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Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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Linguistico Hispano,
You aren't much of a linguist either.
There are 169 different languages spoken in the Philippines. The content of Spanish, Chinese dialects, Arabic, Indian, and English adopted in all Philippine languages varies from region to region. The Philippine Inquirer reports that nearly 20% of the national language has root words in Spanish.
There is more than one form of Chabacano in the Philippines. It is spoken in Cavite, Davao, and Zamboanga. The difference being that Zamboanga and Davao Chabacano are based on the Cebuano language. Cavite Chabacano is based on Tagalog.
Obviously, you haven't been to Zamboanga since you believe that only 1000 people speak Chabacano. A friend of mine from Zamboanga got a good laugh at your response.
The teedot in 2k3   
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 08:35:43 (PDT)
Chinese, korean and Vietnamese names have a lot of things in common. The fanily name is put in head which is different with all other asian names, including Japanese name. Even the surnames(Lee, Kim, Hwang,...)sound similar. Other Asians and Japanese names don't have these similarities. So does this mean something?
Asian names   
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 08:26:15 (PDT)
The Han has their roots from the Huanghe River. FRom one small tribe, they succeeded in conquering other parts of Asia. The modern Han are a mix of HAn chinese, mongolian, yeah, uigur,etc...but their ancestors(pure Han) was intitially a tribe in Huang He river.
Melanesian, Malay-Polynesian, Austronesian are in fact Africans who migrated to Asia 15 000 ago.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 07:45:10 (PDT)
Vietnamese belong to the Yueh group but the specific name of Vietnamese is Jing (or Kinh in chinese). There are about 18 000 Jing people (vietnamese) in China. They're one of the minorities in China.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 07:16:47 (PDT)
Some of you seem to stereotype SOuth Vietnamese as being dark and big nosed. The truth is i've seen alot os vietnamese in the south who are light. in the south the lighties and the darkies are at a tie. although they absorb khmer blood but the number of chienese vietnamese are defintiely nhigher than the number of khmer vietnamese.
To my Vietnamese friends:
Have you ever checked www.MeVietnam.org?
Very nice site. It contains a lot of interesting information about Vietnamese history, culture, language,and origins of the Vietnamese. Too bad the site is only in Vietnamese.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 06:59:42 (PDT)
[It is likely that the most ancient Han Chinese (of the Xia and Shang times) were more related to the peoples of the south (Yueh, Viets, Malay, Thai) than they were to northern (Mongol, Manchu). The fact that the dragon is an important symbol of Chinese culture manifests this similarity with the people of the south.]
It is very possible after the Han conquer the Southern part of China,they absorb A LOT of southern culture. The origins of the Hans are around the Yellow River which wasn't place for rice cultivation. I've learned that the ancient Han Chinese lived mainly by hunting. They were in fact close to Koreans (Classical Mongoloid or whatever you call it...). They look probably more like Korean or internediate btw korean and sinitic. The SOuthern Chinese and even Hui Chinese were classified as Sinitic, but not intermediate btw sinitic and Malayan.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 04:29:15 (PDT)
Liu Bang, the peasant founder of the Han Dynasty came from a region in modern Jiangsu Province. What type of people lived there during Qin times? Were they Yueh types also?
Was Guan-yu of the 3 Kingdom period also of Yueh type extraction?
There was no such thing as Chinese in the past   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 20:52:52 (PDT)
An Nam Guy,
What? rape and kill Chinese people in Malaysia? Are you kidding? I guess you haven't been to Malaysia. That's all CRAP!!! We live in peace and harmony over here. What happened in Indonesia does not affect Malaysia. Get it straight.
Malaysian-Eurasian Gal18   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 19:56:31 (PDT)
The use of the "black bird", as the father of Xieh, relates to the "black bird" as a popular totem of black ethnic groups in China. This passage indicates that the founders of Shang were of mixed origin. The fact that the bird myths such as the one above are mainly centered on the east coast of China also suggest a black origin for the Shang since this area was the heartland of ancient China.
The eastern coast was a major area of Black habitation in ancient times. The egret bird is one of the popular symbols of the southern Chinese ethnic groups.1
"This view is also supported by many archaeologists including K.C. Chang (1987) whose evidence indicates that the neolithic Mongoloid population of north China resembled the Oceanic- mongoloid type, but not the modern mongoloid group we find living in China and much of southeast Asia today."
The references to "black birds" in the Chinese literature relate to the African origin of the Shang rulers. The use of the term "black Bird" relates to the fact these blacks had a bird as their totem. Many of the Shang spoke a Dravidian language.
