

(Updated 12/30/00 to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, what most attracts you to males of Japanese ancestry?
Their facial features | 40%
Their physique | 11%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their cultural and social values | 22%
Their intelligence, education and sensibilities | 12%

Assuming you are a female of Chinese ancestry, what most dissuades you from relations with males of Japanese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 4%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 15%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 43%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 38%
Assuming you are a male of Japanese ancestry, what most attracts you to females of Chinese ancestry?
Their facial features | 46%
Their physique | 9%
Their attitude and personality | 11%
Their cultural and social values | 28%
Their intelligence, education and sensibilities | 6%

Assuming you are a male of Japanese ancestry, what most dissuades you from relations with females of Chinese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 7%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 11%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 46%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 36%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm a Japanese international student from Osaka. There are two things I want to say.
  1. Japanese and Japanese Americans are totally different groups
  2. In terms of how they look, some people say Japanese worship Whites, and I see what you mean (only because I live in the US) . However, if you say something like this to somebody who just came from Japan, their reation will be "???".

     Japanese do not think they are trying to be like White Americans. (Most of Japanese who live in Japan don't understand what's American anyway) At least, Japanese dress much better than Americans in general.
     I think it would be more accurate to say that since origin of fashion is from Europe, they study the stuff from the West and adapted really well, and make it their own.

     I think some Japanese want to be white, it's all good for whatever reason, but that fake blond hair just doesn't do

     Asian guys; THEYRE ALL GOOD I mean the different nationalities I'm a white Australian and the difference is how they dress thats what sets the japanese guys a little above the rest they have great dress sense this is severely lacking in other cultures
WA F Sydney

     Personaly, I like both Chinese and Japanese men but lately have been slightly more interested in Japanese. Mainly, my love for both is because they have so many traditions and honor unlike boring, non-culture America. In all racial groups there are the good and the bad but I feel that the East has slightly more good (and it helps that I find the dark hair, light skin and other physical characterisics very sexy)
american(TX) 15-y

     To cool_hand_1....: Sure, not all Asians feel inferior.I made a mistake when I wrote "Asians in general" instead of "many Asians".When I "theorized" about an Asian secret inferiority-feeling,I was mostly concluding from the different polls about intra-Asian relationships.If many Asians do not feel inferior,why is it that they have to insult each other so much? Also,I don't know how you came to so "strongly believe" that I am transferring my own inferiority feelings to other Asians.You haven't noticed that many Asians would rather date/marry Caucasians or African-Americans than marry Asians that are not from their own specific culture?I am not only judging from these polls, this is my personal experience.I think that historically,considering what happened to Asian countries,it is not too surprising that many Asians are not as proud as they should be.It is also not too surprising that people whose parents or themselves emigrated to countries which are very different from their place of origins would sometimes have problems feeling proud about who they are.

     To the Asian Canadian who theorizes that Asians feel inferior:
     I strongly believe you're transferring your feelings of inferiority to the rest of us. The poll asks J.A. males to rate C.A. females - not to be confused with a sampling of all Asiams. Not sure how it is up north (except for Vancouver), but in Calif. and Hawaii, most Asiam groups seem to get along quite well!

     No, I am not saying that Japanese guys can only be liked because of all the hype. What I mean is that when someone says "Oh, I love Japanese men", what they are actually loving is this "image" of Japanese men that they carry in their minds(after all, they can't truly love ALL Japanese men). And this "image" is often (but not always) created in their minds due to the so-called hype I have been talking about. I personally have known Chinese women (especially if they're from Hong Kong or into things from Hong Kong) who are very caught up with this hype. But maybe it is different where I'm from (Canada) than in the U.S.?

     Most Chinese Woman prefer to date Chinese Men & don't like to date other Asian men.I noticed that a lot of other Asian Woman:Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese prefer to date Chinese Men over their own though because they feel that they treat them better. Some Chinese people like certain Japanese products but they absolutely don't worship their culture since many of them know that it is the Japanese who borrowed almost all of their culture from China & originally migrated from there & Korea as well. Japanese Men who have Ainu(Caucasian looking aborigines of Japan who were there before the Asians arrived) blood tend to be better looking than the ones who aren't but of course there are exceptions too. Many Japanese Men feel that Chinese Women are much more beautiful than Japanese Woman, especially the shape of their & body structure.

