Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
The Hakka Chinese is the most conservative and interesting chinese group. As a branch of the Han chinese, Hakka think they are different from the other chinese because they have their unique culture. The Cantonese consider them as foreigners because Hakka were late comers to the Southern China and that they always like stick together. Also, Hakka like to marry with other Hakka people. It is also true that some Hakka like to marry with their cousins. Many people may think it is strange, but this is their way of keeping their identity and culture. Hakka are like the Amish people of East Asia.
Real Observer   
Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 17:41:39 (PST)
Ed's right, sorry I almost forgot what section this was.
Hey, I have a question. Which people are there more of in So. Cal. Chinese or Koreans? Who do you think is more successful on average in each of these places? Same with Nor. Cal. I am not trying to start a fight here or anything, I'm just curious so please keep it clean people. Obviously there are other Asians in California, I know this, but I want to keep the question focused.
I think the Chinese people have a monopoly on small businesses but the Koreans have better rounded ethnic TV station programming. Korean TV stations feature more non-Asian related stories on their broadcasts therefore tend to be a bit more interesting to me. They not only cover Korean/white relations but also Korean/Latino and other relations as well.
Chinese stations mostly focus on Taiwan or Hong Kong's news and pop culture with little emphasis on non-Chinese issues. When they do cover non-Chinese issues it is mostly around white/Chinese related stories. It also seems like many Chinese pop music & dance shows, dating shows, etc. are using Japanese hosts and themes. Can anyone explain why this is? –Not that I mind.
BTW, does anyone know if it is true that Los Angeles has the second highest number of Koreans outside of Korea itself? I heard on a news piece that Los Angeles in particular is the #1 destination in the world for Koreans studying abroad. There are now more Korean TV stations in LA than Chinese TV stations.
In SF there are many Chinese TV stations and barely any Korean stations, but I think it has always been this way in the Bay Area. There should be some Chinese and Korean TV stations that take some time to teach basic Chinese and Korean to viewers who would like to learn. A person could videotape the shows and practice. I think this would attract a wide audience.
Latino regarding Chinese/Korean success comparison in U.S.   
Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 11:34:50 (PST)
This folder is titled" Comparing Asian nationalities" so why are you people discussing Hispanics?
I think it was "young asian" who started this thread, hey kid, go somewhere else and discuss your Hispanic fetish problems or your low self esteem problems or whatever.
parents should monitor their children   
Monday, February 18, 2002 at 17:48:27 (PST)
[Okay, enough of the Hispanic tangent. --Ed]
This guy is right. I get along well with the Chicano (Mexican Americans). Many of them think, talk, dress no different from young Asians in many of the suburbs of Southern California. Mexicans in general are the most mellow of all Latinos I meet.
It is only the Salvadorans who tend to be more hot headed, but if you visit their country it is no different from Vietnam. It is poor and war ravaged. The ones who came to the U.S. from El Salvador probably sacrificed a lot to get there.
Generally, the more Americanized they get, the less hatred they have of Asians and blacks.
Where I live, they are also into the import racing scene and it is common for the young Asian and Latinos to be dating each other here. With them, both their guys and girls are willing to date Asian not like the disparity you find with whites where only their men are willing to go out with an Asian while their women won't even give us the time of the day.
The future is with Asians and Latinas/os in Cali. Peace!!!
not all are like that!   
Monday, February 18, 2002 at 12:27:48 (PST)