

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which Asian nationality possesses the most attractive physical traits?
Chinese | 27%
Corean | 23%
Filipino | 15%
Indian | 8%
Japanese | 13%
Vietnamese | 14%

Which Asian nationality possesses the most appealing personality traits?
Chinese | 31%
Corean | 16%
Filipino | 17%
Indian | 6%
Japanese | 17%
Vietnamese | 13%

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"We only submitted and yielded to fellow Altai peoples and never to the Chins!!!!!!"

Oh come on, don't kid me! How did korean succumb to the japanese? If it was not american, korean will still under the reign of japanese. In fact korea will not exist anymore as an independent entity, only as part of japan's territory.

Never to the chins? So where did the chinese korean come from? Don't tell me their ancestors had invaded china, then eventually being assimilated by chinese. Part of china's territory near the border of korea pertained to the ancient korean kingdom, but not anymore......

And what are those american army boys doing in korea? The koreans are so tough, supposedly they should be able to route themselves(Southern Korean vs Northern Korean).
JJH    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 06:53:55 (PST)    []
We only submitted and yielded to fellow Altai peoples and never to the Chins!!!!!!

***Oh,then, the koreans during those days must be real dumb. "We'll never let the Chins to take our wives away, but we're allowing our fellow Altai brothers to rape them anyway." How could the ancient koreans sacrificed their nation's freedom becoz they perceived the conquerers as their own kind?

If Korea is able to defeat China like Japan,we will witness the rebirth of Altai peoples of NORTHEREN ASIA, that is including Siberian peoples, Turks, Mongols, Manchus/Tungus, Tibetians and hopefully with Japan...

***I wonder if the Siberians and Turks and your other Altai brothers would be as enthusiastic as you are to form this so-called "altai nation". To most of your so-called Altai relations, ur just another slant eyed yellow skinned people related to the Chinese. And that does hurt you a lot,doesn't it?

Face it, Korea and Japan are the most powerful Altai nations, and it is we who are standing strong against China...

***yea right, standing strong against China and you still need to borrow its influences, culture,language and religion.Ungrateful & forgetful koreans.

If Japan had been able to defeat China in numerous wars, Koreans can do the same...

***But,history has never shown Korea had ever been able to conquer China.You ait till forever for that to happen.

We killed you guys when you tried to invade Korea, but we won... Once Korea unites as one nation, we're looking to reclaim Koguryo!!!!!!!!!!!!

***koguryo? what place on earth is that? sorry,not everybody is into korean language.but I know one thing for sure, once China awakens as the powerful dragon which once was the most powerful nation on earth,you koreans better seek shelter and refuge in some pacific islands in the ocean,coz this time,we can destroy you so bad that you'll never see your Korea ever,ever again!
hate'em boasters    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 06:51:49 (PST)    []
Korean Altai,

Instead of defeating China, you should worry more about these so-called Altaic people not being totally absorbed by the people who control and rule over them in present times. Whether in China, Russia or Iran, all the the Turkic and Mongol/Manchu peoples are fast losing their languages and identities. Half of the Kazakhs in Kazakhstan can only speak Russian. And, from what a Turkish professor has told me, the Uigurs speak their Turkic language with a heavy Chinese influence. If it wasn't for Chinese and Russians introducing modern healthcare and agricultural production to these nomadic peoples, they would have been wiped out (like the American Indians) a long time ago. Anyways, they are heavily mixed with their Russian, Chinese and Iranian overlords now. You see it in them.

Siberia is already filled with thousands of Chinese migrants. Soon, it will be Eastern Europe, esp. Yugoslavia already.
yy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 03:35:26 (PST)    []

Are you telling the Vietnamese to learn how to kick a ball in order for them to be considered high class nation. You gotta be nuts. All you Koreans keep mentioning some stupid soccer games and you guys did not even bring home the trophy.

There are more people in the USA who watched tonight's game debuting Yao Ming than they probably did all those soccer games.

Don't bad mouth Vietnamese because they are the world's 3rd largest exporter in rice. They just opened up their economy in 1986 and doing much better than North Korea, who are only willing to open up a couple ports (with obvious Chinese help and aid) to market economy. The former South Vietnam wasn't too far behind or ahead of South Korea in the 1960s in terms of economy.
yy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 02:46:17 (PST)    []
siberians, can be both european (Russian descended) or Asian (Mongol, Eskimo descended) in racial features. But, there are more and more Chinese moving there every year.
yy    Monday, November 18, 2002 at 02:39:12 (PST)    []
To wemakehistorynow,

Yes, you are correct. Kingdom of Vietnam used Chinese Han as its official language for thousand of years to the beginning of 20th century. In 14th century, some Vietnamese scholars developed a Chinese modified language for Vietnam called Nom. However, Nom was not used as official language.

