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Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese |
Corean |
Filipino |
Indian |
Japanese |
Vietnamese |
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["I know I won't", your post has been moved to Best & Worst of Corea. --Ed]
siberians are european
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 07:17:00 (PST)
to history can not changed,
are you vietnamese or korean? if you are vietnamese, maybe you can answer my question.
i know vietnam used to also use chinese characters as written language, and i was wondering the change from the use of chinese characters to the alphabetization(phonetic) of vietnamese written language.
also how did the useage of vietnamese written language spread after?
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 06:52:11 (PST)
Mr. yy.
The Goryeo Dynasty had faced many foreign invasions from Mongol, Khitan and Juechen. In 1019, the Goryeo Army completely destroyed the 100,000 Khitan's army at Guiju. In the early 12th century, it advanced to Hamgyeong regions and built 9 forests. The Mongol that conquered the world in the 13th century kept invading Goryeo. Although Goryeo persistently resisted the Mogol's invasion, eventually it negotiated for peace with Mongol in 1270. Since then Mogol began to control the Goryeo's government.
So my question to you. Why do you say Korea never really fought the Mongols?
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 06:10:11 (PST)
history can not changed,
The Chinese have indeed culturally influenced Vietnamese and Coreans in the past, but it does not and NEVER mean we want both of these people to become Chinese nor do we claim them as being from the same as us (despite what genetics say).
I have done some studies on the Mongol invasions of Vietnam too. The Mongol general (he was Uigur in Mongol service) who was sent to Vietnam with mainly southern Chinese foot soldiers and some Mongol cavalry failed to take Vietnam for precisely the same reasons why Americans failed to win in Vietnam War. It is because of the dense jungles, the torturing humid weather, the rampant malaria and other tropical diseases and the fact that native Vietnam soldiers fight in a loosely organized and different style. For example they can hide underwater and atop trees for hours without being spotted. This made for quick and easy ambush.
Saturday, November 16, 2002 at 01:50:36 (PST)
as stated by yy:
Korea never really fought the Mongols and Manchus. They often gave up without a fight, and the Mongols/Manchus did not really have a vested interest in Korea compared to China. The Koreans also paid annual tribute to Song and Ming Dynasties without conflicts. If Chinese are soft, then the Koreans were even more softer if you know the history.
Your right, the KOreans enever gfought with the Mongols for a reason... Koreans have always considered Manchus and Mongols as brothers to Koreans. When Korea was controlled by the Manchus and Mongols, Koreans had made agreements with the Khans for Korean autonomy under the banner of the Mughul empire.. If we are softer than the Chinese, how were the Koreans able to defeat an army whose free standing army outnumbered Korean s by 10:1 ?? YY, you tell me how Korea has been able to persevere.... We only submitted and yielded to fellow Altai peoples and never to the Chins!!!!!!
LatinalovingKorean is right, and i'm impressed with her knowledge of ALtai peoples.. Thankyou for the historical fact made by her..
YY admits that northern chinese are actually in fact Altai peoples by genetic makeup and thus, they are of Mongol origins. Contrary to your earlier statement made of northern Chinese being related to southern chinese, we can see a contrdaiction with your facts of Y choromosome extraction of DNA makeup within the Asian group.. Northern Asians are of different genetic background, if you trace ancestral lineage tracings between southern Asians and nothern Asians. In truth, when Chinese claim Koreans of belonging to Chinese origins, they are correct... But, the chinese fail to mention that Koreans are related to Altai peoples who are occupied by the chinese government... This is accurate than what YY claims. If Korea is able to defeat China like Japan,we will witness the rebirth of Altai peoples of NORTHEREN ASIA, that is including Siberian peoples, Turks, Mongols, Manchus/Tungus, Tibetians and hopefully with Japan...
