Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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you must be new here. This mindless perspective has been discussed ad nauseum. Give it a rest !
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 08:18:11 (PST)
Real Observer of the Real Hakkas:
modernity ????? new language perhaps ???
wassss dat   
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 08:16:31 (PST)
Korean girls are sooo conservative... and have no sense of humor. :(((
Blue Ocean   
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 06:25:48 (PST)
to pupuboy
your question is very simple, and it would have to be, The Malay stock race,
The Malays have the high cheekbones fat free bodys handsome face almond eyes and naturaly great bodies.
malays are best looking   
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 00:21:55 (PST)
To all the Chinese here,
Why is it that you guys like to see yourselves first as Hoklo, Hakka, Chaozhou, Shanghainese, Taiwanese, Fujianese, Manchurian, Beijing, etc.?
I am a Chinese American, and my grandfather was from somewhere in China called Toisan or Hoisan, something like that. Many Toisan Chinese only referred to themselves as "Tang-ren" (People of Tang Dynasty) or "Zhong-guo-ren" (Chinese). Never did they prefer to see themselves as Toisan or Cantonese first.
Let me ask: what is the basis that makes any of you think you are the best or the true, pure Chinese? If you had studied history, there isn't one pure Chinese. The Tang Dynasty was very cosmopolitan and outward looking. In its heyday, it was probably the hegemonic power of the world back then. During this dynasty, many foreign strains had entered the Chinese race among them: Turk, Persian, Arab, Jew, Indian, Korean, Viet, Thai, Tibetan. The best and most revered emperor in Chinese history, Tang Emperor Li Shimin had a Turkish mother and grandmother. Some of his sons married Persian princesses. But, did that make him any less Chinese? NO.
I don't think we had these types of regional and dialect insecurities and animosities back in the Tang Dynasty when being Chinese of the Tang was something to be proud of.
It just doesn't look too good. I mean, the Japanese and Koreans do not have these differences as we do.
look back to the glorious Tang Dynasty   
Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 21:13:16 (PST)
I don't know if it is true today. At one point in the 90's I do know that Los Angeles was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, destination for Koreans studying outside of Asia. LA does have a lot of Koreans, that's all I really know for sure. We are the most conservative Asian group on average due to high socio-economic status. Also, we are no longer confined to one geographic location or another. Many young Koreans have moved out to the suburbs because they are doing much better than their parents did.
Korean American in L.A.   
Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 13:25:52 (PST)
Which ppl of asia do u like most?
Oo I think people within the beijing to shanghai eastern region are all very beautiful.They've got high cheek bones, long faces, light skin, and refreshing eyes.Plus are very tall!THose girls over there sure are sexy with the long legs.
Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 18:43:17 (PST)
What are you talking about. The Chinese own LA. Koreans were mostly found in inner cities till recently. Chinese and Koreans are equally as wealthy however more Koreans seem to better off as a % than Chinese, but there are much less of them so I don't know if you can compare this. Chinese are less conservative than Koreans thus more fun to be around. I hope this answer none of your questions, I'm kidding.
to the latino   
Friday, February 22, 2002 at 14:02:20 (PST)
yeah, and Hakkas overall are poor and less educated than the Cantonese, or the other Chinese groups. They're also stingy as a hellhole!
Hakkas are BIG TIME LOSERS, they need to do away with their conservative thinking and start enjoying modernity!
Hakkas always think they are better than the Cantonese, Fujianese, and the Chaozhous because they're the "real Chinese from the ancient times".
Real Observer of the Real Hakkas   
Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 11:59:36 (PST)