

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To All the Filipino-bashers on this Board

Please don’t judge Filipinos as you have absolutely no idea about the culture of the Philippines and how we Filipinos have been raised to view others, and most importantly how we have been raised to view ourselves.
First of all I want to address “colonial mentality”. Everyone is tossing around “colonial mentality” this “colonial mentality” that on this board and yet I doubt many know what it actually is.
In my opinion “colonial mentality” is when the colonized see themselves through the eyes of the colonizer. That is, where the colonizer hates the colonized, and hence, the colonized will also hate themselves. These are all mind games. Many countries have been colonized by other countries, but only the European colonized countries have shown self destructive traits. So the real problem is white supremacy, not colonization. And as a Pilipino, I bealive the Pilipino people have one of the worst cases of colonial mentality, AKA slave mentality (amongst African-American) in the USA.
Our country was colonized by the Spanish. Due to the cultural and religious rape of our nation, we now are divided. You have the Malays and other natives which together make up more than 98% of the Philippines and then you have the Spanish-Malay and Chinese-Malay mestizos (the offspring of the physical rape of the Philippines). You have the mestizo Pilipinos (who almost never intermarry with the pure malays) in upper society. Then you have the darker Malays and native peoples in the lower end of the social and economic ladder. It's no coincidence!
How did we get this awful mentality? As you know or should know our forefathers were brutally forced to convert to Christianity by the Spanish. We were forced to believe that our previous way of life was sinful. The Spanish conquistadors (meaning conquerors), wanted to civilize us "savages".
We were also forced to believe that white is good and black is bad. So the closer our skin color was to black, then the more susceptible we were to evil and sin. The closer you were to white, the better you were. They taught us that being white made you closer to God because of their fraudulent portrayal of Jesus as a white man. We started to believe that we were sinners because of what they had taught us. That is when the self-hatred started (consciously and unconsciously) and it has remained with us ever since.
The lies that were forced upon us have been passed down from generation to generation… to generation. Unfortunately Pilipinos who go abroad take with them this mentality to their new places of migration (like the USA) and other Asians and other races judge us without knowing our history and where this mentality is coming from.
This mentality is still, very, very alive today. The vast majority of us don't even notice it because we are so use to it. You see it everywhere amongst Pilipinos. It has become "normal" to us. You have to understand that this mentality works subconsciously and subliminally. We have been taught this mentality from the day we were born and we follow its self hating doctrine to the day we die. It affects us from all aspects of life, economically, mentally, spiritually, sexually, morally, religiously, physically and emotionally. I blame all the Pilipino problems on colonization and I blame us for not standing up and realizing it.

Magellan may be dead, but his ghost lives on. Everyday we recreate our death.



1. Almost every showbiz Pinoy is a mestizo?
2. That the showbiz Pinoys who are darker are only used only in comical situations? They always get made fun of about their color?
3. That so many Pinoys use skin whitening products to become whiter?
4. There's an obsession to be white.
5. That all the rich Pinoys are mestizos, and that mestizos, at 1%, are the smallest minority in the Philipines?
6. That all the Philippines claims to be mestizo even when they themselves they know very well that they are not. They look at themselves in the mirror, they see a Malay and yet they proclaim a mestizo. If you don’t agree with me, ask yourself, do you consider yourself a mestizo? Now, if you do, what percent of you is actually Spanish or Chinese? (and be truthful. Then, when you don’t want to answer it because it is such a small percentage you will realize how we have been programmed to desire to be fair skinned, to desire to be anything except Malay, especially to be of mixed European ancestry, hence everyone claims to be a mestizo).
7. That Pilipinos practiacally worship mestizo-Mexican soap stars.
8. That Pinoys are scared to get dark?
9. That all maids in the Philippines are dark native Malays?

My only hope is that this makes other Asians realise that we Filipinos don’t go out on purpose to be hateful against other Asians and most importantly that we don’t deliberately go out to be self-hating against ourselves. It is the way we were brought up, and the way some of us are still bringing our children up. Bad habits die slow. So just show your support and instead of ganging up against us, try to understand where we are coming from, that way our road to self-accepting instead of self-hating will be easier.
Pinoy Pride (Longlive Pilipinas)    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 04:19:57 (PDT)
yeah, whatever u say:

"Filipinos are a mestizo race based mostly with Malay, Chinese, and Spanish."

Wrong!!! 95.5% of all Filipinos are racially unmixed Malays (pure malays), 1.5% are Ethnic Chinese, 1% are chinese-mestizo, 1% are spanish-mestizo, and 1% are other races (i.e. negritos, etc).