After Kingdom of Vietnam was defeated in 19th century, the French with intention to erase Chinese influences in Vietnam, introduced the new modern language system for Vietnam using Roman alphabet as we see today. Many Vietnamese scholars in 19th century criticized the French, but the ruler made the rule. There are some advantages as well as disadvantages of using the modern Vietnamese language. For example, modern Vietnamese people cannot read their ancestors books written in Chinese. But it is easier to learn the new language. Despite of the change, more than 60% of words are borrowed from Chinese in modern Vietnamese language, called Han Viet.

To Korea,

You said : “Vietnam is little China whereas Korea fought not to be Chinese”.
My response: Never think that Vietnam gained independence from China without wars.
You said: In World Cup Korea-Japan 2002, whereas Vietnam?
My response: Vietnam is behind China back. Don’t you see? Unlike Korean, Vietnamese don’t have the bitterness towards Chinese people because of the battles fought thousand of years ago.
You said: “Korean wins big in World Cup”
My response: Yes, Vietnam cheers as Korea, first Asian country ever wins World Cup
You said: “Vietnam should learn from Korea”
My response: Vietnam would rather learn from Japan, economic powerhouse, from China, rising power in both militarily and economically, or from the U.S. What does Vietnam learn from Korea? Racist attitude? Hatred? Looking down upon the poor and laughing at the suffering is absolutely NOT Vietnamese philosophy. Hell No.

To Amazing,

“Oh, Vietnam is not an East Asian country, its part of Southeast Asian.”
What is wrong with Southeast Asians? Remember that Korea is not the best yet.
History can not change    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 23:21:41 (PST)    []

The Chinese never negotiates peace with nomadic barbarians, but Koryo did after only a couple battles, even at that, the Mongols still murdered and slaughtered after the peace. One Korean texts tells of Mongols hanging Korean infants by the trees. Chinese rather preserve dignity than be puppets and slaves.

When the Ming Chinese were driving out the Mongols, Koryo was still a slave of the decaying Yuan Mongols. The advance guard of the Ming (Red Turbans) had sacked their way into Korea and were pillaging towns until a Koryo general by the name of Yi usurped the throne and begged the Ming to take back their armies. Thus, Korea was again China's vassal for over 300 years under Ming. Ming could have conquered Koryo if had wanted to.
yy    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 22:19:35 (PST)    []
to YY:
here's something you should be proud for the Chinese government...

Meanwhile, the Chinese administration used the Eastern Turkestan Muslims as experimental animals in their nuclear tests. As a result of the nuclear tests, which first started in the region in 1964, local people have been infected by deadly diseases, and 20,000 handicapped children have been born. It is known that the number of Muslims who have died because of the tests is 210,000. Thousands of people have been crippled, and thousands have fallen prey to such diseases as jaundice and cancer. ...
KOREAN ALTAI    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 18:58:05 (PST)    []
"The Hoklo are the dumbest, because this is what I have noticed. But their ferocity and aggressiveness compensates their stupidity. I am not starting a conflict among the Chinese, these are my observations!"

Are you sure you're not at least trying???
cheerios    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 14:50:02 (PST)    []

LOL you really do have a low self-esteem. It's people like you give way to the idea that Koreans are the most racist of all Asians.
Anaheim Native    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 14:27:31 (PST)    []
Korean Altai: well, if you've done anything worth noting, it's establishing yourself as the Hitler of Asia. Being the most Asian of the asians, farther east of Tibet than any portion of the Eurasian mainland, you ought to keep quiet about the kinship that isn't there.

As a Chinese person, my country is unified on the basis of a shared ideal. It can be thought of as a common bond that can be seen in the written language and the goal of perpetuating our nation. This preservation can be as is or in any other form. Only the narrow-minded homogeneous lands of Korea could be so petty as to don xenophobic zealotry and condemn others on the basis of inconsequential differences. Such an approach sits fine with me. These are merely inhabitants of the tiny peninsula off the Chinese mainland who by all means can be as racist as they want.

Siberia is rather underdeveloped (Think Mongolia). The rest of Russia and the occidental world seem to treat it as Americans would an Indian Reservation. And in some respects, it all seems due and proper for a white-asian relationship. Siberia and the rest of eastern Russia is home to a variety of ethnic groups, but all whom congregate to the "mongolian" side of things. Irena Pantaeva is a clear testament to this fact.
chinatown    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 14:27:16 (PST)    []
Korean Altai,

Don't make yourself look too much like the expert you claim. LMFAO.

The northern Chinese are still mainly of Sino-Tibetan race in their male lineage (paternal genes). They along with southern Han Chinese all mainly share the Haplotype 7 genetic Y chromosome marker (as do 95% of all Han Chinese). 82% of Koreans and 45% of all Japanese have it as well. I know the Mongols only have 31% of it, and the Turks of Turkey do not even have 8%. So, there goes your ALTAIC theory in the dust.

