Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
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Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
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Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
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Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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Latinos- not all are white. Many are also mestizo (a mixed breed of native American and white blood) or mulatto (a mixed breed of black and white blood).
In California, a large portion of the Latinos are Mexican descent. Most of those of Mexican descent are mestizo. There are stereotypes of mestizo ("brown") Latinos.
Statistics show that non-Hispanic whites in California make up less than 50% of the population. By 2020, Latinos will be the largest group and by 2040, they will be the outright majority in California. Better learn to respect Latinos.
The Asian population will also increase in number and percentage, but not as dramatically as the Latino population. Better learn to respect Asians.
But, if balkanization does not become a major thing, later this century, there will be more mixed marriages.
La Raza   
Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 20:30:32 (PST)
If any Hispanic gives you crap send them my way lol. None of the Hispanics/Mexicans I know hates Asians, there's no reason for us to. We are on the same sides with regards to many issues. The Hispanics who are apprehensive to Asians are usually jealous individuals who blame others than themselves for life's dissappointments or are arrogant East Coast huero dorks with little intelligence of how to get ahead outside their preconceived "white is right" notion.
At first Latinos are usually weary of anyone who is different from them, but as time goes by they learn to appreciate anyone who can teach them to better their lives regardless of what color they are. Any Hisapanic who does not watch and learn how Asians (especially Chinese and Koreans) do things to get ahead and learn from them is backwards and should be avoided.
So don't worry about Hispanics who give you bad vibes. They either have not had that much interaction with Asians or will always be too dumb and racist to learn from Asians on how to better themselves. If anyone creeps you out stay the hell away from them, but don't forget to always be open to those who give you no reason to be wary. That's all I can say to you muchacho -buenos días amigo.
Latino to young asian regarding Asians and Latinos   
Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 10:53:35 (PST)
I agree with your comment about some white or Hispanics wanting to be the minority. It does make them feel somewhat special. And have you wonder why some white people brag and say "well, my great,great, grandmother was a Native American." Does this make white people feel more "exotic" and "special.??" Would they brag if they had some ancestors who were black or Asian?? Probably not.
And I still believe Blacks and Asians are the most disliked races. Asians and blacks cannot hide our race. We both have strong characteristics that set us apart from other races. Hispanics have so many looks to them. They can easily pass themselves off as white. I personally think some Arabs,East Indians,and Middle Easterners are "Hispanic" looking. A Hispanic person can travel to parts of Europe and the Middle East and will easily be mistaken for a fellow countrymen. Asians and blacks cannot do that. And how many blonde haired,blue eyed blacks or Asians do you know??!!
young asian   
Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 10:49:26 (PST)
Yes, you people have made some valid points. But the reason why some Asians are so "serious" and somewhat hesitant about interacting with other Americans is because they are immigrants. Older Asians are somewhat fearful because they deal with language barriers and it is natural to be a little suspicious of others. Even the great numbers of Europeans who immigrated to the U.S. had problems adjusting to their new country. Most Asian-Americans happen to be first generation Americans(most of our parents immigrated here during the 70's and 80's)
But back to the Hispanic topic,I really believe Hispanic people can adjust more easily to the "White" majority America. They even can learn the English language easier than Asians. Spanish and English are almost identical. But people act like the Spanish language is so "foreign." Spanish is the second most spoken language in the U.S. I really don't have anything against Hispanic people. But sometimes I do get a feeling that they have a deep hatred for us for some unknown reason.
young asian   
Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 11:26:50 (PST)
La raza
its basically true, most hispanics are just white people who like to think they are a different race, because its just how the song goes "I want to be the minority". Thats the attitude these days in America, thats why you see white kids trying to emulate the african american society because they want to be part of a special group. White is not seen as a special group because they are the majority, therefore if you have a white guy with 1/12th african blood, he will probably claim that he is a black man, its pathetic.
Friday, February 15, 2002 at 19:53:15 (PST)
Did anybody notice that the facial apperance of Japanese is anywhere between Chinese and Korean?
Friday, February 15, 2002 at 16:02:03 (PST)
Filipinos really are passionate. As a filipino, i have noticed that we have a passion for living and eating! LOL. And because all of the white man has f***ed up our country not once but twice with spain and the us, we are very emotional. So if anybody wants to know what filipinos are all about--- we are passionate and emotional. thank you
Friday, February 15, 2002 at 13:03:31 (PST)