So as you see. Filipinos are actually racially homogeneous belonging to the malay stock of Asians, and they are not a "mestizo race" at all (except for the 2% of filipinos). The only thing that is mixed about the filipinos is their culture and their mixed (confused) self-identity

Filipinos calling themselves mestizos is just their wishful thinking.
Wack! and down it goes...    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 04:05:44 (PDT)
Azn Realist,

Sorry I offended you. I'm not going to perpetuate a dialogue with you based on ignorance, whether it be mine or yours.

You will never convince anyone with any sense that the only thing the Chinese and the Indians brought to your country was bad habits.

To clear one thing up, I never said you were Hitler. I said you were like the kkk and the arian nation. An observation I based on your earlier comments, and which you reinforced with your recent comments. They both also spew the same rhetoric.

I'm not here to bash with anyone, so take care.
Xie xie    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 03:50:13 (PDT)
AZN realist,
Not all Malaysian-Chinese are as you described and Chinese and INdians aren't dirty people!! We are all human beings and all of us have pride in ourselves. Not all Malaysian-Chinese are ashame to speak Malay. Infact, it was my mom who encouraged me to speak Malay because I'm Malaysian. My mom is a Malaysian-Chinese and she's always proud to say that she's Malaysian and she does speak Malay. Chinese only help Chinese? Malaysia is a multi-racial country and everybody wants to stay connected to their own culture. You can't blame them coz they are just trying to preserve their culture for future generations. Look, if you say Chinese are only helping Chinese, then what about they Malays and indians? And the other races? The Malays are also helping the Malays and Indians are also helping Indians. I guess it's a natural thing?? Chinese and Indians brought alcohol and prostitution and whatever? Oh common, don't tell me that. There are prostitutes in every country and there were also prostitutes before the Chinese and Indians came to Malaysia.
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18    Monday, May 13, 2002 at 02:49:47 (PDT)
I just want to know approximately how many percentage of the Filipinos have some Chinese ancestry in them? All the Filipinos I come across say that they have both Chinese and Spanish in them. It seems like they all claim some Chinese blood, just as Vietnamese and Thai do too.

Are all these groups exaggerating or is it true? All their foods seem to have some Chinese influences.
just curious    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 21:09:11 (PDT)
I heard from my friend that you could tell that you're a close descendant of the Han Chinese by looking at your forearms. To test to see if you are, you have to first relax your arms, then with one arm, bend it at an angle where your upper arm and forearm create a 90 degree angle. If you see a "crease" or some sort of line on your forearm close to where the forearm meets the upper arm (not the elbows, the other side), and on both forearms (left and right), then that shows that you're a close descendant of the Han Chinese. I don't know if this holds true or not? Have you guys ever heard of this?? I've checked myself, and I don't have any (btw I am Korean, but supposedly I have a tiny bit of chinese in me from my father's side)... However my brother and mother (she's "pure" Korean) do. A lot of my Chinese-American friends (or just the few I have tested) do have it, except for one of my Chinese friends. So is this whole "test" nonsense, or does it really indicate that you are of Han Chinese descent? Just curious, y'all...

ji    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 21:03:11 (PDT)
Hehe.......okie dokie. Thanks
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 16:47:36 (PDT)
Does anyone here noticed that the Chinese particularly the ones from the Guangdong region have Turkic facial types? I think this have to do with the Tang Dysnasty.

I've been to Turkey and some of these Turks whom I have encountered pointed out that many of my people "the Chinese" have Turkic features.

So which is it? Based on history, the Turks are a people who come from East Asia, and the Tang Dynasty of China absorbed many middle eastern people such as the Turks, Arabs and Iranians.

Turkic influence in China    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 14:45:40 (PDT)
"can you really call these actors you named filipino because they have a drop of filipino in them, what about theyre white blood?"

Lexa Doig is Mestiza. She claims that she is half Pinay, and she certainly looks like it. Dante Basco is Filipino, and so is Joy Bisco.
TSJ    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 12:45:02 (PDT)
Well, I am from california, and the majority of filipinos here want to be asian, but they are not. It is a plain fact that they are nothing like the asians that they want to be like. physically, culturally, mentally, etc...we are different. They are Pacific Islanders, and Koreans, Chinese, etc..are Asians. What is wrong with that?? They all want to be in their own groups anyways with the hawaiians and guamanians. I have a friend that is filipina and she even told me that they are more closely related to guamanians and other "islanders". The only clubs that put the mixed batch of groups together are things like API (asian pacific islanders) and others like that. Keep it real...we are all different, but filipinos and koreans, for example, are too different. When we are all classified in the same group of "Asian Americans", we are just falling under the government stereotypes that reminds them that we all are the silent minority. but the differences amongst us are numerous and face it...we are different...some more than others.
Soo Jin    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 11:36:19 (PDT)

That page was created by some hispanic person (a girl) and it shows who they think are good looking filipinos. Thats they're opinion. And to tell you the truth, being filipino, I dont GIVE A SH*T about what hispanics think!
eric agbayani    Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 10:52:33 (PDT)