

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
After pondering this for quite a while, I think the Philipinos should be classified as a Hispanic group. It is obvious that they are virtually indistinguishable from Mexicans and Guatemalans and such. Remember that a large percentage of the genetic make-up of many Hispanics is Indian and therefore have an Asian origin --all the more reason to group Philipinos and Hispanics together.
They also have the same culture: same last names, common religion, and some shared Hispanic customs. If a Philipino teen was adopted by a Mexican family, I'm sure he would have no problem adopting the rice-and-beans diet and fiesta music of the Mexicans.
The Solution    Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 10:41:31 (PST)
whatever...the poll for this topic is obviously incorrect since more Chinese visit, everyone knows Viets are the fionest[maybe shortest too but oh well most azns are short anyway]
Whatever    Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 08:33:31 (PST)
By the way, the Cantonese in HK and in the Southern Province of Guangdong regard the Northerners as inferior. The Cantonese pride themselves in speaking their own unique dialect, refusing to speak Mandarin in its proper form. Northerners will tell you that the Cantonese do not speak Mandarin and if they do, it's the most horrendous form of it in all of China.

Mandarin in Cantonese is pronounced as "Putonghua" instead of "Kuo Yee". In a literal English translation it means "the petty language". That shows you how arrogant the Cantonese are when it comes to provincial pride!

Cantonese call many things pertaining to Chinese as "Tang". Chinese is "Tang Yun", Chinatown is "Tang Yun Pho", Tea is "Tang Chai".

According to some, there is really no difference between the Cantonese and the Hakkas, in terms of origins and genes. One group migrated to the South at a earlier period and the other at a later one. What separates these 2 groups is their mentalities. The division between these 2 groups existed because it allowed them to distrust one another, thus creating a different identity for each.

To Gq,

I guess what you said is true. Southern Chinese are much more active and expressive than the Northerners. It is true of the Southern Europeans as well. Mediterean People are much more lively than let say the Germans or Anglos.

Chinese are never United    Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 07:55:45 (PST)
asian wannabee,

If HK did not pay all those taxes to the UK for the past 100 years. I'm sure the isle of Britany would also look no better than you a-hole after a dump. UK should be grateful HK was able to support those tea-sipping, IRA dodging, God save the Queen, Princess Di is a 'ho worshipping idiots in the UK for all that time.

Progress is a two way street. Remember that, before you go off sprouting nonsence.
AC dropout    Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 13:05:36 (PST)
I also don't know what's up with various East Asians looking down on Filipinos- their culture, their appearance, etc. I am not Filipino. In fact, I am Taiwanese, but am often mistaken for being Filipino (I think it is due to my Southern Chinese blood (Hoklo), who genetically are closer to Thais, Viets and Malays + my plains Taiwanese aborigine blood- people said to be of Malayo-Polynesian stock. (Which, I'm proud of this hybrid).

Not one culture is better than another. Not one nationality is better than another. Not one ethnicity is better than another.
United Asian    Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 09:56:45 (PST)
taiwanese started all these asian gangs in U.S......
dan    Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 03:44:15 (PST)
alright, so the cantonese came first, followed by the hakkas and then the hoklos. alright, i gotcha.

but then who are the toi san? are they what the cantonese called themself back in the days or are they something different? and do they speak the same language?
ABC    Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 12:01:40 (PST)
To "I Believe"

I think that it is sort of too late to establish a “unique” Filipino culture. I think this may also have something to do with the fact that Spanish, Japanese and Americans came to our country and sort of bestowed their culture upon us. So I think we are a little bit of everything. I think what we can say about Filipinos and the county itself is that we can adapt to anything, which I believe is totally impressive.
Catholic Girl79/Filipino Girl79    Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 10:35:58 (PST)
Hummm... its very amusing how all these ignorant Afrocentric assholes make things up and exaggerate.
First, where did I mention anything that was racist? "Asiophile81" just because you are hypersensitive and can't read English properly don't make things up, ok. If you want to assume I said blacks are monkies then that's your perogative.
Go back and do more research, most advanced civilizations were created by Asians (including Middle East) and Europeans, like China and Rome.
Now, before you blindly claim Egyptians as blacks, read some more or go talk to an Egyptian, take a hanky. I know when in doubt, cry racism !
And to that stupid AF who said Asians and blacks created most civilzations, hahaha, go hang yourself, you digrace the race.

Ignorance is bliss    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 17:08:02 (PST)
Asian wannabee,

I hear American whites say the same for Japan and South Korea. They say the same for the immigrants who are "making it" in the USA too. The list goes on and on... People should not take credit for other people's accomplishments.

Are you saying we all owe the white man no matter how rich or powerful we become simply because we beat him at his own game (namely adopting his laws, technology, economic structures, etc.)?
Europe also owe the Moors, Arabs and Chinese    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 15:07:00 (PST)
Dusun/Kadazan & Asians Are Black?:
If someone told me that I was related to someone that I hated, I'd be angy. I'd say that they were full of shit, too.
Sammi    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 13:26:05 (PST)
We do not come from Blacks. Everyone comes from White people. face the facts.
Whites Rule    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 13:22:08 (PST)
If the british did not have control of hong kong, it would probably look similar to my asshole ring after i have taken a dump. The British did wonders with hong kong and i hope that the chinese are grateful for the boost in theyre economy, for everyone knows that China 'the sleeping giant' is waking up and when hes fully awake he will be toweering over japan and the rest of the world except america.

and id have to agree with this dusun/kadzan guy he has a point, even though it wasnt said that well.
asian wannabee    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 04:52:12 (PST)
Chinese and Koreans share a common culture. Thats what makes them the same. But filipinos on the other hand have a very hard time connecting with their neighbors. China is so close to us geographically, yet the Philippines is so far away culturally. Who can filipinos identify with? Well, they try to identify with a little bit of everyone. And that leads to another problem: filipinos having no UNITY. Our culture is always gettin F***ED UP. We're third world losers. We need to change. We need to unite. We need to work together to make the Filipinas BETTER. We can pride ourselves in many things. Being multicultural. We are the most "occidental" of the orientals. We know english. We are very unique. But being unique doesnt help the poor people and the non existent economy. god help the filipinas
I BELIEVE    Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 17:36:43 (PST)