

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

By American standards of beauty are Asian women genuinely beautiful or merely exotic?
Genuinely beautiful | 39%
More beautiful than exotic | 20%
More exotic than beautiful | 28%
Mostly exotic | 13%

What is the most important beauty asset of Asian women?
Great skin | 30%
Beautiful Eyes | 31%
Haute cheekbones | 5%
Sensuous lips | 1%
Lustrous hair | 33%

Which brand of cosmetics is best for Asian American women?
Estee Lauder | 11%
Lancome | 10%
Bobbi Brown | 8%
Clinique | 7%
Prescriptives | 9%
Other/No Response | 55%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I can relate to this topic (especially to "ABSOLUTELY ASIAN"). I am asian but most of the time they think I am hispanic (probably because of my nose, skin color and body type). I think in my opinion, it is a curse in some ways because asian men are not attracted to me.
Anonymous    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 12:22:55 (PDT)
Not Asian-

I can identify with you. I posted some stuff earlier on this board, but they were old. Anyhow I AM Chinese, but nobody ever ever knows what I am. I cannot go through a month without having a couple of people asking me what exactly I am, because "they can't tell and they were curious."

I have had complete strangers talk to me in a foreign language (namely Spanish) and I have had my friends ask me again what am I.

I have really curly hair, I'm pretty built and above average height, and I have this weird nose (well, not weird, but different) and I have often gotten that I am spanish or mixed caucasian-asian or even mixed black-asian.

I don't really mind it that much, but sometimes I just feel like I don't know who I am anymore, that I dont identify with people of my own race, and sometimes wondered how I came to look like this. (my parents both look asian) I am thankful for who I am and I have nothing to complain about, but it just something I have to deal with and sometimes I get upset.

But to me, I guess its just something we all have to deal with. I am a big supporter of inter-racial relationships and the kids from those relationships are truly mixed. They will have to deal with it too. I guess we should just be thankful, and love who we are.

Linda    Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 20:38:50 (PDT)
Not Asian --

my sister IS asian, but she looks sort of native american (in fact has been asked by lots of people - she looks kind of like the disney cartoon drawing of Pocahontas) because of her features - especially her nose (it kind of has the look of a pretty female version of Graham Green's nose). You must think that looking asian is ugly or you wouldn't be so offended. Not all asians have straight hair, so that alone would not tip anyone off that you're not asian.
I believe that native americans must have some asian bloodlines from long ago before the continents broke apart --so really, you probably are sort of asian.
Also, if you look really carefully at the features of various peoples, you will find that a lot of times it's the expression that makes the mask appear to have this or that quality, not just the sculpture alone. I think that a lot of different races actually look very similar and it's the attitude that makes us look different. You probably have an asian kind of outlook as well as sort of asian looking features.

My other sister used to have a curly perm and people used to ask her if she was italian or greek (and I just thought that was the funniest thing in the world since she doesn't look like either to me) and I have been asked if I am either hawaiin, mixed, japanese, philipino, and others. It doesn't bother me. I've also been asked if I speak english though ... that was kind of weird I thought.
i dunno, it's just no big deal    Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 13:29:44 (PDT)
Not Asian:

No, I probably wouldn't be offended if someone did mistake me for another race. Many Whites seem to do that all the time anyways confusing one Asian race from another. But even being mistaken for a non-Asian race simply wouldn't be an issue of disturbance with me.

However, I don't think we here at Goldsea are very fond with your other comments so why don't you take your "venting" issues elsewhere- maybe a 12-step program, huh?
md    Friday, May 03, 2002 at 21:04:13 (PDT)
Not Asian:
I am an asian woman, who apparently must has some hispanic features, because I can't even tell you how many time people asked if I was hispanic. There were even time, strangers just started speaking to me in spanish (assuming I would understand them). In my opinion, I don't look hispanic at all. I am not sure why people think I look hispanic. At first I thought it was strange, but I don't think I got upset. I think we live in country that consists of many many races, so it's hard to be aware of all the different races. Being upset won't do you any good. If it bothers you that much then explain to people and educate them, but you also have keep in mind some people will rather remain ignorance.
absolutely asian    Friday, May 03, 2002 at 16:01:25 (PDT)
To "Not Asian"
I'm a white girl that has been mistaken for so many different ethincities. I am of eastern european descent, so I have dark hair, eyes, olive skin, deep set eyes, kind of an "ethnic" look. And I get questions all the time, it's really annoying! My sister is - get this- blonde, pale and green eyed!!! For a lot of my life I always resented that I wasn't as pretty as she is, and wished I looked more like her, but my strange look has attracted quite a few men, most importantly my fabulous asian boyfriend. So basically I have come to accept myself for the way I look (becaue it's certainly not going to change!) and even appreciate my uniqueness. (though some days I still dislike my looks). Hope that helps.
curious girl    Friday, May 03, 2002 at 13:43:10 (PDT)