

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"I did research not just on my paternal line, but my maternal line which revealed Austronesian (Pangcah, not San Di Ren) mixture and Dutch mixture. If I had only researched the paternal line (what many Chinese traditionally do), I would have missed this."

So? My grandpa handed me a 'family tree' of my family that spans from hundreds of years ago. But I found no evidence of any of my Taiwanese ancestors being raped by the Dutch. Does that say anything about the Taiwanese blood as a whole? Nope.

"Not to say that you can automatically tell what's in your blood by physical appearance- but I tell you this much- almost nobody thinks I'm "Chinese" when they first see me."

That just indicates that one of your relatively recent ancestors had sexual intercourse with a Dutch pirate. So?

"I also think many Taiwanese Hoklos look different than those from the Mainland."

How many is "many"?

Chinaman    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 21:25:00 (PST)
"Taiwan copying Japan....That really is an identity issue in Taiwan. It is actually quite convoluted and twisted. In there search to become better and more innovative, some people in Taiwan feel Japan is the role model society in business, fashion, etc. for Taiwan's future."

Taiwan doesn't have an identity crisis.

Certain products from Japan are better and therefore the Taiwanese want to copy. This is about improving business, not about identity crisis. Taiwanese know who they are culturally...that is, they're Taiwanese/Chinese. Pop culture is just pop culture; it's only a short term fad for young people. Young people throughout the world like to watch Hollywood movies and American pop culture is copied in most places, but does that mean these nations out there have an identity crisis and want to adopt American way of life? Hardly. My grandfather speaks better Japanese than Mandarin, but that's all there is to it. In every other aspect of his life he is Taiwanese/Chinese. He told his grandchildren to learn and never forget Chinese language, not Japanese language.

Chinaman    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 21:01:37 (PST)
"Same goes to taiwan. Alot of them are pure chinese, either from beijing, tianjin, shanghai, etc... Hold on, pure "province type" kekeke!"

Who are your referring to you Taiwan as being from Beijing, Shanghai? Maybe the post 1949 immigrants, certainly not the majority of pre-1949 Taiwanese- their Chinese ancestry came from Fujian (and no before Fujian their ancestry did not come from Bejing or Tianjin). They were a distinct group. Man, I hope you are not asserting that the Chinese are one big race that started in one part of China and moved to other parts and did not intermarry (if so, that's all false!!!). Chinese history books sometimes writes these things (we all know that's false).

The people in Fujian (southern part) are referred to as Minnans or Hoklos. They are descendants of aboriginal people in Fujian (generally people south of the Yangtze were called "Yueh" meaning barbarian-before they became siniticized. Genetically, they are distinct from people in northern China such as Beijing, Tianjin.

Taiwanese who is part Southern Chinese , part Austronesian, part Dutch and proud of it!!!!    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 17:12:31 (PST)
To Chiu,

To everybody else, my apologies for going off on this topic, i know this board is on comparing asian nationalities (think if this topic as comparing people in Taiwan with people from China)...

"Same goes to taiwan. Alot of them are pure chinese, either from beijing, tianjin, shanghai, etc... Hold on, pure "province type" kekeke!"

True, there are many from Tianjin, Shanghai, but again they are in the minority in Taiwan. Most Taiwanese have lived in Taiwan before 1949, only a fraction of the population came after 1949 (these are mostly those types you described ones from Bejiing, Tianjin, Shandong, Shanghai, Zhejiang). They only make up like 10% of the population of Taiwan. Majority are from before 1949 and came as early as the 1600's (mixing happened quite often then). NOTE: people keep on referring to the discrimination people had against the SanDiRen. I want people to realize that there are 2 very broad category of aborigines in Taiwan- the San Di Ren (Mountains) who did not mix and the PingPu (Plains) who early on in Taiwan's history assimilated or intermarried with the new settlers (they did not die off nor were pushed up to the mountains-historic and genetic evidence show they mixed). The Taiwanese are not "pure Chinese." Perhaps, not even those from Beijing, Shanghai, etc. are "pure Chinese." Heck, Chinese is not a single "race." But, my point is the pre-1949 Taiwanese population (made up largely of Hoklos and Hakkas) are mixed (please refer to my 2 early posts-so I don't keep repeating myself on the details). 2% of Taiwan is SanDiRen (unmixed aborigines), but a large chunk of the Hoklo and Hakkas are mixed with the Pangcah/PingPu/Plains people, not SanDiRen.

