

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Isn't Eminem half Filipino?
Bill the Cat    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 20:40:51 (PST)
San Francisco Woman: We definitely must have gone to different schools up here in Norcal because I find Pinays to be the most sociable and easy to get along with Asians of all. I'm Chinese myself, and I get along way better with Pinays than with Chinese girls.

"korean guys are more white and fashionable than any other asian nationality."

So, Russian girl, being more white is your definition of a better person? Why not just go for the real thing then?
TSJ (Toi San Jai)    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 20:23:14 (PST)
Physical fornication leads to mental fornication. From reading these past posts, I have proof that we are all f***ed in the head. People don't know what category to put themselves in & they get pushed from side to side by other races of people. Look, we are all connected to each other. It doesn't matter if it happened a year ago or a ga-jillion years ago. We are related. I don't care if we all migrated out of European caves, African jungles, Hispanic holes in the ground or Asian huts... We are all from the same source. Doesn't matter if you hate me, I'm telling the truth. Think about it this way. How many Chinese have gotten mistaken for Japanese or how many Koreans have been called Chinese or ya know? How many Latinos have been called Mexican (California), Cuban (Florida), Puerto Rican (New York) regardless of where you came from? To answer the question about our Fili-Friends, they aren't Asian or Hispanic... htey are human. That's the only race. Let the hatred begin!
AsioPhile 81: See Ya At The Family Reunion    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 19:54:44 (PST)
Russian girl
You go head with your bad self ..hahaha
Thank you for the compliment, you obviously know what you are talking about. Korean guys in New York City are the theeeee most fashionable dudes.
I ahve relatives in Russia and some are married to Russian babes.
Just out of curiosity where are you writing from?
I'm toasting my vodka to you.

Filipina girl79
You go on with your bad self too. You Filipinas are Asian too, although not East Asian but nevertheless Asian.
Anyway, you wouldn't wanna be mistaken as Hispanics on the east coast here, they usually work for us Koreans and are mistaken as blacks,especially the Puerto Ricans and Domincians.

I like this Russian babe    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 17:14:52 (PST)
San Francisco Woman,

Yes, yes, yes! I'm not into dissing other Asians, but if there were any Asian group of white wannabes with a huge colonial complex, it's got to be the Filipinos: must be all that Spanish and US domination! Maybe it's unfortunate that the 10 or so I've met seem to be so consumed by Asian self-hatred but that's *all* I've encountered so far. Now, I meet a few Japanese, Korean, and Chinese who act like this--yes, they do exist unfortunately--but not with the uniformity of severe selloutitis I've seen in Filipinos.

You know the kind. The kind that hates talking to other Asians, but lights up when they see a white face. Or when serving customers, treats whites with more respect and care than other ethnic minority groups. Must be because they are the antithesis for the most part of whites: short (usually shorter than other East Asians), chubby all over, and brown!

I remember being on a British Air flight where the stupid Filipina stewardess was going around telling some people to put their seat upright when meals were being served. I had no problems with that. But she didn't tell the white guy sitting in front of me with his huge butt hanging practically in my face to put his seat upright--the one she was trying to get chummy with. I told her pretty loudly to tell the guy in front to put his seat up too. She didn't look too happy, but she told him anyway. 'I'm so sorry' she added apologetically to the guy.

I encountered something similar when shopping in Bloomie's. There was one Filipina sales assistant at the counter I was heading towards. Upon reaching the display, she actually walked AWAY from me when there were no other customers, not bothering to help: something that not even snooty-looking white sales assistants do. That annoyed me: it's as tho' that overbaked turd thought that serving another Asian (esp. much taller and fairer) was a crime! (FYI, I was dressed in a Ralph Lauren suit and pearls--not exactly sloppy!) So I said fairly loudly to the black sales assistant who comes along, 'Excuse me, that lady is either blind or doesn't appear to speak English, can you help me?'

These are just two examples. It may well be that this attitude is common only amongst poorly educated Filipinos. Unfortunately, I've never met any at Oxford--even at the Pacific Rim associations. Either they're too dumb to be admitted there, or they're busy trying to crash the Spanish associations and wondering why people are sneering at them, looking at them with the same contempt they shower on other Asians!
Asian Dominatrix    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 16:47:42 (PST)
You guys make me SICK arguing if filipinos wanna be hispanic. The truth is they DONT. Go do a census yourself on the 70 million people!!!!!!!!! I have always been calling myself malay in descent. When someone asks me what I am, I never say hispanic ( that would be disgusting ) i dont always say asian, but i always say filipino. i am filipino. my people are brave, our culture is rich, and unlike the white man ( spanish, americans ) we dont treat people like shit.
The Last Word    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 13:40:37 (PST)
To Proud Filipino,

"Hispanics are probably one of the most racist group of people in the world. Mexicans would call Filipino students "chino" or "chinito"

Here is a reason.

"Asian immigrants have assimilated effortlessly and with relative rapidity into the American scene. Since human achievement is more commonly resented than admired, especially in our rotten culture, they are routinely snubbed and generally disliked by other minorities, and largely ignored when it comes to any discussion of racial or ethnic prejudice in this country".

This is a quote from a HISPANIC WRITER. Isn't it true?

Few years ago a Salvadorian by the name of Ricardo Machado, a student in the UCLA system was sending death threats by e-mail to every Asian student he could find in the school. He was later arrested for this racist act.

Out here in the East Coast, many Hispanics look down at the Asians but kiss up to the whites.

Remembered the American Airline Jet that went down in NYC which killed all the people who were mostly of Dominican Ancestry, well, it was more than an accident. These people should be taught a good lesson since they offended a lot of people. What comes around goes around! They cheated in the little league games and some of them even had the nerve to say the Japanese team cheated as well!

Sometimes Hispanics out here would go into Asian neigborhoods and start trouble.

It shows you how racist and shady Latin people can be towards Asians.

And for the Filipinos out there who think they're Latin, wake up because you're not! Latin people think you're another "chinito" and they dislike you. Wouldn't you rather be called Asian than Hispanic? Look who's much more successful in America.

Model Minority    Monday, January 14, 2002 at 12:22:17 (PST)