YY, I do believe you are of south Asian origins, the original chinese nation and thew builders of the great wall of china.. i have to also mention that you have a lot of time to be doing reserach on Altai/Chinese history, but the fact is that Koreans are related to northern "Chinese" by our lineage to Altai and not anything south of the great wall of china.... Face it, Korea and Japan are the most powerful Altai nations, and it is we who are standing strong against China... If Japan had been able to defeat China in numerous wars, Koreans can do the same... We killed you guys when you tried to invade Korea, but we won... Once Korea unites as one nation, we're looking to reclaim Koguryo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Korean Altai   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 23:16:39 (PST)
To: History cannot change??
Korea and Vietnam similiar?? The answer is No. They aren't similiar. They both had Chinese Influence? Yes and No. Vietnam is little China whereas Korea fought not to be China. That was the past and how does those two countryies stack up present? Vietnamese race and language, culture is heavyly Chinese Influence. Whereas Korean race and language, culture is Altaic. Its related to Turky and Mongols. Today Vietnam is communist. Korea is remain
divided but South Korea represents Korean peninsula politically and economically. So its Democratic. In sports Korea finished 4th in WorldCup KoreaJapan 2002. First Asian country to represent WorldCup and First Asian country finish fourth in WorldCup. Whereas Vietnam?? what can i say about
vietnam?? simply nothing. So can "history cannot change???" That attitude is for losers. History can change if people unite as one country. As Korea has shown to the world in WorldCup. Korea is a winner!!!! biggest
difference is Vietnam should learn from Korea. Overcoming obstacles to make history change.
Korea bostonseoul@hotmail.com   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 22:05:21 (PST)
I must say that Irena Pantaeva has every ethnic facial feature that I find displeasing in an Asian woman. I find at the most one of the classical Asian features (large cheekbones, slanted eyes, wide face) attractive, or "having character", depending on the individual -- but all three is too much.. Yuck.
AM who don' t like Irena   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 21:47:54 (PST)
"The Cantonese are the most cowardly, yet they are the most clever of the Southern Chinese. The Hakkas are the poorest, yet they are the most educated and intellectual of the Southern Chinese."
sup, bro? and the hakkas are the most stinggy.
"Wouldn't 'intermarriage' between the different Asian groups and subgroups produce children with the best of the both worlds sort of thing?"
of no concern. marry whomever you like. long live china! down with the TIers!!!
Hoklo Taiwanese   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 21:14:06 (PST)
"As you see, even the Mongols lost their earlier martial skills through leisure and comfortable living."
but the lhasan Tibetans are the weakest former warrior race. Or Chinese enslaved by Tibetans? They look so central Chinese: round head, short chin. The also fit Chinese stereotype of the submissive slaves. Even the Tang emperor who introduced Buddhism to China was aware of bad aspects in Buddhism. It's an elitarian religion which makes common folks weak.
Finally, you will need four or more Mao Tse Tungs to get a real cultural revolution. If not for yourself, then at least for Tibet.
"When later generations of emperors become so fat, lazy, licentitious and full of leisure, it is the same with the society at large."
So people need to suffer for a longer time to regain strength, i guess. China's not (yet) assiminlated to the West (pop culture!!).
"The Chinese empires (all of them) were on the same scale as Roman Empire, Arabic Caliphates and Ottoman Empire."
Have you already noticed these were all misogynist cultures? THe mother takes care about the children. But what if the mother is so civilised (or stupid) that she fails in managing everything, except for watching herself in the mirror? The child won't learn anything from her. Mongols, Turks and Tungus have better chances to learn from a hard-working mother. Don't give stupid mothers a chance. I've heard horrible tales about modern East Asian mothers, hopefully fairy-tales.
look around   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 17:30:23 (PST)
Korea never really fought the Mongols and Manchus. They often gave up without a fight, and the Mongols/Manchus did not really have a vested interest in Korea compared to China. The Koreans also paid annual tribute to Song and Ming Dynasties without conflicts. If Chinese are soft, then the Koreans were even more softer if you know the history.
But how many more Han Chinese are there compared to Coreans or any other Asians? It is one of the greatest conquest, few thousand barbarians managed to conquer all of China with millions. It still boggles my mind.
Oh, Vietnam is not an East Asian country, its part of Southeast Asian.
