

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Taiwanese people are just as Dutch as the Filipinos are Spanish.
Only 1% may be of part European blood, and of this 1%, the European percentage amongst these individuals is less than 10% in total, that's why even these part dutch or part spanish "barely multi-racial" individuals look just like the rest of the population who are unmixed asians of malay stock (the philippines) or unmixed asians of taiwanese/native taiwaneses stock (taiwan). Notice how they are only "part" this and "part" that, because these "parts" spoken of are so miniscule compared to the total makeup of the individual and are so rare to find anyway.

These nations never ever had sufficient Europeans to admix with the original populations to make a visible physical difference in the small percent of the population that do carry their genes.

For a taiwanese to say he is proud to be "part" Dutch is like Northern Europeans saying he is proud to be part "mongol". They too mixed but the superiority in mumbers of the European's genes in Europe eventually flooded-out what little mongol genes may have been present in probably 1% of their people.
Likewise, the numerically superior Asian genes in the Philippines and Taiwan eventually flooded out what little European genes was introduced into 1% of the population.

Imagine you have a deserted Island; You can't put 1 European amongst 5000 Asians and consider three generations down the track that all of the descendants are part European. By that time the European genes would have been wiped out by the original genes.
Tell it like it is    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 02:03:30 (PST)
Taiwanese...who is Part Dutch,

"I never claimed that most Taiwanese have some Dutch blood in there, but there are those who do. What's up with your sarcastic remarks, anyways? Hope you don't look down on people who don't have the so-called "pure Chinese" blood."

Well, here's what. There has been a few occasions when I heard my mother praised someone's (Taiwanese of course) beauty for the sole reason that he/she has very fair (pinkish) skin and has caucasoid facial features. I got pissed off at such comments/mentality and said to her this person's ancestor must have been raped by white people. (Knowing that the Dutch and such people pillaged Taiwan before.)

I don't look down on mutt people. I look down on people who don't make sense and who don't live with reality.

Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 01:56:54 (PST)
"The Japanese can look like any one of the Asian ethnicities on the mainland (Korean, Chinese, Viet, Filipino, etc.).
Ocean currents brought all of them there."

They also cannot probably because of the existence of "local" Ainu people. A lot of Japanese do have a distinctive "Japanese" look not found anywhere else.
Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 01:24:10 (PST)
AC Dropout,

"Think about it, if you did not think "LA Boys" ...bunch of USA oversea chinese who couldn't speak chinese, let alone sing... become a pop sensations Taiwan... Or a talented singer ah-mei always being called the Marhia Carrie of Taiwan as an over identification with USA culture for ligitamacy, that is an identity issue in my opinion."

It is not an identity issue, because:

1) Why do the Taiwanese dig mostly American pop culture, but not, for example, Italian, Latin American culture? It's about cultural hegemony which is closely related to a country's economical and political status in the world. America has the power to project its culture.

2) Using American pop culture as the standard for legitimacy is simply the result of the perception that American pop culture is better. And to copy American pop culture is to improve their own. Self identity is irrelevant. Branding A-Mei as the 'Mariah Carrey' of Asia simply means that A-Mei is a good singer, nothing more.

3) If today the Americans were into Chinese/Taiwanese pop culture (as it is not 100% foreign copied), do you think the Taiwanese would still suffer from identity crisis? Perhaps the problem with identity is in the Americans; they identity too much with themselves. 'LA Boy' goes to Taiwan because they can't survive in America.

Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 00:40:15 (PST)
Minnan Man,

To what extent is the presence of aborigine genes in modern Hoklos/Hakka of Taiwan?

The Hoklos/Hakkas orinated from Mainland, right? When was the earliest migration of these people to Taiwan? And what was the number of migrants at different periods since the begining? What has been the rate of "IR" marriage with the aborigines at different times?

And who sponsored the research that led to the conclusion that Taiwanese Hoklos/Hakkas are ALL genetically different than the Mainland ones? How did they pick the sample pool? These researches may have been politically tainted.

Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 00:01:39 (PST)
There Is No Such Thing As A "Chinese Race,

"Yah, probably only paternally which leads you to believe falsely you are a pure Chinaman."

I'm most certain I don't have Dutch genes in me. I never said I'm a pure chinaman. Ha! Paternally is good enough to me!

And you? You seem to be much more certain than I that I'm not pure Hoklo. What do you know about my family lineage?

Chinaman    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 23:39:48 (PST)
You guys forget the Quanzhou in Fujian province was once a major port of entry for Arabs and Persians. How does this affect the later Taiwanese stock? There are lots of Fujianese (both Moslem and non-Moslem) who can claim some ancestry from these West Asians.
Not just Dutch    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 17:47:23 (PST)
Jomon+Yayoi=modern Japanese,

Hahhahah....No, they got the worst teeth and earlobes out of all Asian countries.

Maybe if they are butt naked compared, there is not much to say.

But their fashion, make-up use, and haircuts give away the younger generation pretty quickly.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 14:51:54 (PST)
Minnan Man,

What does genetic markers and electrophrosis analysis have to do with politics and power?

There are black/white/asian hapa kids in USA, and they are Americans.

Are you suggesting that countries should have a genetic tolerance for it citizen and leaders.

Genetics is something to be used as a scientific tool, not a political one.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 14:49:11 (PST)
Chinese What???!,

I always support asian calling themselves American. Self-segration in this country doesn't really help. But that's Apples and Oranges if you want to relate that to Taiwan.

In America, no one in their right mind who saw me would ever question if I was of Chinese descent. Hell, if they saw me interact with FOB, they would question if I was educated in America. Of course every FOB who knows me also see me as an American, because of my demeanor and opinions, even though I converse with them fluently in Chinese.

But in Taiwan this is not about an issue of assimilation and convincing mainstream culture that we are an intergral part of society to fight discrimination. In Taiwan this is about the discrediting Chinese opinion/views/authority on the world stage. Hence, no Chinese opinion/view/authority is creditable unless USA backs it.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 14:43:44 (PST)
who cares about taiwanese ethnicity anyway, chinese are chinese theyre all the same with slight differences the fact is wehther your hokkien, or hakka , taiwanese or hong kongese, or sechuanese to cantonese or nunk....well you get the point, your all chinese and not much different from each other.

now to a more interesting subject such as, how come Malaysia is the most economically and socially stable country in South East Asia, answer: beacuse malaysians are the best.
malaysian sensation    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 09:08:23 (PST)