Interesting enough, there was a genetic tree which shows that the Hoklo/Minnan and the Hakkas of Taiwan are closest to the Pazeh (a Plains aborigines group), slightly more so than the Hoklo/Hakka of Mainland China- makes sense with the early admixture.
Taiwanese who is part Southern Chinese , part Austronesian, part Dutch and proud of it!!!!    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 17:05:39 (PST)

I think they are cool:)
AnGeLiQue    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 12:56:25 (PST)
Taiwanese who is part Southern Chinese , part Austronesian, part Dutch,

You're phenotype is a minority in Chinese population. There are always Chinese people that don't look like the general population. In China, where there is even more mixing you will also see some Chinese guy with a combination of feature that makes him not look very text book Chinese, even though he could be as Chinese as you can get.

The remaining 99.9% of the population on Taiwan can be easily interchanged with their mainland counterpart with no visiable phenotypical differences.

The studies presented by those Dr. on geneotype difference are not cannons in the gene study. The genetic markers they choose and type of electrophrosis can be done for any sub population. In other words I can go to any state in the USA and do a similar study to conclude that original immigration pattern to the area can influence the make up of genetic markers.
AC dropout    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 07:14:11 (PST)
I go to school on the East Coast, and know this one guy from Indonesia (he now lives in LA, where incidentally I was born) at my college who claims that he is 3/4 Chinese and 1/4 Indo. Well, lets just say that he looks pretty much 100% malay -- brown skin, HUGE fat lips, flat/flared nose, and black, coarse hair. I don't know if all Indonesian Chinese look that bad, but this mofo in question is an abomination. And the funny thing is, he actuall thinks he's good-looking! Haha....
Indos are Blegh    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 07:00:14 (PST)
wow, I can't believe this guy (Taiwanese who is part Southern Chinese , part Austronesian, part Dutch and proud of it!!!! ). Man, you really want to do justice to yourself simply to be unique? Or rather, to be white. hey, you're just going for the dutch in ya, I understand, and just to be politically correct, you take the ethnic stance and also claim austronesian ancestry. understood. I could post on and on about how Chinese are a mixed people, but who cares? In every practical sense here in America, I'm a mongol, a chink, a gook, a jap, or whatever name they can think of to describe an east asian.

I could call myself Chinese who is part northern chinese, part southern chinese, part turk, part hun, part manchu, part caucasoid, part khitan, part mongol, part malay. However, I'm not the one to put so much stress on such niceties. Seriously, who cares???

and taiwanese people look so very much like mainlanders, with the exception of having more money than the ones farther inland, so as they can purchase cosmetics, jewelry, and good clothing. And if you'll take note, the majority of mainlanders do look like fobs. The reason being that they are relatively poor. The same can be said of Hong Kong people. but take all the glimmer away and you're left with another Chinese person on the southern tip of guangdong.

-although I will admit the Ming dynasty couldn't care less about taiwan, aka formosa (as dubbed by the portugese).
another interesting note: Dutch people were referred to as "hongmaogui", or red hair monsters, by the Chinese. On the other hand, the portugese were apparently far less disturbing.
chinatown    Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 00:28:02 (PST)
To all those people having "Toisan" pride:

I don't understand why there is so much pride for being the first Chinese to come to America. As you all might know from history, these were all low class labourers! I know if I had an ancestor like that, I'd be incredibly ashamed.
"Toisan" pride????    Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 22:21:55 (PST)