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 16:37:31 (PST)
Boston Seoul,
Umm North Korean anyone? Also are you insisting that the Koreas should nuke China? If you are that is one ridiculous proposal. Where are they going to nuke China? The Gobi desert??
If the nuke Beijing or any of the eastern sea ports, the radioactive cloud would probably do more damage to the koreans themselves.
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 13:31:31 (PST)
Oh and one last thing, China has been the most advanced asian nation for the longest time up until the last hundred years or so. Terrible but it'll all change once the communists are destroyed. So you're right, Chinese have no need to feel inferior to anyone. Once communism ends in China, N. Korea and Cuba will follow shortly. Good for everyone.
Anaheim Native   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 12:40:30 (PST)
China 1.2 billion people are now communist live in poverty.
My My My it seems as there are a few Koreans on this board infatuated with the poverty of China. So much so infact, that they're hardly even concerned much less going to attempt to solve the near impossible problem that is North Korea. I guess I could insult and rip on and on about how poor they are as well, but I have class and it would make me no better than you (you obviously know who you are). I've noticed that most of the Chinese on this board do not rag on the poor North Koreans as one here has claimed, just use it as a counter-example to your hypocrisy. So whenever you feel the need to insult impoverished Chinese in the mainland and make a joke out of it, just think about your 20 million Northern brothers and sisters that are also starving and suffering from poverty. Not so easy to joke about now is it? Poverty is not something to joke about, neither is communism. Atleast be thankful that not all of Korea is under communism. Best of luck and hope everything works out. Oh and congrats to South Korea in the World Cup, they did alot to boost Asian pride in the WC. Although some people here would probably only see it as Korean pride excluding all other Asians. Oh well, your problem and low self-esteem.
Anaheim Native   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 12:35:10 (PST)
The Cantonese are the most cowardly, yet they are the most clever of the Southern Chinese.
That I agree, they are also perhaps one of the wealthiest of all Chinese.
The Hakkas are the poorest, yet they are the most educated and intellectual of the Southern Chinese.
Hmm I don't know about that. Hakkas in Southeast Asian countries are pretty wealthy.
The Hoklo are the dumbest, because this is what I have noticed. But their ferocity and aggressiveness compensates their stupidity. I am not starting a conflict among the Chinese, these are my observations!
That's funny, some of the smartest Chinese I've ever met were of Hoklo descent. Oh well, guess we all have different observations
A different perspective   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 11:49:18 (PST)
According to U.S Census 2000, the number of Vietnamese living in America has reached a little more than 1 million and ranked number four after Chinese (2.4 million), Filipino (1.8 million), Asian Indian (1.6 million) but surpass the Korean (1 million) and Japanese (.8 million) among Asian American population. Vietnamese are the fastest growing in population of Asian American. The total population of Asian American makes up less than 4% of the U.S population. And sad yet, many still don’t get along like you see on this boardroom.
Compared to other Asian American counterparts, most Vietnamese in America are considered FOBS, and most are bilingual. Indeed, Vietnamese have just been around in America after the fall of Saigon in 1975. Needless to say, since Vietnamese are newcomers, they are facing the most prejudice and the least acceptance in America. (Who cares anyway. The Vietnamese survive the Vietnam War, they must survive the discrimination in America.)
Little Saigon in Santa Anna is called capital of oversea Vietnamese (population more than 250,000) and Houston, Texas is the second largest Vietnamese community in America.
The good news is, just 20 years after coming in this country, the statistic shows many Vietnamese are holding professional positions in a very short time. Many are MDs, scientists, engineers and more become educators teaching from Medical to computer network, programming in many U.S universities and colleges.
Vietnamese American   
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 10:56:02 (PST)
The constant : agarian and mercantalistic applies / fat and lazy
also. The middle kingdom relies on two strengths as mentioned, superior diplomacy and numbers. Battlefield excellence is not one of their forte. Rarely do the chinese win with superior tactical exellence or battlefield skills. Their favourite tactic is the "human wave" attack to overwhelm through superior numbers
Friday, November 15, 2002 at 10:29:27 (PST)