I am from Hunan origins (in central China), but it can be considered the link between northwest China and southern China. Most Cantonese and Hakka people came from my province thousands of years ago before moving on to the south.

I have the most pure Han blood (from Han and Tang ancestry) of any Chinese people. People of Changsha (the capital of Hunan) have the same genetic
mtDNA and Y chromosomes as the people of Xian city (in northwest China where Han and Tang imperial court was formerly located).

Unlike you, I have genetic evidence to back up what I say.

Please check again the brinkster website to see that all Chinese, Tibetans, Southeast Asians, Japanese, and yes, even you KOREANS are more genetically related in paternal genes than they are to northern Asians (such as Mongols and Buryats).

You may originally been an Altaic race, but your great-grandmothers had mixed with Chinese troops and migrants.

Kija Chosun's arrival in Korea from China, Wiman Chosun's usurping King Chun's throne, Han Dynasty 400 year conquests, Tang Dynasty 35 year occupation of Koguryo and Paekche, Red Turban (Ming armies driving out Mongols) invasion of Koryo, Ming armies fighting Hideyoshi in Yi Dynasty Chosun, Ching army of Yuan Shikai fighting Japanese in Korea late 1890s, Korean War of 1950s all contributed to Chinese PATERNAL genes flowing into Korean race.

You are not Altaic in your male lineage origins and I had to tell you why. Hope the truth does not hurts even though we may be step-brothers. Maybe your ALTAIC great-grandmothers were tired of macho ALTAIC men and found the Han Chinese soldiers to be more better looking with larger eyes and thinner heads? Only DNA can tell!
yy    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 13:52:33 (PST)    []

Geographically, Vietnam is southeast asian nation. but culturally vietnam is east asian. Vietnam can be grouped either way. Vietnam isn’t the same as other southeast asian nations and anyways, it is on the eastern coast. I already mentioned this earlier so thats all I’ll say.


Umm... Read it again. I think "History cannot change" meant was that both vietnam and korea have a lot of HISTORICAL similarities. and if you think about it they do. BOTH fought not to be China. both have fought off foregin invasions and have mangaged to keep their identities. both had or is split into north and south politically. Both had a war with the north invading the south. Which reminds me, how come America doesn’t acknowledge south korea’s help during the Vietnam war? They lost some lives too. I read this interview of a south Korean Vietnam vetern, and they asked whether Koreans understood the Vietnamese better than the Americans and he responding saying yes because both Korea and Vietnam are culturally closer.

Anyways, congrats to the koreans during the world cup soccor game. I was rooting for them too. but, I’m not sure what you are talking about Vietnam should learn to overcome obstacles like Korea. I don’t think you know much about Vietnam. Vietnam did overcome many obstacles and they did unite to make history change. If they hadn’t then Vietnam would be part of China today. It’s really cool that you have Korean pride, but don’t let it blind you. I think that goes the same for the rest of us as well.
noname    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 13:38:18 (PST)    []

The Song Dynasty resisted Mongols for over 4 decades, because they could not penetrate Yangtze River and engage in naval warfare. Traitors had helped Mongols get transported in boats across the seas and due to infighting among the Song bureaucracy.

Also, it was the disgruntled Han Chinese troops of the Jurchen who deserted in large numbers over to the Mongols that enabled them to cross the Great Wall in the first place to slaughter the Jurchen Jin. It was these same Han troops who accompanied Arik Bakha (Mongol general) to fight Song later.

The Koryo king submitted after one or two battles and it was really mind boggling how after one battle the whole Korean peninsula was lost, except for Chejo island where the royal court took refuge. Well, it was like this in Europe too.

About the Manchus, there was really no REAL FIGHTS NOR INVASIONS. There was a rebellion in Ming China at that time, and a defiant border general (Wu Sanguei) had opened up the Shanhaiguan gates of the Great Wall at northeastern end to ask the Manchus in assisting him to put down the rebellion. Later, the Manchus refused to leave and defeated Wu in southern China. They did this by gaining the favor of Wu's 2 other trusted aides. Otherwise, the Manchus would have been driven out back to the Great Wall easily.
yy    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 13:34:31 (PST)    []

Please go read: Sun Tzu's "Art of War."
The USA military are still ardent students of such military tactics.

If China were to merely use larger numbers in fending off attacks, the nation and civilization itself would have perished a long time ago.

I suggest you read how Wiman (from Yen China) was able to conquer Korea without even a standing army (just perhaps 5,000 Chinese refugee troops).
Later, how Han Wudi emperor did the same.

When China is united, the infighting ceases and borders expand, as in case of Han and Tang.
yy    Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 13:24:01 (PST)    []