The founders of Shang are often called Yi. Yi means "Great Bowman". The symbol for Yi in Chinese is translated dagung. This character has two parts da "great" and gung "a bow". The name Yi, and its similarity in the name Kuishuang (Kushana) and Kushshu highlight the archaeological evidence pointing to a western origin for many elements of Chinese civilization. The bird totem of Shang suggests that the Shang were predominately Dravidian speakers. (Winters 1983,1985c)
The Dravidian speakers originally came from Nubia. They were related to the C-Group people. The Shang culture was founded by the Kushites thus the name Yi "Great Bowmen", thus corresponding to Steu, the name for the founders of Ta-Seti the first monarchy in history.
Allan, S , "Sons of Suns:Myth and Totemism in Early China", Bulletin of the
Classical Mongoloid   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 19:43:30 (PDT)
Genetics in Asia:
This iis what I found:
"The Yin were classical mongoloid people related to the Thai and other small mongoloid austronesian speaking peoples situated in Southeast Asia. (Chang 1964;Winters 1986b) "
The use of the "black bird", as the father of Xieh, relates to the "black bird" as a popular totem of black ethnic groups in China. This passage indicates that the founders of Shang were of mixed origin. The fact that the bird myths such as the one above are mainly centered on the east coast of China also suggest a black origin for the Shang since this area was the heartland of ancient China.
The eastern coast was a major area of Black habitation in ancient times. The egret bird is one of the popular symbols of the southern Chinese ethnic groups.1
"This view is also supported by many archaeologists including K.C. Chang (1987) whose evidence indicates that the neolithic Mongoloid population of north China resembled the Oceanic- mongoloid type, but not the modern mongoloid group we find living in China and much of southeast Asia today."
Classical Mongoloid   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 19:38:13 (PDT)
Each of these broad groups(momgoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid) can be divided into subgroups. General agreement is lacking as to the classification of such people as the aborigines of Australia, the Dravidian people of S India, the Polynesians, and the Ainu of N Japan.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 19:29:32 (PDT)
The Mongoloid race, including most peoples of E Asia and the indigenous peoples of the Americas, has been described as saffron to yellow or reddish brown in color, of medium stature, with a broad head form. The hair is dark, straight, and coarse; body hair is sparse. The eyes are black to dark brown. The epicanthic fold, imparting an almond shape to the eye, is common, and the nose bridge is usually low or medium.
5.The Negroid race is characterized by brown to brown-black skin, usually a long head form, varying stature, and thick, everted lips. The hair is dark and coarse, usually kinky. The eyes are dark, the nose bridge low, and the nostrils broad. To the Negroid race belong the peoples of Africa south of the Sahara, the Pygmy groups of Indonesia, and the inhabitants of New Guinea and Melanesia.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 19:18:57 (PDT)
Southern Chinese should defintely be categorized as Sinitic.
About Malay Polynesian:
The Malays
The Malays belong to the broader Malayo-Polynesian group of races, the origins of which have been traced to Yunnan in China through the Proto-Malays and Deutero-Malays.
According to anthropologists these early aboriginal groups, now collectively known as Orang Asli (meanining original or indigenous people), consisting of some eighteen groups, but officially classified into Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay, first reached the peninsula around 2000 B.C. In the peninsula their numbers are small, making up in total around 120,000 or 0.5 percent of Malaysia’s total population.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 18:57:31 (PDT)
1. Anthropology Of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as yellowish-brown skin pigmentation, straight black hair, dark eyes with pronounced epicanthic folds, and prominent cheekbones and including peoples indigenous to central and eastern Asia.
Mongoloid race   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 18:32:15 (PDT)
The categorization of 4 mongoloid branchs doesn't seem very correct. Southern chinese and Vietnamese should be a branch of their own. If they are considered intermediate btw sinitic and malay, then should we consider Northern chinese intermediate btw Mongolian and Southern Chinese, and Turkestani intermediate btw European and Sinitic, Malay Polinesian intermediate btw Southern chinese and austronesian? And Most Vietnamese are not Malay-Polynesian. Get the fact straight!
What about Austronesian? malay are more closer to Austronesian than to Southern Chinese.They're in SE.Asia too.
It seems flawed   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 18:22:25 (PDT)
referring to the www.eurasiannation.com/generic69 link:
Many pure-bred Asian populations show clearly that "classical Mongoloid" phenotype is the exception from the majority.
Tibetans resemble Amerindians,especially if they're Northern Tibetans,once some romantic whites admired these peoples' "beauty".
