...

I don't buy this argument about population and medal counts but look, it's not as if the entire country of Japan is competing in the asian games. we may have the bigger population but i read somewhere that Korea has the biggest delegation of over a thousand athletes competing. Japan brought about 9 hundred something. Same with China, they may have the biggest population but they also brought about 900 or so athletes, so props to China for blowing everyone away. In any case, i fail to see why we should hang our heads in shame for being in third place. we're all doing fine.

-Corea just destroyed Japan in baseball i believe it was Corea 9 and Japan 0.

this statement is pissing me off. first of all, congrats to Corea and Taiwan for their well-deserved medals in baseball. but just to give you some perspective, Corea practically shut down their professional league to send in their all star team to win gold. Japan sent a team of amateurs and peripheral players in the Japan leagues. So it's really not that big of a surprise that they were the weaker team. If all star teams from different countries competed against each other, i think that would be more of a competition.
seven    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 22:13:15 (PDT)    []
Unleash Yao
hahahahaha!!! who cares, boy! you're the only one who even cares about rugby here. corea still won the rugby title in the asian games for the second straight times! who were you rooting for loser, since you say you're not chinese.
too embarrassed to even tell us what your nationality is right? too sad!

No need for you to have a sissy fit, another loser complaining about the judges. Its always the losers trying to find justification for why they suck.
Just accept defeat like a true sportsman.
Counter Puncher    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 17:48:32 (PDT)    []
"if China were as rich as Korea, they'll definitely trample over Koreans like a useless piece of doormat."

China has an equivalent to's called Taiwan (Chinese Taipei). And they are not even minnows in the medals count.

Sorry, but you fail miserably with this pathetic argument.
c-web    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 15:33:04 (PDT)    []
Unleash Yao Ming,

The Chinese men are by far the best at "weak sissy" sports out of all the east Asian countries. And they are the worst at sports that demand toughness, power and heart. It's a trip that you bust on Korea when they won the rugby gold medal in the Asian Games again. In itself a pathetic comeback. Where are the Chinese men in rugby? I'll take that over winning the Gold in men's ping pong any day. (I bet my high school rugby club can beat the Chinese "men's" national rugby team any time. Chinese men's rugby...what a joke!!)

I will give the Chinese women props. They are tough competitors. Tougher than the Chinese men I might add. Hell, they should just let the women compete in place of the men and they'll get better results.
Women- the pride of China    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 11:47:18 (PDT)    []
correction Korea has 120,000 rugby players but compare that to a country like Fiji or Samoa with only 15,000 players - man that was an awesome sight seeing Koreans getting laid out left right and centre. Counter idiot, if you're so worried about my ethnicity, it's Filipino/Black since you are so caught up in it but who can be suprised from a loser like you.
Unleash Yao Ming    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:45:55 (PDT)    []
Counter Puncher

Oh please what a pathetic comeback. Less than 1000 Koreans playing rugby? Hahaha you are a joke, there are over 600,000 rugby players in Korea by what the International Rugby Board has documented. And still they get their asses kicked by smaller tougher nations. Stick to your weak sissy sports loser.
Unleash Yao Ming    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:38:05 (PDT)    []
Hello, you simpleton, Korea isn't the best ok? get over it. Even if Korea had as many people as Japan or China, they will still be minnows. Dont dream. Koreans aren't super-duper humanoids with incredible out of this world powers.Just watched the Asian Games on tv in this part of the world. Several countries have protested against unfair and biased judging by the Koreans, in events like badminton, boxing,etc. I wonder why do Koreans have to cheat with their eyes wide open?
Apollo    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 07:26:54 (PDT)    []
Now imagine if we had numbers like Japan, we'll surely outperform China. If we had numbers like China surely we'll outperform everyone.

>if China were as rich as Korea, they'll definitely trample over Koreans like a useless piece of doormat.
Coco    Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 07:07:29 (PDT)    []
If there are any Asian/American or Asian baseball players who play competitively and live in the SF Bay Area, our weekend team is looking to pick up a few bats and another arm. If interested in representing our Asian baseball team, please email:
Currently, our team is a mixture of Japanese, Taiwanese, & Koreans. We have players who played in college and one player who played in Koshien.

Note: Our league is fairly competitive and we intend to keep productive players only. If you can play, you can stay.
Asian Talent Scout    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 23:24:00 (PDT)    []
Best american asian athlete, Michael Chang,he once ranked No2 in the world.
But best asian player in US is Ichiro
(see the problem, Ichiro is not Asian American )
I give mad props to Nomo, he's the one who pioneered asian attack to MLB.
Nomo kicks ass!!!
yejgo    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 12:42:17 (PDT)    []
***Korea is also the smallest of all minnows compared to western rugby and baseball playing nations,duh...

I never said Corea was good in rugby compared to the likes of Aussies, did I? I doubt less than 1000 people in Corea even play it. But sure seems they are the best in Asia AGAIN. Kicked Japan's rear end, again.
I guess Corea is pretty good in baseball too since they won the bronze in the Olympics by beating Japan. And again humilating the Japanese 9 -0, ZERO!!!
As for other envious complains you wrote, blah blah blah.. losers always complain. Again Corea with one third of the population of Japan overtook them for second place in the Asian games and our best sports hasn't even been contested yet. Now imagine if we had numbers like Japan, we'll surely outperform China. If we had numbers like China surely we'll outperform everyone. Just admit it boy, give props where its due.
I still don't believe you're a Japanese, sounds more like a third world twerp. Write to me in Japanese.
Counter Puncher    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 18:06:23 (PDT)    []
What?? Chan Ho Park has 23% of the poll!! C'mon!
He sucks!
Can't believe I picked that loser for my fantasy baseball draft

Anyways, regarding baseball
Best Asian pitcher - hands down, Hideo Nomo. He's the most consistant of the bunch.

Best Asian positional player - Ichiro. Duh! (Shinjo's pretty cool though)

In fact, Ichiro should get like 80% of the vote on that poll. Michael Chang is a has-been and Nguyen and Kariya aren't that recognizable. Park just can't pitch outside of Dodger Stadium.
NYBaseball    Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 12:40:27 (PDT)    []