

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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Chinaman ,

**Well, here's what. There has been a few occasions when I heard my mother praised someone's (Taiwanese of course) beauty for the sole reason that he/she has very fair (pinkish) skin and has caucasoid facial features. I got pissed off at such comments/mentality and said to her this person's ancestor must have been raped by white people.**

Hey, you should not abandon your traditional views of beauty just because "caucasians" are stereotyped by the lesser peoples as whiter. Most Taiwanese are wayyy whiter than any caucasian person( being from beijing/shanghai of course) Does your mother really say a taiwanese girl with caucasian features are better when spotting one on the street? I think the taiwanese, who are more japan then american, know better than to like the ruddy skinned, sunken eyed(at least one inch to forehead), huge mouths (which Chinese people despise in a woman) , way to tall nosed , caucasian people...

Taiwanese love a person with Chinese faces, just not the Chinese appearance that caucasians stereotype us with. The Chinese/Taiwanese ladies have white skin, small mouths, refreshing eyes, tall frame, not too flat (like malaysian) not too tall (british) noses * so to say they have near perfect noses * , and over all ethereal beauty not matched by any other people on earth. I dont think it is logical for you to say that taiwanese favour caucasian people. I think your mom recognizes caucasians as uglier , being that the woman have such large mouths and down slant eyes. And the men are so girly because white skin is only entitled for girls only. Plus the woman I find are pretty darn dark. I know many Taiwanese who view caucasians as inferiour, take it from someone who came from taiwan and only studies here(Canada).

There is only minor problems in Taiwan (they like Japan way to much! Those sexy sexy japanese... *drools*) but that is it! I spent quite a long time in Taiwan and they dont favour Caucasians one bit! My mother never found caucasians as better looking, she always thought their mouth is too large, eyes too down slanted , and I commented with they not being too feminine and eyes that u can never damage with projectiles *protruding eye brow bones*.
Ms.Kwan ( Taiwan is not what u think)    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 03:04:05 (PST)

"They also cannot probably because of the existence of "local" Ainu people. A lot of Japanese do have a distinctive "Japanese" look not found anywhere else."

The features of the Ainu of Japan weren't passed onto the ethnic Japanese people, it is the other way around, the Ainu acquired the Japanese features because the ethnic Japanese (of Mongolian stock) were far more numerous and so they absorbed the Ainu into their race because of the sheer number dissparity between the two peoples.

Today, it is not the Japanese that posses Ainu features, it is the Ainu that posses Japanese features. There less than 100 Ainus left in Japan today, and of these 100, many look overwealmingly ethnic Japanese.
Not Chinaman    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 02:08:10 (PST)

Of course it includes the eight banners.
Most Machurians..or Manchus traces back to origins that were one of the eight banners of Manchuria. I don't know that much about Ba Qi Zhidu but I think most Qirens are Manchurians...there's also Mongolian Qiren..but I've never heard of Han Qiren...?? As part of Ba Qi Zhidu...the 3 upper banners (shang san qi)lead by Zheng Huang Qi...those are for sure all Manchurian...the rest are Machurians too with few Mongolians. Qiren... implied aristocrates back all Qiren had to be/are Manchurians pretty much.
Angelique    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 23:14:09 (PST)
Tell it like it is,

"Taiwanese people are just as Dutch as the Filipinos are Spanish."

Even less. I've not heard of a Taiwanese (local and non-IR, of course)with Dutch names. Look at the number of Filipinos with spanish names.

Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 21:41:02 (PST)
Not just Dutch,

"You guys forget the Quanzhou in Fujian province was once a major port of entry for Arabs and Persians. How does this affect the later Taiwanese stock? There are lots of Fujianese (both Moslem and non-Moslem) who can claim some ancestry from these West Asians."

NO! NO! NO! This is getting out of hand. There ain't no Middle Easterner blood in the Taiwanese! One shouldn't have the impression that Taiwan is some kinda SE Asian island where Western traders/colonialists had visited frequently and bred with the Hoklos.

Chinaman    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 21:25:48 (PST)
now to a more interesting subject such as, how come Malaysia is the most economically and socially stable country in South East Asia, answer: beacuse malaysians are the best.

***sure,i agree with you.coz we dont waste time saaying who's better than who.
no matter where u live,all chinese look the same generally,unless you have some white or mixed point of which chinese group is outdoing the other.
chill    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 16:26:31 (PST)

Many of the "pure" Chinese you are referring to in the Taiwanese media are waishengren, who are in the minority in Taiwan. But, the media demographics is changing. But, what does that have to do with the broader topic?
Chinky Wannabe    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 11:43:29 (PST)
AC Dropout and Chinaman,

I see the point people are making about the Hoklo Taiwanese mixture. The point is if the people want to identify themselves as being Taiwanese, leave it to them.

You assert that hapa kids in America are Americans. They are not an African or a European merely, but because they live in America and identify themselves as American that's what they are. Not to mention they are mixed. But, even that being the case, perhaps some German or Irish descendants identify themselves as being American. So be it.

So, why are some people having a cow if people in Taiwan want to call themselves Taiwanese? Ethnicity is not determined merely by blood, but identity. Even if you were to identify ethnicity by blood- what about those hapa kids in the US- they label themselves as American. What about mixed people in Taiwan- they may want to call themselve Taiwanese.

AC Dropout, the studies don't say that the Minnan/Hakka people in Taiwan are genetically different from the Mainland. However, it suggests that there is a small percentage, in the population as whole, with non-Han elements (Austronesian). You keep to trying to thrash the evidence without even viewing it- that's what amazes me the most.

People complain why some Taiwanese expend much energy asserting their identity-perhaps it's because people people spend too much wasted effort insisting that they call themselves Chinese and not Taiwanese.

Chinaman- like I said I can e-mail you all these studies and documents that support what the Taiwanese Who Is Part... is saying. If you claim that people who assert that the partial mix is political or unrealistic- well the same could be said about people who deny this admixture. No one said that the people in Taiwan do not have Chinese ancestry, but rather suggesting many also have SOME non-Han elements. Most studies show that element to be a small amount maybe around 15%. However, slight, the point is it exists.

Not to mention, Chinaman, you are only looking at one side of the coin when you say they trace only paternally and that's all you need to do. But, you are arguing that the Taiwanese only have Han blood, when many have been arguing that the non-Han element is maternally traced. All that means is that you are not on the same page as those arguing otherwise.
Minnn Man    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 11:37:08 (PST)

I agree with you on USA having the economic force to export their entertainment worldwide.

However, your point number 2 is the very definition of an identity crisis. Taiwanese are on blind faith that anything associated with USA is better in pop culture.

Point 3 doesn't make much sense. Sounds like you live in Taiwan for a while, though.

I will address the 'LA Boys' firt. They never had an American career. They are children of record exec in Taiwan, who knew they could make money off their kids by associating them with USA. Next came the 'LA Girls'.

Not to exaggerate the Taiwan identity issue much further. It goes beyond pop culture. If you go into Sogo department stores you will see a lot of product advertised as from Japan or Italy, etc. But flip it over it is Made in China by the Japanese or Italian company.
AC Dropout    Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 10:45:43 (PST)