     I like Japanese guys because they tend to be more open and seem not to be as hung up on proving their masculinity as American guys...I will never go back to the football-obsessed, egotistical American male as long as there are men from Japan to keep me company.
American girl, 23

     are chinese girls liking japanese guys because of the worldwide "hype"? maybe. the pop culture from japan IS eating up a lot of the pan-asian markets. not just chinese markets. but what are you saying here, that japanese guys can't be liked for who they are, that it has to be some kind of hype? SOME chinese people may impose this "japanese are superior" complex on themselves, but the truth is just as many chinese could care less for them (history wise, etc.) As for telling chinese and japanese guys apart...yes there is a subtle difference. or intuition? maybe both.

     There seems to be a trend here throughout the polls which seems to show that there are a lot of very negative and unflattering stereotypes held by non-Chinese Asians about Chinese women. It seems that Chinese women generally like other Asian men more than other Asian men like Chinese women. It is also funny how it seems that the different Asian groups generally do not mix as well with each other as each separate group mixes with Caucasians. Can it be that, in a sense, Asian groups are competing with each other for superiority over each other? The truth is that Asians in general secretly feel inferior.
an Asian-Canadian

     About all those comments on the physical appearances of Japanese men and Chinese women--am I the only one who has trouble telling Japanese and Chinese people apart based on their looks?
Chinese girl

     I think that a lot of Chinese girls are interested in Japanese guys because of this hype all over the world for everything Japanese. Also it seems to me that a lot of Chinese people worship Japanese culture the same way as Japanese people worship whites.

     Japanese guys are better in bed that whites!

     i'm hopelessly in love with the "japanese look"! it may sound terrible, like a twisted version of the asian fetish - only from an AA female perspective! the guys i've fallen for have been the traditional chauvinist kinds. they were painfully shy, reserved, but incredibly sensitive and funny. the most interesting thing of all this has been the reaction i get from mainland chinese folks. they still harbor very strong anti-japanese sentiments from those 8 years of sino-japanese war, and the fact that not enough apology from official japan has been given regarding the nanking massacre. anyway, it's interesting when the larger historical and social situations cross with the personal. on the whole i'm still optimistic about meeting that artistic and individualistic japanese guy. just look at their artists: when they are so assertive in their art and expressions, in a society that promotes uniformity and rigid norms, the results are beautiful.
taiwanese am gal, 22

     I'm half chinese half Japanese and I'm dating a japanese male, it's great, we have so many things to discuss, above and beyond, we're happy...
Half JP Half CH Female
I like Japanese guys cuz they're usually more Americanized. That's also why I find them annoying too... Chi-Am student, 16
I'm a JA male and after dating a few Chinese-American women I find that they enjoy my company immensely. I'm not sure exactly why, but initially they seem somewhat reserve in nature, as if they were afraid that I was going to reprimand them for behaving or acting a certain way. Then when they find out that I am pretty open minded and easy going, they really open up and love to talk with me and be free. It was as if some burden was lifted off of them. I don't know if it is just my personality, but I consider myself a typical JA male type. --Japanese-American, 27
I just love Japanese-American men. They are cute and don't have the hang-ups like Chinese-American men or White men have. Japanese-American men tend to be down to earth, honest, and extremely kind. To top it off they are very, very, good in bed. --Annie Leong
The Japanese tend to worship whites. It's all over their media (their fashion magazines are AT LEAST 50% pictures of white models or Eurasians -- as if that's something to aspire to), and half the Japanese have bleached, blonde hair, and in California Japanese FOBS dress like geeky surfers when they don't even set foot on the beach. It's kinda sad, cause they try to find their self-worth by looking like white people. Y'ain't gonna find it there, sorry. If you surf and dress like that, great. But don't be a wannabe. Listen Japanese folk -- you gotta find your own niche. Find your own style of cool. Why be a wannabe white when you can be a first-class Japanese? -- Korean-Am, 19
"they are different from chinese males, especially the attitude over social achivement attitude. not that they don't care it but they are affected deeply with the groupy society situation. not like in chinese society, individually success is viewed as all.
they don't appear to show themselves, i mean the inner world with their partner. they seems to set a role playing behavior for people around them. so as to say, being a gf or wife somehow only can satisfy his needs a gf or wife can give him. but in other world, he doesn't seem to show his other part to you but he will find other people to fit the roles in his world."
"I don't think Chinese girls are interested in us JA guys. We don't share the materialistic values and that turns them off."
  • "Japanese guys are very shallow in the way they judge girls. They are more likely to go for status symbols, which means usually white girls."

    Women of Chinese Ancestry on the Attraction of Men of Japanese Ancestry
  • "the young male pay more attention to their outer appearance"

    Men of Japanese Ancestry on the Attraction of Women of Chinese Ancestry
  • "they look like japanese gals"

    Obstacles to Relations with Women of Chinese Ancestry
  • "the way they think"