Turanians looked originally not far from how they look like today.The people around the Aral Sea are often tall, narrow-faced and long-headed.-Oguz or Iranian influence?-Definetely not: Oguz are often fatter and broader-faced than many Asians,Iranians have remarkably longer noses and more Indian features. One time in the future they will find an inbred tribe of Central Asian origin in an isolated region of China that will show the people that "intermediate" features can exist without admixture of Western races.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 17:25:44 (PDT)
It has now become obvious from Mr Renato Perdon's "The Making of a National Language" why it is so. While Tagalog is the basis of the development of Pilipino (now Filipino) in the 70s, the fact still remains that the latter is a language on its own. The two are distinct and different from each other.
Tagalog still remains Tagalog. Filipino (Pilipino) on the other hand consists of words integrated from the various Philippine dialects as well as from foreign languages.
For example, consider the following figures:
Based on Mr Perdon's research, the official dictionary issued in 1991 by the Commission on Filipino Language had about 55% of the words integrated into Filipino coming from the major dialects in the Philippines, namely: Bicol (301 words), Cebuano (526 words), Hiligaynon (564 words), Ilocano (122 words), Kapampangan (51 words), Pangasinan (82 words), Old Tagalog / Tagalog (8,463 words), and Samar-Leyte (459 words).
There are also 328 Tausug words, 222 words from the Maranao dialect, 99 words from Maguindanao, 23 words from Samal, 16 words from the Tingian, 12 words from Isneg and another 12 words from Tagbanua.
On the influence of foreign languages, Mr Perdon has also reported that:
Spanish words account for 5,210 words followed by English (1,907), Chinese (232), Malay (176 words), Latin (70), French (46), Sanskrit (29), Arabic (28), German (25), Mexican (20), and Japanese (13).
There are also 7 words each from the Indonesian and Italian languages, 2 words each from the Argentinian, Australian, Hawaiian, Javanese and Swish languages. One word each came from Aztec, Czechoslovakian, Finish, Greek, India, and Russian languages.
Such is the vibrancy and dynamism of Filipino as a language. We will not be surprised if these days, the number of English words have increased. For how do you translate the contemporary words, especially those related to the Internet and other areas of information technology, in Filipino?
Has anyone started looking for the exact equivalent of the following common words: Internet, modem, web site, browser, email, upload, download, hyperlink, toolbar?
We will not be surprised to know that in Tagalog there are none! But in Filipino there are. The equivalent words are the native words --- except that these are spelled in a manner that is distinctly Filipino! Example? Try web sayt for web site, brawser for browser, and tulbar for toolbar.
Filipino language   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 16:18:08 (PDT)
chamorros are cool. i feel kinda sorry for them and their people, the last of dying breed, but hey, so is every other pacific islander. I know for a fact that the chamorros are related to filipinos, but we filipinos call ourselves asians not from oceania.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 16:14:51 (PDT)
linguist hispano,
good input, i think one language that is definitely related to tagalog is what the natives of guam speak, chamorru. It sounds very much like tagalog. But with the mexican soap stars thing, ehhhhhh. Filipinos are too busy trying to make the country better than to waste our time watching those silly soap stars. I would much rather watch the films based on filipino history and culture. Try the movie
JOSE RIZAL, starring cesar montano trying very hard to look and act like the greatest man of the brown race.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 16:10:00 (PDT)
the "classical Mongoloid" was an invention by racist whites who wanted to stereotype a Mongoloid race which would be as different as possible from their own race.Fact is that the whites have searched for an Asian population with extremely broad and flat faces,yellow skin color,long back,short legs, sliteyes,extreme mongolfold among other characteristics which are quite uncommon in comparison to most races of mankind. From my point of view you will find these traits especially among females in certain areas of Northeast Asia,but by the same time these people may have neighbor who seem to look less "Mongoloid" than them.
Which sort of "Chinese" did you refer to exactly?According to the article of a Korean(!) scientist which I've read Southern Koreans resemble the Chinese of Shandong province.I can only support this thesis.Both Shandongers and South Koreans have light yellow skin color, reach medium height or become even taller,had a matriarchal society before Confucianism arrived.-I think the island Cheju Do can be taken as representative for South Koreans because it is reknown for its people having still ancient characteristics because of insular isolation.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 15:20:41 (PDT)
To, Races of Asia;
"2) Sinitic---basically north China. Occasionally in Korea and Japan.
*the south Chinese, and to a lesser extent, the people of northern Vietnam and northern Thailand are intermediate between Sinitic and Malayan/Polynesian.
3) Malayan/Polynesian---southeast Asia; occasionally in Japan (esp. in Okinawa).
I don't really see the validity in that post. The Sinitic and Malayan/Polynesians can't really be the precursors to the northern viets. The Viets are recorded to be the people of Yueh, who were always in the South fighting the Han (chinese north), and the Malaya/Polynesians weren't really settled in the area. To a lesser extent maybe, but in a larger scale it is impossible if the history brought up by the chinese historians is correct.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 15:08:40 (PDT)